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How can countries in the underdeveloped world position themselves to take best advantage of the positive economic benefits of globalization? One avenue to success is the harnessing of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the “nontraditional” forms of the high-technology and service sectors, where an educated workforce is essential and the spillover effects to other sectors are potentially very beneficial. In this book, Roy Nelson compares efforts in three Latin American countries—Brazil, Chile, and Costa Rica—to attract nontraditional FDI and analyzes the reasons for their relative success or failure. As a further comparison, he uses the successes of FDI promotion in Ireland and Singapore to help refine the analysis. His study shows that two factors, in particular, are critical. First is the government’s autonomy from special interest groups, both domestic and foreign, arising from the level of political security enjoyed by government leaders. The second factor is the government’s ability to learn about prospective investors and the inducements that are most important to them—what he calls “transnational learning capacity.” Nelson draws lessons from his analysis for how governments might develop more effective strategies for attracting nontraditional FDI.
Collecting all the results on the particular types of inequalities, the coverage of this book is unique among textbooks in the literature. The book focuses on the historical development of the Carlson inequalities and their many generalizations and variations. As well as almost all known results concerning these inequalities and all known proof techniques, a number of open questions suitable for further research are considered. Two chapters are devoted to clarifying the close connection between interpolation theory and this type of inequality. Other applications are also included, in addition to a historical note on Fritz Carlson himself.
Aid for trade can support countries trying to further benefit from the expanding global market place by helping to address poorly performing infrastructure and institutions. Needless to say, good policies also matter: trade liberalization, improving incentives for private investment in trade, and reducing the costs and improving the quality of services. Market access also matters; accordingly, a successful conclusion to the Doha Round remains a top policy objective. The paper highlights three challenges and suggests some areas for further consideration/action: making competitiveness a pillar of country growth strategies; filling the remaining gaps in trade-related assistance; and expanding the overall aid envelope and making full use of opportunity to replenish the International Development Association.
How can countries in the underdeveloped world position themselves to take best advantage of the positive economic benefits of globalization? One avenue to success is the harnessing of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the “nontraditional” forms of the high-technology and service sectors, where an educated workforce is essential and the spillover effects to other sectors are potentially very beneficial. In this book, Roy Nelson compares efforts in three Latin American countries—Brazil, Chile, and Costa Rica—to attract nontraditional FDI and analyzes the reasons for their relative success or failure. As a further comparison, he uses the successes of FDI promotion in Ireland and Singapore to help refine the analysis. His study shows that two factors, in particular, are critical. First is the government’s autonomy from special interest groups, both domestic and foreign, arising from the level of political security enjoyed by government leaders. The second factor is the government’s ability to learn about prospective investors and the inducements that are most important to them—what he calls “transnational learning capacity.” Nelson draws lessons from his analysis for how governments might develop more effective strategies for attracting nontraditional FDI.
Reviews the literature on the expanding globalization process with particular reference to the relocation of production and its potential to increasing convergence between rich and poor nations. Highlights the pathways into agriculture, manufacturing, services, financial integration, and the role of international migration. Concludes with reflections about key issues of international policy and national policies.
The rise of populism in the West and the rise of China in the East have stirred a rethinking of how democratic systems work—and how they fail. The impact of globalism and digital capitalism is forcing worldwide attention to the starker divide between the “haves” and the “have-nots,” challenging how we think about the social contract. With fierce clarity and conviction, Renovating Democracy tears down our basic structures and challenges us to conceive of an alternative framework for governance. To truly renovate our global systems, the authors argue for empowering participation without populism by integrating social networks and direct democracy into the system with new mediating institutions that complement representative government. They outline steps to reconfigure the social contract to protect workers instead of jobs, shifting from a “redistribution” after wealth to “pre-distribution” with the aim to enhance the skills and assets of those less well-off. Lastly, they argue for harnessing globalization through “positive nationalism” at home while advocating for global cooperation—specifically with a partnership with China—to create a viable rules-based world order. Thought provoking and persuasive, Renovating Democracy serves as a point of departure that deepens and expands the discourse for positive change in governance.
This open access book explores the role of the ILO (International Labour Organization) in building global social governance from multiple and mutually complementary perspectives. It explores the impact of this UN ́s oldest agency, founded in 1919, on the transforming world of work in a global setting, providing insights into the unique history and functions of the ILO as an organization and the evolution of workers’ rights through international labour standards stemming from its regulatory mechanism. The book examines the persistent dilemma of balancing the benefits of globalization with the protection of workers. It critically assesses the challenges that emerge when international labour standards are implemented and enforced in highly diverse regulatory frameworks in international, regional, national and local contexts. The book also identifies feasible ways to achieve more inclusive labour protection, putting into perspective the tension between the economic and the social in the ILO’s second century of operation. It includes reflections on the work of the ILO World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalisation by Tarja Halonen, who as President of Finland co-chaired the Commission with Benjamin William Mkapa, President of Tanzania. Written by distinguished experts and scholars in the fields of international labour law and international law, the book provides an insightful and in-depth analysis of the role of the ILO as an international organization devoted to decent work and social justice. It also sheds light on tripartism and its particular role in the work of the ILO, examining the challenges that a profoundly changing working life presents in terms of labour protection and social justice, and examining the transnational dimension of labour law. Lastly, the book includes a postscript by Nobel economics laureate Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz.
The opportunities for businesses to become global are expanding thanks to rapidly emerging product markets, the worldwide race for talent, and the widening impact of digitization. Success stories such as Airbnb Incorporated and Uber Technologies Incorporated are spurring the imaginations of new entrepreneurs while highlighting the vulnerability of many traditional businesses. In this article, author William R. Kerr, who has researched global ventures for two decades, examines subtle but critical differences in how globalization is leveraged even among organizations that seem on the surface to be quite similar (for example, businesses engaged in outsourcing). Traditional approaches to globalization start with a mindset of taking the company's best products or services to global markets and often use cross-border opportunities to lower costs (what the author describes as "globalizing the best that your company can offer"); the core focus is on how globalization can enhance existing products and profit formulas. However, other organizations, the author notes, build their businesses on top of globalization (what he calls "harnessing the best that the world has to offer"). Such businesses display a sharp external focus, harness the resources and ideas of others, and aspire to achieve a large global footprint quickly. Although the digital economy can enable these ventures, the real differentiator, the author argues, is the managerial approach taken toward the business. In addition to looking at Airbnb and Uber, the article examines the global strategies of several companies, including Upwork Global, Alvogen, Rocket Internet, and Home Essentials (HK) Limited. The article highlights best practices that can support managers in globalizing their businesses, ranging from tailoring the businesses for the local environment to leveraging global network effects. Moreover, it looks at the issue of operational complexity and how considering the trade-offs between the benefits and costs can help managers find the optimal global footprint for their organization. In the author's view, the rapidly evolving nature of globalization means that neither entrepreneurs nor managers can ever fully analyze a global business before they need to act. However, through a simple analysis of globalization plans along these dimensions, entrepreneurs and corporate leaders should be able to develop clearer expectations and decision-making processes.