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[Headline, in boldface and/or small caps; do in 2 lines maximum] The healthier we are in body, mind, and culture, the more we can happily interact with the Spirit of Earth or Gaia, who needs our attention now. [Main text] Health, how to keep it, regain it, or even optimize it, concerns many today. But we usually think of health in personal terms, human terms. What about the health of the Earth? To be healthy rather than sick has planetary implications, and Healthy Gaians shows you ways of improving your health to help improve the planet's. Welcome to a diverse anthology of 70 articles on human health drawn from a journalistic career spanning 25 years. Here are bodywork, cancer, the immune system, vaccinations, eurythmy, chakras, Jungian psychology, intuition, conflict resolution, healing with art, music, sound, and color, singing to the dying, dreams, water rejuvenation, the poetics of the elements, near-death experiences, the purpose of evil, myth-living, and quantum-shamanic adventures. You'll get familiar with lots of natural health modalities such as herbalism, acupuncture, flower essences, and bionutrient fortification. And meet a stimulating group of health pioneers, such as R.D. Laing, William Irwin Thompson, Barbara Walker, Fred Alan Wolf, Robert Sardello, Caroline Myss, M.F.K. Fisher, Kyriacos Markides, and Rowena Kryder, among others. Each gives innovative ways to free ourselves from the ill-health constraints of body, mind, and culture as part of the larger process of becoming healthy Gaians-exactly what the planet needs from us. There are many ways to better health. The important thing is to start getting healthy so you can help the planet in its time of need. Then the Earth can start sending back the good health vibrations to you now you're back in the health loop. [Note: Be sure to note boldface two-line headline at top; this is 250 words but the book's format will be large and it will fit easily without crowding.
This extensively revised and expanded edition broadens the reach and depth of the permaculture approach for urban and suburban gardeners. The text's message is that working with nature, not against it, results in more beautiful, abundant, and forgiving gardens.
Unbridled capitalism has failed spectacularly to provide continuous prosperity in our modern society. We are now in danger of the common knee-jerk reaction by politicians to increase regulation and government spending to counter this. The Social Gaia offers alternative practical proposals to the one dimensional practices of libertarianism and authoritarianism. It borrows from the natural regulatory processes by which Gaia (Mother Earth) maintains control over most environmental parameters. Improved efficiencies and controls in politics, the Law, national security, finance, healthcare, education and industry are explored, together with reduced involvement in our daily lives by attorneys and government, for THERE ARE NO ATTORNEYS FOR THE LAWS OF NATURE.
Since James Lovelock's first book, Gaia, was published, much scientific work has confirmed his theory that the Earth and all living things are part of one great organism. The Ages of Gaia looks at this evidence in detail and has been updated and revised throughout in this second edition. In his discussion of scientific and environmental issues he sounds a warning of the damage man is doing to the health of the planet.
Can environmentalism evolve into a powerful social movement that transforms human practices in ways that are ecologically sustainable? Gary C. Bryner contends that it is in our self-interest as a species to ensure that environmental movements coalesce in the service of sustainability. From the very first Earth Day to the setting of Agenda 21 for the new millennium, this book traces the actors, the issues, and the institutions involved in moving environmentalism from a loose collection of fuzzy groups and goals to a new global force for change. Will the next phase of environmental action resemble the WTO protests in Seattle, the UN Kyoto Protocols, or a Think Tank inside the Washington Beltway? Gaia's Wager shows that movements play an important role between political parties and interest groups on the domestic scene and the unruly forces of globalization internationally. Only social movements can catalyze a response to the global environmental threat that has a chance of both capturing imaginations and institutionalizing progress toward environmental sustainability. Above all, Gaia's Wager bets on the confluence of big ideas and social action to yield a more hopeful environmental future.
James Lovelock described his previous book, The Revenge of Gaia, as 'a wake-up call for humanity'. Stark though it was in many respects, in The Vanishing Face of Gaia Lovelock says that even though the weather seems cooler and pollution lessens as the recession bites, the environmental problems we will face in the twenty-first century are even more terrifying than he previously realised. The Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps are melting very quickly, and water shortages and natural disasters are more common occurrences than at any time in recent history. The civilisations of many countries will be jeopardised and life as we know it severely disrupted. Almost all predictions of the likely rate of climate change have been based on estimates which professional observers in the real worldnow show are consistently underestimating the true rate of change. As a global community we continue to be fixated by conventional 'green' ideas which we believe will help save our world. Lovelock argues that only Gaia theory, which he originated over forty years ago, can really help us understand the crisis fully. The root problem is that there are too many people and animals for the Earth to carry. And there is in fact only one possible procedure which might bring a permanent cure for climate change, but we are unlikely to adopt it. 'Our wish to continue business as usual will probably prevent us from saving ourselves' says Lovelock, so we must adapt as best we can and try to ensure that enough of us survive to allow a more capable species to evolve from us. There could hardly be a more important message for humankind. James Lovelock has been an active and accurate observer of the Earth environment since the 1960s and was the first to find CFCs and other gases accumulating in the air. His Gaia theory provides insight into climate change in the coming century.This is his final warning.
The GaiaConspiracy: The Last Days of Homo rapiens is a narrative about an eclectic group of Americans on a canoe trip on the Yukon River with a guide who is a self-taught renaissance man whose mission in life is to educate his charges about the true realities of life on this little oasis in space, a counterpoint to the propaganda of the corporate media leading us into holocausts on all fronts. The adventure changes their lives, their perceptions of their country, their vision of the future, and leads them to realize that business-as-usual, playing the game within a corrupt system dominated by greed and lust for power, can only end in our last hour on this stage, and they determine to make an effort to reverse our rush into the abyss, knowing that apathy, ignorance and denial are powerful forces working against them.
Modern cities can be designed to constitute a more supportive environment for a great many activities, provide a more livable habitat, and reduce the burden imposed on the biosphere. They can be made healthier (in terms of the definition by World Health Organization) and more sustainable by means of new and emerging preventive approaches. Healthy Cities focuses on those preventive approaches that can make cities healthier and more sustainable. This book, as well as the two companion volumes, Sustainable Energy and Sustainable Production, is the result of a twelve-year research project carried out at the Center for Technology and Social Development at the University of Toronto. The research findings led to the development of a new conceptual framework and strategy aimed at converting technological and economic growth into development that would gradually become more sustainable.
Pepper Lewis is a natural intuitive, a gifted full-body channel and a recognized writer, speaker and teacher of metaphysics, who travels the world sharing Gaia's wisdom at conferences, seminars, and in personal sessions. The unique and distinctive channeled messages brought forth by Pepper have become favorites of readers all over the world. Most popular are the featured articles authored by the sentience of our planet, Mother Earth, affectionately known as Gaia, which also appear in the pages of the monthly Sedona Journal of Emergence and in these books. "Gaia has always been animated, engaging and even humorous. That being said, she is also very direct and does not diminish her words to suit a guest. She aims directly for our hearts and rarely misses. Her energy is just as you might imagine the Earth to be: youthful and ancient, strong and elemental, soft, innocent and pristine, refined but a little rough around the edges. Gaia's voice is different than my own, and her use of language is altogether her own. Most people hear a dialect but cannot place it. Everyone seems to experience her in unique and different ways---which, not surprisingly, is her intention."--- Pepper Lewis "These days there are lots of channelers around, but only one Pepper Lewis. Her process with Gaia is unique, and the profundity of her messages rings with truth and the wisdom of the ages."--- Lee Carroll, channel for Kryon The book you now hold is like a mystery that will unfold as you read it. More than a collection of pages, you will find that it is one part textbook and one part oracle. You might even wonder if it is biographical or autobiographical in nature, as the coincidental references to your own life will seem almost uncanny. How can that be? Gaia is a living/learning/teaching library of everything that is, was or might be related to the Earth. Because you are Gaian, you are also'a part of the great living library that is. Gaia; you are a library within Gaia,' one whose contents are a collection of ever-unfolding experiences. You are a lifetimes-old master storyteller, unraveling each tantalizing chapter. That ts why you cannot help but find yourself within these pages. Your purposes are made of multidimensional similes and metaphors designed to stimulate, encourage, create and resolve. As Gaia tells it, you have at least seven purposes or reasons for being. You instinctively (consciously or unconsciously) know one or more of these, but others may remain hidden for many years or even throughout your entire lives. Given this expanded view of what you are and why you are here, you can begin to see how this book might be of use to you.