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The Angels, through the messages herein included given by means of channeling, lead us to understand the sense of life, the reasons why things happen around us, the sense of difficulty and pain. They help us to express our 'Power of Being', the 'Power of the Soul' that allows to overcome any difficulties, any obstacle, going beyond the limits of the body. They suggest us how to live our daily life, being it the best 'School'. With Them next to us, life becomes a magic adventure, a game for our inner Child. The book is part of the following series of books containing the channeling given by the Angels. Through these messages, the Angels help us to cross the Path to live in harmony and peace with ourselves and the others, and to have a simple and joyful heart, the heart of a happy child. These books can help you in a Path of growth and development. 1 st book: Your hand in Mine (2 nd edition) 2 nd book: I am beside you 3 rd book: Heal yourself and help heal 4 th book: Helping with Light and Love
We Walk Beside You opens the door to the breathtaking world of animal consciousness and what animals really understand about Life - and us. Through the vehicle of telepathy, the animals step forward to reveal what they want humans to finally know so that we may move through life with more love, sense of purpose, joy and understanding..
In Beside You in Time Elizabeth Freeman expands biopolitical and queer theory by outlining a temporal view of the long nineteenth century. Drawing on Foucauldian notions of discipline as a regime that yoked the human body to time, Freeman shows how time became a social and sensory means by which people assembled into groups in ways that resisted disciplinary forces. She tracks temporalized bodies across many entangled regimes—religion, secularity, race, historiography, health, and sexuality—and examines how those bodies act in relation to those regimes. In analyses of the use of rhythmic dance by the Shakers; African American slave narratives; literature by Mark Twain, Pauline Hopkins, Herman Melville, and others; and how Catholic sacraments conjoined people across historical boundaries, Freeman makes the case for the body as an instrument of what she calls queer hypersociality. As a mode of being in which bodies are connected to others and their histories across and throughout time, queer hypersociality, Freeman contends, provides the means for subjugated bodies to escape disciplinary regimes of time and to create new social worlds.
A story about two strangers who meet each other in their dreams. [Volume 1]
New age poetry that enlightens and provides a light upon the spiritual path in which we walk and shines on the hearts of those who share their hearts with others. This poetry is spreading the light of truth in the hearts of the reader. Read this poetry and awaken to the new light of wisdom!
Reproduction of the original.
God Calling presents the wisdom of Christianity in a daily devotional full of the time-tested words of counsel, comfort, encouragement, and wisdom that have inspired countless believers throughout the years. “What man calls conversion is often only the discovery of the Great Friend. What man calls religion is the knowledge of the Great Friend. What man calls holiness is the imitation of the Great Friend.” The words of that Great Friend are given daily presence in God Calling—made easily available for all, to ease and simplify the chaos and pain of our tension-filled world. Includes devotional pages—with space to record your own messages of faith.
En 1975, du jour au lendemain jai t arrache de ma chre mre cause de la guerre des Khmers rouges. Cette perte de ltre cher ma plonge dans une telle souffrance, un tel vide que je me croyais morte vivante. Ce qui me conservait en vie tait lespoir de revoir pour une dernire fois ma mre, vu qui ne sest jamais ralis. Cela ma pris des annes avant de pouvoir lui dire adieu. Le 17 avril 1975, la punition des habitants de Phnom-Penh fut la fin de cette ville telle que nous lavions connue, par les Khmers rouges, ville que jaurais aim connatre davantage. Cette troupe de jeunes paysans arms jusquaux dents, des garons peine sortis de ladolescence, a rpandu la terreur travers la ville de Phnom-Penh, avec leur air arrogant et prtentieux, tout comme si le monde entier leur appartenait. Vtus de leurs habit, ressemblant des corbeaux, ont fait en sorte que je ne peux voir ces animaux sans aussitt penses ces Khmers rouges qui me terrifient encore. Leur bandeau rouge sang sur le front avait de quoi faire frmir jusquaux os et leurs yeux affichant leur identit de monstre, de tueur, sans aucune piti pour leurs semblables. Leurs camps de concentration furent une des pisodes les plus sanglantes du XXe sicle. Ces jeunes Khmers rouges, forms pour mpriser les gens de la ville comme si nous tions des criminels dangereux. Ils nous dtestaient, nous qui vivions dans les villes, car nous tions la raison de leur pauvret; nous mprisants, nous devions donc tre limins. Ce fut leur tour de nous maltraiter afin de se venger de nous. Ces ides fausses, implantes dans leurs esprits par les chefs Khmers rouges, leur ont permis de nous torturer et de tuer dans aucune piti et remord. Le 17 avril 1975, les Khmers rouges prennent le pouvoir et entrent Phnom-Penh. La capitale fut vide de tous des habitants en moins de 48 heures. Les soldats rouges passrent de porte en porte pour faire sortir les gens en disant : Vous ne partez que pour quelques minutes, inutile dapporter des bagages Ma famille et moi furent dplacs, tout comme la population Khmer, vers la campagne. ce moment le Cambodge sombre dans une guerre terrible o les Khmers rouges ont transform le pays en un vaste camp de concentration, un camp de la mort. Les Khmers rouges ont anantis les lites en les exterminant. Cet immense gnocide a fait disparatre le plus grande partie de la population Cambodgienne. Dans cette foule de dports jtais l, impuissante face cette guerre dans piti. Le quotidien du camp de la mort tait fait de torture, dhumiliation, dexcutions sommaires, de famine provoque et de terreur. Longue liste pour mes quatre annes passes sous le rgime de Pol Pot. Jtais perdue dans cet enfer, dans un face face constant avec la mort; mais mon heure ntait pas au rendez-vous. Mais plusieurs dautres nont pas eu cette chance car des millions de Khmers ont perdus la vie en moins de quatre annes sous ce rgime de Pol Pot qui voulait instaurer le communisme rural et la terreur. Il faut respecter langhar. (sorte de dieu), sinon cest la mort qui nous attendait et elle tait trs proche : notre porte et parfois mme attendait avec impatience. Pol Pot : ce nom seul terrifie le peuple khmer. Il vole le pouvoir de Dieu sur la vie et la mort de millions de khmers. Avoir un langage trop correcte ou porter des lunettes, font de ces personnes des criminelles quil faut liminer. Ces gens instruits, il vaut mieux les liminer : vaut mieux liminer un innocent que de garder un ennemi. Des vrais psychopathes qui prenaient plaisir torturer les gens afin de se donner de limportance ou pour se sentir plus vivants. Les slogans des Khmers rouges taient : Vous devez vous pier les uns les autres Vous garder ne rapporte rien; vous dtruire nest pas une perte! Celui qui proteste est un ennemi. Sil soppose, il devient un cadavre Mieux vaut tuer un innocent que de garder en vie un ennemi Ces slogans constituaient les lignes de conduite des Khmers rouges et cest partir de cela quils nous traitaient.
Written in the high art style of prophetic witness, The Scroll of Anatiya reveals a new kind of biblical heroine who is fiercely passionate and sensual. In this first-person, honest, and vulnerable account of an orphaned, passion-driven disciple of Jeremiah--perhaps a prophetess in her own right--Anatiya reveals herself to be a rare window into an incredible world and a beautiful mind. Out of a century of war, wrath, starvation, and exile, Anatiya's epic love poem unleashes a timeless theology of love. In this unique work, the contemporary imagination of Rabbi Zoe Klein meshes seamlessly with the world of Jeremiah in an unforgettable story of passion, poetry, and love.
This sacred romance between two lovers fills the pages of an English housewife's on-going diary, continuing on from Marina de Nadous' previous books; The Celestial Sea, Dry Dock and Setting Sail. Calm Waters & No Horizon continue the tale of Mouse and her lover, Adrian, who find themselves embracing an illicit but powerful connection they cannot deny. Continuing their journey of self-discovery, they plead for understanding from those who have become entangled in their moral dilemma. Set against the beautiful backdrop of coastal New Zealand, Mouse and Adrian record their lengthy correspondence, which details an intense, spiritual passion and magical connection. Mouse struggles as to which parts of her romance to share with the blank pages of her diary and she begins to realise that even the smallest details have consequences. The reader accompanies the protagonists' every move and thought, following the deep intimacy and magical parallel Mouse and Adrian share within the hurly burly of domestic life. Mouse's diary draws on her thoughts about emigration, a mother's domestic world, family life, intimacy and adventure. The ultimate escape from the trials of everyday life, Calm Waters & No Horizon are thought-provoking, deeply poetic and will appeal to readers who enjoy romance, spiritual possibility and sacred love.