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Unsigned, but handwriting suggests the author is Henry Knox. No addressee listed. Asks the addressee for any information on German settlers who might have a claim on Waldo patent lands, including evidence and details of their situations. Hopes to settle the business as soon as possible.
Writes that after he received the addressee's letter, he wrote to his friend General [Henry] Jackson for advice. Relates the advice Jackson provided, which pertains to land and finances.
Discusses the Constitution of the United States. Declares, But a candid examination of [the Constitution], will most probably produce a conviction that it is one of the best models of a republican government ever presented to the sons of men. Comments on different groups' opposition to the Constitution, noting that the southern states will oppose it because they think it will support the commercial interest of the north. Remarks that the Constitution will affect the projects of the paper money... Notes that America is seen with contempt abroad. Of the current government writes, The present ship is unfit to encounter the riding storm, it will not answer even for the smooth surface of peace- it must sink- let us then embark on board the new ship offered by the united [wisdom] of our country. Notes that, every thing depends on Massachusetts to set an example (by adopting the Constitution). Relates that Pennsylvania is the only state whose Legislature is in session, and they will soon set a date for their state ratification convention to be called. Date inferred based on Knox's reference to the unanimous adoption by Congress on Friday of the 28 September 1787 Resolution calling for state conventions to consider the Constitution.
Mentions financial business involving the recipient and Mr. Jarvis. Discusses in detail the terms of payment for the land deal based on his conversation with Jarvis. Notes his disappointment over the sale to Mr. [William] Duer not being completed and his belief that it will likely be delayed for some time.
Thanks the recipient for sending some nuts, and two vennison hams- via Lieutenant Armstrong. Reports, The new Constitution has been adopted by ten states, and it is most probable that New York will also adopt it in such a manner as to be received into the Union- She has been more averse to the system than any other state Rhode-Island excepted. Relates that North Carolina's convention meets on the same day he writes. Says it is expected the new government will promote the happiness & prosperity of this country in a very [eminent] manner.