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Simplicity: the sure path to God The saints assure us that simplicity is the virtue most likely to draw us closer to God and make us more like Him. Relying on the words of Jesus and the lives of the saints, Fr. Plus maps out a sure path to the simplicity which Jesus praised, a simplicity that bestows on all of us who seek it: happiness, courage, and inner peace, no matter how complicated our circumstances may be or how crowded our days.
"Embrace the present moment as an ever-flowing source of holiness." --Jean Pierre de Caussade, from Chapter Three Seeing God in every moment--is it possible? Does God really "walk among the pots and pans," as Saint Teresa of Avila once said? Do we ignore the seemingly forgettable moments of life to our own spiritual peril? Mother Teresa, Dorothy Day, and Therese of Lisieux started small and stayed small, even though their works and heroism have since earned them worldwide acclaim. Holy Simplicity reveals how these three modern Catholic women found holiness in letting God's love flow into the most ordinary tasks--Mother Teresa and Dorothy Day among the poor and Therese within the confines of the cloister. Their stories will inspire you to seek God in the challenges of ordinary life, a little way to holiness that, as Dorothy Day pointed out, unleashes forces "that help to overcome evil in the world."
The doctrine of divine simplicity has long played a crucial role in Western Christianity's understanding of God. It claimed that by denying that God is composed of parts Christians are able to account for his absolute self-sufficiency and his ultimate sufficiency as the absolute Creator of the world. If God were a composite being then something other than the Godhead itself would be required to explain or account for God. If this were the case then God would not be most absolute and would not be able to adequately know or account for himself without reference to something other than himself. This book develops these arguments by examining the implications of divine simplicity for God's existence, attributes, knowledge, and will. Along the way there is extensive interaction with older writers, such as Thomas Aquinas and the Reformed scholastics, as well as more recent philosophers and theologians. An attempt is made to answer some of the currently popular criticisms of divine simplicity and to reassert the vital importance of continuing to confess that God is without parts, even in the modern philosophical-theological milieu.
At last — a spiritual book for Catholics who have to devote more time to making dinner and picking up the kids than to meditation and prayer! Essential (and easy) reading for busy Catholics, Strength in Simplicity shows you how to grow closer to God in the things you already do every day, without burdening you with numerous devotions or complicated methods. Author Emmanuel de Gibergues explores the virtue of simplicity — that is, having the single intention of pleasing God in all that you do. You'll learn what a difference simplicity can make for you — as it did for our Lord and our Lady. You'll come to recognize the signs of true simplicity and find out how to practice simplicity toward God and in your life's activities. Even better, you'll find the secrets of practicing simplicity within yourself — a deceptively difficult spiritual discipline that de Gibergues makes easy here. As this book helps you bring the calming and transforming virtue of simplicity into every part of your life, you'll become better able to direct all things to God and learn new ways to be attentive to His presence in your life. Don't rush through life without this saving message! “Readers will be richly rewarded with spiritual insight.” Publishers Weekly Strength in Simplicity reveals to you: True simplicity: how it isn’t willful ignorance or simple-mindednessYour intentions: are they pure? Why this could be the most important question you’ll ever answerTwo advantages of simplicity: what you’ll gain by clearing your life of complicationsHow simplicity can make you generous, courageous, and more lovingFailure: your attitude toward it may be crippling your spiritual life. Find out howThe most dreaded enemy of your soul’s progress: is it keeping you from deepening your happiness and love for God?Two indispensable qualities for beginners in the spiritual life: do you have them?And much more to help you simplify your life and come closer to God!
In the twenty years since its publication, Celebration of Discipline has helped over a million seekers discover a richer spiritual life infused with joy, peace, and a deeper understanding of God. For this special twentieth anniversary edition, Richard J. Foster has added an introduction, in which he shares the story of how this beloved and enduring spiritual guidebook came to be. Hailed by many as the best modern book on Christian spirituality, Celebration of Discipline explores the "classic Disciplines," or central spiritual practices, of the Christian faith. Along the way, Foster shows that it is only by and through these practices that the true path to spiritual growth can be found. Dividing the Disciplines into three movements of the Spirit, Foster shows how each of these areas contribute to a balanced spiritual life. The inward Disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting, and study, offer avenues of personal examination and change. The outward Disciplines of simplicity, solitude, submission, and service, help prepare us to make the world a better place. The corporate Disciplines of confession, worship, guidance, and celebration, bring us nearer to one another and to God. Foster provides a wealth of examples demonstrating how these Disciplines can become part of our daily activities-and how they can help us shed our superficial habits and "bring the abundance of God into our lives." He offers crucial new insights on simplicity, demonstrating how the biblical view of simplicity, properly understood and applied, brings joy and balance to our inward and outward lives and "sets us free to enjoy the provision of God as a gift that can be shared with others." The discussion of celebration, often the most neglected of the Disciplines, shows its critical importance, for it stands at the heart of the way to Christ. Celebration of Discipline will help motivate Christians everywhere to embark on a journey of prayer and spiritual growth.
A Fresh Articulation of the Unity of God This volume critiques various ways divine simplicity--which suggests God's being is identical to God's attributes--has shaped Christian theology and offers a fresh articulation of the unity of God. The author proposes that the concept of divine simplicity, carried over from the Greek metaphysical tradition, was heedlessly incorporated into the language of Christian trinitarian theology during the patristic period. He identifies numerous problems that have resulted from its retention in postpatristic Christian dogmatics, arguing that uncritical use of the concept renders the biblical God inexpressible and unknowable. This major contribution to contemporary trinitarian dogmatics also contains a unique approach to the problem of Christian-Muslim relations.
Wilson uses John 4:24 to explain in detail how Christ instituted worship in a simple manner, in spirit and truth. He will show, with all the power and effect of a biblical sledgehammer, that anything outside of what Christ has instituted should be considered idolatry, and should be cast out of the church. Wilson covers what worship is, what it means to worship God in both spirit and truth, and how this is the Christian’s duty to do so. He gives various cautions against false worship, or worshiping God as an idolater, the application of worshipping in spirit and truth, as well as obstacles that often hinder Christians when they should be worshipping God in such a holy and simple manner. In opposition to such God-centered worship, he says that carnal men with carnal minds cannot, and do not, worship God as God prescribes. God would have us to stand in a close union to him in worship, and with one another, so he would also have us to stand at the utmost distance from idolaters. It is not for us to set down ways of worship, but to observe the way that God, in his word, has already set down on our behalf. Wilson pushes the professing Christian to comply with what God has set down and instructed in his word. Worship is not about taste or preference. It is about bowing to Christ and kissing the Son, rendering to him the worship that should be answerable to his being and glory, lest he becomes angry and we perish in the way. This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.
The social values of upper-class Christians in Late Antiquity often contrasted with the modest backgrounds of their religion's founders – the apostles – and the virtues they exemplified. Drawing on examples from the Cappadocian Fathers, John Chrysostom, and other late antique authors, this book examines attitudes toward the apostles' status as manual workers and their virtues of simplicity and humility. Due to the strong connection between these traits and low socioeconomic status, late antique bishops often allowed their own high standing to influence how they understood these matters. The virtues of simplicity and humility had been a natural fit for tentmakers and fishermen, but posed a significant challenge to Christians born into the elite and trained in prestigious schools. This volume examines the socioeconomic implications of Christianity in the Roman Empire by considering how the first wave of powerful, upper-class church leaders interpreted the socially radical elements of their religion.
My objective is to make people aware that this pious bunch of religious leaders today is no better today than those of the religious system in the days of Jesus. In the days of Jesus, they had many more commandments than listed in the Torah. Today there are 613 commandments. To read them, go to www.Judaism101: a list of the 613 mitzvot (commandments). You will find their list of commandments for thirty-four subjects, three times more subjects than commandments. According to the 2008 Census, in America there are 314 denominations and they're broke out into classes. Twenty-eight have the largest membership. Thirty-five are Christian religious denominations (makes you wonder what the twenty-eight are). One hundred twenty-four are "other religions" and one hundred twenty-seven are "new age religions." If each of these groups had only two of their self-appointed commandments that would give us "628," I can almost guarantee they have more than just two. In Mark 10:17, the rich man asked Jesus, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus replied, "Keep the commandments." He was referring to those listed in the Torah, not man-made. God made it so simple to serve him. Only man has defiled the system he gave us!-hence "the thieves of simplicity."
Few people have ever seen or heard of The Spirit of Simplicity: it has been hidden for almost seventy years after quietly being published by the Abbey of Gethsemani in 1948. Anonymously translated and annotated by a young monk named Thomas Merton, the book’s author—who also is not mentioned by name in the original edition—is Jean-Baptiste Chautard, the famous French Cistercian whose only other book, The Soul of the Apostolate, has been a favorite of modern saints and popes, including Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Every generation struggles with the question of simplicity. In the history of our faith, there have been no more eloquent voices calling us back to simplicity than the monks of the Cistercian Order, from Bernard of Clairvaux to Chautard to Merton—all of whom contribute to this powerful book. Merton surrounds Chautard’s text with his own remarks on simplicity, translations of classic texts by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, and commentary that allows readers to pursue the themes of simplicity in their own lives. "Only a very inadequate idea of exterior simplicity can be arrived at if we do not trace it back to its true source: interior simplicity. Without this, our resolution to practice exterior simplicity would be without light, without love …," Chautard wrote at the beginning of the book. He is writing to his fellow Cistercians, but he might as well be speaking to twenty-first century Christians. He goes on to lay out the best disciplines that a monk—or anyone—might practice to find the elusive simplicity, with quotations from St. Benedict, St. Bernard, and other pillars of monastic life and spirituality. A dozen photographs of Cistercian architecture illustrate how principles of simplicity are incorporated into Cistercian daily life. In Part 2, Merton opens up the teachings of St. Bernard, a great mystic and doctor of the Church, offering excerpts from St. Bernard’s writings on the original simplicity in the Garden of Eden, the difficulty of intellectual simplicity, the simplicity of the will (obedience), and other kindred topics. Merton also offers personal reflections from the perspective of one who had recently exchanged an active life in pursuit of worldly things for the solitude of a monk.