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Everyone who has ever imagined owning a horse has experienced an "equestrian dream" of their own. They have pictured finding the perfect, beautiful animal, who would become their partner, anticipating their every request, enabling their rider to approach centaur status. However, what many people discover once they have selected and brought a horse home is that they are a long way from understanding what makes their new horse tick, let alone being able to form the kind of bond that would lead to a safe and enjoyable riding experience. In the words of foundational horseman Ray Hunt, “Horses don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” In other words, you could have an encyclopedic knowledge of horses, but until you spend enough time in front of the horse you now own, you’ll never learn the important aspects of forming a good bond. These include understanding a horse’s hierarchy of needs, being able to read your horse’s temperament and spirit level, and being prepared to match your horse’s energy in order to convince them of your leadership skills. Chapters deal with recognizing and working with horse’s thresholds--situations where a horse’s warning system is overloaded and he is feeling the need to respond with a fight or flight response—-as well as explaining how a horse’s physical health and a rider’s confidence can all play a role in developing a horse-human bond. Author Jackson explains that the quickest way to draw a horse closer is to present yourself as the “beneficent and omnipotent source of supply,” or the B.O.S.S., which needn’t lead to bullying or abusive behavior. The horse owner simply needs to be seen as the-one-with-the-good-ideas. Since horses are born followers, who rely on a savvy leader for survival in the wild, they are biologically wired to go looking for this kind of leadership, especially when they feel threatened in a strange new environment. Convincing a horse that you can keep them safe—that you’ve “got their back” is a major key to helping them to trust in your leadership. The author uses examples of mistakes she’s made along the way to developing bonds with her own horses in hopes that readers will learn to avoid common traps and pitfalls. Strangely, learning a more natural and horse-centered way of being with an equine can have the added benefit of developing good people leadership skills, along with a greater understanding and appreciation of all species.
A theologically grounded treatment of what it means to be close to God Numerous Christian books aim to provide guidance on relationships with God, but few base their conclusions on a biblical theology of intimacy. In this volume, Tim Anderson develops a biblical and holistic portrait of nearness to God, exploring key themes like God's Trinitarian union, the fall, God's fatherhood, marriage imagery, suffering, and our relationship with the Holy Spirit. A concluding chapter examines contemporary Christian songs that address oneness with God and evaluates their theological messages in light of the previous chapters. Into His Presence is a helpful guide for pursuing intimacy with God and distinguishing contemporary cultural understandings of close relationships from those communicated in Scripture.
4 Stars out of 5 on Amazon!When Joe Camp, bestselling author of The Soul of a Horse - Life Lessons from The Herd, and his wife Kathleen were first starting with horses less than five years ago they dove deeply into the training books and DVDs of several of the top clinicians in the United States. They owned virtually everything ever written or videoed by Monty Roberts, Clinton Anderson, and the Pat Parelli and they were bouncing back and forth from one to the other testing what worked best with their horses. But Joe was longing for a compressed, congealed, shuffled together guide to the basics. Not just what works best but why. Now he has one. He wrote it. And now it's yours. A book of the good stuff crammed with everything Joe & Kathleen have learned about relationship and leadership. And why it all works. Including an entire chapter on fear. This book can change your relationship with your horse and teach you to trust yourself to trust yourself, and the stories you love and the information you need will always be with you.What Readers and Critics Are Saying About Joe Camp"Joe Camp is a master storyteller." The New York Times"Joe Camp is a gifted storyteller and the results are magical. Joe entertains, educates and empowers, baring his own soul while articulating keystone principles of a modern revolution in horsemanship." Rick Lamb, Author and TV/Radio host "The Horse Show""This book is fantastic It has given me shivers, made me laugh and cry, and I just can't seem to put it down!" Cheryl Pannier, WHO Radio AM 1040 Des Moines"One cannot help but be touched by Camp's love and sympathy for animals and by his eloquence on the subject." Michae Korda The Washington Post"Joe Camp is a natural when it comes to understanding how animals tick and a genius at telling us their story. His books are must-reads for those who love animals of any species." Monty Roberts, Author of New York Times Best-seller The Man Who Listens to Horses"Camp has become something of a master at telling us what can be learned from animals, in this case specifically horses, without making us realize we have been educated, and, that is, perhaps, the mark of a real teacher. The tightly written, simply designed, and powerfully drawn chapters often read like short stories that flow from the heart." Jack L. Kennedy, The Joplin Independent"This book is absolutely fabulous! An amazing, amazing book. You're going to love it." Janet Parshall's America"Joe speaks a clear and simple truth that grabs hold of your heart." Yvonne Welz, Editor, The Horses Hoof Magazine"I wish you could hear my excitement for Joe Camp's new book. It is unique, powerful, needed." Dr. Marty Becker, best-selling author of several Chicken Soup for the Soul books and popular veterinary contributor to ABC's Good Morning America"I got my book yesterday and hold Joe Camp responsible for my bloodshot eyes. I couldn't put it down and morning came early!!! Joe transports me into his words. I feel like I am right there sharing his experiences. And his love for not just horses, but all of God's critters pours out from every page." Ruth Swander - Reader"I love this book! It is so hard to put it down. I don't want it to end! Every person who loves an animal must have this book. I can't wait for the next one !!!!!!!!!" Nina Black Reid - Reader"LOVE the new book... reading it was such an emotional journey. Joe Camp is a gifted writer." MaryKay Thul Longacre - Reader"I simply love the way Joe Camp writes. He stirs my soul. This is a must read book for everyone." Debbie K - Reader"The Soul of a Horse Blogged is insightful, enlightening, emotionally charged, hilarious, packed with wonderfully candid photography, and is masterfully woven by a consummate storyteller. Wonderful reading!" Harry H. MacDonald - Reader
Devoted Christ-follower and classic author J. Oswald Sanders shares how you can enjoy a satisfying relationship with God. Highlighting Scripture and sharing stories, Sanders explains how it is your joy and responsibility to cultivate an ongoing relationship with your heavenly Father. You'll receive the tools and encouragement you need to walk in the Spirit and satisfy the deepest longing of your heart—intimacy with God.
Filled with insight and practical advice, this resource offers sound wisdom on the way that centering prayer can deepen one's intimacy with God.
The Pursuit of God is a series of sermons by A.W. Tozer. They focus on fighting and staying clear from Satan while opening hearts and minds to the saving force of God.
With clarity and depth characteristic of the classics, this spiritual bestseller from the author of The Return of the Prodigal Son lays out a perceptive and insightful plan for the spiritual life and achieving the ultimate goal of that life—union with God. “One of the world’s greatest spiritual writers.”—Christianity Today Henri Nouwen views our spiritual “ascent” as evolving in three movements: The first, from loneliness to solitude, focuses on the spiritual life as it relates to the experience of our own selves. The second, from hostility to hospitality, explores our spiritual life as a life for others. The final movement, from illusion to prayer, offers penetrating thoughts on the most mysterious relationship of all: our relationship with God. Throughout, Nouwen emphasizes that the more we understand (and not simply deny) our inner struggles, the more we will be able to embrace a prayerful and genuine life that is also open to others’ needs. Reaching Out is a rich book to be read, reread, pondered, and shared. It “does not offer answers or solutions,” Nouwen cautions, “but is written in the conviction that the quest for an authentic Christian spirituality is worth the effort and the pain, since in the midst of this quest we can find signs offering hope, courage, and confidence.”
Steve Wilkens and Mark Sanford show how to detect the individualism, consumerism, nationalism, moral relativism, scientific naturalism, New Age thinking, postmodern tribalism and salvation as therapy that fly under our radar. Building on the work of worldview thinkers like James Sire, this book helps those committed to the gospel story recognize those rival cultural stories that compete for our hearts and minds.