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Jose Marti contributed greatly to Cuba's struggle for independence from Spain with words as well as revolutionary action. Although he died before the formation of an independent republic, he has since been hailed as a heroic martyr inspiring Cuban republican traditions.
Jose Marti, Cuban national hero, was one of Latin America's most influential litereary and political figures. There is currently no introductory overview to his complex body of works. Jose Marti: An Introduction offers such an introduction to Marti's most pertinent, enduring ideas, exploring his writing on race, gender, the relationship between Cuba and the US, and issues of displacement and bilingualism. The writing is accessible on the undergraduate level, yet Montero does not oversimplify ambiguities and contradictions of Marti's work and life.
This book explores how Cuba’s famously successful and inclusive education system has formed young Cubans’ political, social, and moral identities in a country transfigured by new inequalities and moral compromises made in the name of survival. The author examines this educational experience from the perspective of those who grew up in the years of economic crisis following the fall of the Soviet Union, charting their ideals, their frustrations and their struggle to reconcile revolutionary rhetoric with twenty-first century reality.
Cuban Studies 39 includes essays on: the recent transformation of the Cuban film animation industry; the influence of the liberal agenda of Justo Rufino Barrios on Jose Mart; a profile of the music of the Special Period and its social commentary; an in-depth examination of the contents, important themes, and enormous research potential of the Miscelnea de Expedientes collection at the Cuban National Archive; and a realistic assessment on the political future of Cuba.
Cuban Studies has been published annually by the University of Pittsburgh Press since 1985. Founded in 1970, it is the preeminent journal for scholarly work on Cuba. Each volume includes articles in both English and Spanish, a large book review section, and an exhaustive compilation of recent works in the field.
Esta novela, ambientada en la turbulenta Cuba desde la post-independencia, la Revolución de Machado, la Constitución del 40, el golpe de estado de Batista, y finalmente el inicio de la Revolución Cubana, narra la vida de Josefina, madre de la autora, y cómo su relación con otras mujeres la lleva a desafiar la sociedad patriarcal. Lola, madre de Josefina y adolescente viuda de un oficial español, subsiste gracias al amor prohibido con su confesor. Minerva, la otra hija de Lola, es forzada por su marido a renunciar a la herencia que le dejó el cura. Gema, la mejor amiga de Josefina, es la heredera del rey del Habano, y la introduce en el glamoroso mundo de la burguesía habanera de los años veinte, mientras que Marcelina, la nana, inicia a su hija, Sonia Julia de Jesús, en el mundo de los orishas afrocubanos. Estrella es una campesina a quien Josefina convierte en empresaria; y Beatriz y Emelina, ilustran, ante la mirada crítica de la protagonista, el binomio republicano de la esposa y la amante. Josefina se propone un destino diferente para sí misma, no supeditarse nunca a la autoridad masculina. Para lograrlo, se apoya en un diálogo permanente con el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, que comienza siempre con la misma pregunta: «Dime alma mía, ¿qué mal te aqueja?»