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Explains that he has received some of the paperwork regarding Webber's business dealings with Mr. [Samuel] Ogden, but has not received all of the paperwork necessary. Adds that a packet will sail in an hour containing paperwork for Webber, including a release signed by Thomas Compson and a sum of money. Discusses various business arrangements between Ogden and Webber.
No signature, but otherwise a copy of GLC02437.04317.
Attaches an earlier letter he wrote to Knox, in May 1789 (refer to GLC02437.04193 and GLC02437.04194). Declares that he does not have much to add to the earlier letter's content, but stresses the importance of Knox concluding their business with Mr. [Samuel] Ogden as soon as possible. Writes that he is being seriously inconvenienced by the debt Ogden owes.
Discusses business and asks Knox to talk with Mr. [Samuel] Ogden to settle an account.
Later copy prepared by Townsend Ward of Philadelphia in December 1857. Includes letters and information pertaining to Mr. [likely James] Webber, and asks Ogden to provide his information as soon as possible so he can write to Mr. Webber (likely referring to business dealings between Ogden and Webber). Also discusses the severe illness of his youngest child, who apparently contracted violent dysentery on 28 June and was on the brink of death several days later. Relates that he and Mrs. Knox brought the boy to the Hook, which seems to have helped, and the boy might yet live; adds that they plan to repeat the experiment to morrow. See GLC02437.04277 for the original of this letter.
Marked copy. Thanks him for his last letter. Discusses financial matters, specifically the receipt of a bill of exchange worth 250 pounds from the Compsons [brothers Thomas and Joseph] and whether or not it shall be paid. Also sends his compliments to Knox's brother William, and declares he plans to write William by the next packet. Adds that he hopes soon to be able to close business with Mr. [Samuel] Ogden. Copy of GLC02437.04194.
Has only just received his letter, so sent a Jacob Tuthill to Booneton [Boonton, NJ] as quickly as possible to make sure Knox got the necessary paperwork on time (likely referring to paperwork Knox asked for regarding Ogden's business with James Webber; see GLC02437.04277). Extends his congratulations on the recovery of Knox's youngest son, and comments that his own family is healthy and happy. Encourages Mrs. Knox to bring the children out to visit them and enjoy the fresh air. Written at Delaware Works, located in what is now Morrisville, Pennsylvania, near Trenton, New Jersey.
Received his last letter. Mentions that he is chagrined at the delays of Samuel Ogden in making payments. Understands how awkward this makes Webber's situation, and hopes it will be rectified soon.
Informs Webber of Mr. Pritchard's arrival, and promises to render him every assistance. Discusses Samuel Ogden's lack of success in paying William Knox so far, noting that Ogden will be pressing the persons to whom he has credited the goods. Notes that Ogden has closed his mercantile in New York and has purchased and built several mills on the Delaware River near Trenton. (Writes that Ogden purchased the mills with his brother in law, Gouverneur Morris, and Robert Morris, but this information is struck). Discusses more financial business and includes a list of items from Broome & Platt, a commercial firm. Docketed to James Webber, Cheapside, London.