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Después de la publicación del primer tomo de la Historia de la sexualidad -dice Michel Foucault- "recentré todo mi estudio en la genealogía del hombre de deseo, desde la Antigüedad clásica hasta los primeros siglos del cristianismo. Seguí una distribución cronológica simple: un primer volumen, El uso de los placeres, está consagrado a la forma en que la actividad sexual ha sido problematizada por los filósofos y los médicos, en la cultura griega clásica del siglo IV a c.; La inquietud de sí está consagrado a esta problematización en los textos griegos y latinos de los dos primeros siglos de nuestra era; finalmente, Los testimonios de la carne trata de la formación de la doctrina y de la pastoral de la carne. En cuanto a los documentos que habré de utilizar, en gran parte serán textos 'prescriptivos'; por ello quiero decir textos que, sea cual fuere su forma (discurso, diálogo, tratado, compilación de preceptos, cartas, etc.), su objeto principal es proponer reglas de conducta. Sólo me dirigiré a los textos teóricos sobre la doctrina del placer o de las pasiones con el fin de hallar en ellos mayor claridad. El dominio que analizaré está constituido por textos que pretenden dar reglas, opiniones, consejos para comportarse como se debe: textos 'prácticos', que en sí mismos son objeto de 'práctica' en la medida en que están hechos para ser leídos, aprendidos, meditados, utilizados, puestos a prueba y en que buscan constituir finalmente el armazón de la conducta diaria. Estos textos tienen como función ser operadores que permitan a los individuos interrogarse sobre su propia conducta, velar por ella, formarla y darse forma a sí mismos como su jetos éticos; revelan en suma una función 'eto-poética', para transponer una palabra que se encuentra en Plutarco.
Abordar la sexualidad como experiencia históricamente singular requiere desentrañar los saberes que a ella se refieren , bucear en los sistemas de poder que regulan su práctica y, sobre todo, comprender las formas según las cuales los individuos se conciben y se declaran como sujetos de esa sexualidad. La historia de la sexualidad, el proyecto más ambicioso en la obra de Michel Foucault -del que sólo alcanzó a publicar los primeros tres volúmenes-, es una deslumbrante e iconoclasta exploración de los juegos de verdad mediante los cuales el ser humano se ha reconocido como hombre de deseo. Su primer volumen, La voluntad de saber, está consagrado a definir el régimen de poder-saber-placer que sostiene el discurso sobre la sexualidad humana y a mostrar que, más que a través de la represión del sexo, el poder opera mediante la producción discursiva de la sexualidad y de los sujetos de "naturaleza sexual". El punto esencial no es saber si al sexo se le dice sí o no, si se castigan o no las palabras que lo designan, sino determinar en qué formas, a través de qué canales, deslizándose a lo largo de qué discursos llega el poder hasta las conductas más tenues y más individuales, qué caminos le permiten alcanzar las formas infrecuentes o apenas perceptibles del deseo, cómo infiltra y controla el placer cotidiano. No pretendo afirmar que la prohibición del sexo sea un engaño, sino que lo es convertirla en el elemento fundamental y constituyente a partir del cual se podría escribir la historia de lo que ha sido dicho a propósito del sexo en la época moderna.
This unique, timely book of original essays sets the stage for a new materialist feminist debate on the analysis, ethics and politics of love. The contributors raise questions about social power and domination, situating their research in a materialist feminist perspective that investigates love historically, in order to understand changing ideologies, representations and practices. The essays range from studies of particular representations and examples of love - feminist translation, mass media images and internet love blogs - to feminist theories of love and marriage, to ethical and political theories describing, critiquing or advocating the use of love in groups as a radical force. They break new ground in bringing together questions of gendered interests in love, temporal dimensions of loving practices and the politics of love in radical transformations of society.
This volume explores the use and relevance of qualitative methods for the study of quality of life. It analyzes the role of qualitative researcher and the role of the context and the culture in quality of life studies. It presents the use of qualitative methods in real projects carried out in specific fields: geography, health, community studies, labor life and yoga. Finally, the book proposes the use of mixed methods that are considered as the third methodological approach in social research. The main purpose of using qualitative methods is to understand what it means for participants to be involved in certain events, situations and actions. Such methods help understand the context in which participants act and the influence of that context on their actions. The decision to use a particular methodology implies a philosophic, theoretical and political decision. Qualitative methodology constitutes an approach that is essential for understanding people’s experiences of well-being and discovering new issues related to quality of life.
In Environmental Education: Identity, Politics and Citizenship the editors endeavor to present views of environmental educators that focus on issues of identity and subjectivity, and how 'narrated lives’ relate to questions of learning, education, politics, justice, and citizenship.
Reflecting on some of Brazil’s foremost challenges, this book considers the porous relationship between legality and illegality in a country that presages political and societal changes in hitherto unprecedented dimensions. It brings together work by established scholars from Brazil, Europe and the United States to think through how (il)legalities are produced and represented at the level of institutions, (daily) practice and culture. Through a transdisciplinary approach, the chapters cover issues including informal work practices (e.g. street vendors), urban squatter movements and migration. Alongside social practices, the volume features close analyses of cultural practices and cultural production, including migrant literature, punk music and indigenous art. The question of (il)legalities resonates beyond Brazil’s borders, as concepts such as "lawfare" have crept into vocabularies, and countries the world over grapple with issues like state interference, fake news and the definition of "illegal" migration. This is valuable reading for scholars in Brazilian and Latin American Studies, as well as those working in literary and cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, geography and political science.
Whilst the politics of reproduction have been at the heart of feminist struggles for over a century and a half, their analysis has not yet come to occupy a central place in the interdisciplinary study of citizenship. This volume takes up the challenge posed by Bryan Turner, when he noted "the absence of any systematic thinking about familial relations, reproduction and citizenship" (2008), and offers the first major global collection of work exploring this nexus of practices and political contestations. The book brings together citizenship scholars from across Europe, the Americas, and Australia to develop feminist and queer analyses of the relationship between citizenship and reproduction, and to explore the ways in which citizenship is reproduced. Extending the foundational work of feminist political theorists and sociologists who have interrogated the public/private dichotomy on which traditional civic republican and liberal understandings of citizenship rest, the contributors examine the biological, sexual, and technological realities of natality, and the social realities of the intimate intergenerational material and affective labour that are generative of citizens, and that serve to reproduce membership of, and belonging to, states, nations, societies, and thus of "citizenship" itself. This book was published as a special issue of Citizenship Studies.
The Taste for Knowledge: Medical Anthropology Facing Medical Realities demonstrates how medical anthropology is becoming increasingly important in the fields of medical research and public health. The authors examine some of the major issues in medical anthropology today. In this volume, a group of international researchers reflect, for example, on: the way anthropology faces and deals with interdisciplinarity in its encounter with medicine and doctors; the new medical realities and patient strategies that exist in changing medical systems; and the interactions between practice, power and science. The book will appeal to clinicians/practitioners, anthropologists in general, and all those engaged in the interface between medicine and anthropology, but will also be a valuable tool for students of medicine and anthropology who have a special interest in the social realities and interdisciplinarity of health and illness.