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This book places at your fingertips practical, clear, effective methods to reach people for Christ in a loving way. You will be provided the answers to difficult questions concerning cults, sects, religions, agnostics and atheists and how to recognize the truth from false doctrine.You will have proof that creation is a scientific fact and that the theory of evolution is a farce. It will give you the know-how to give comfort and assurance to believers, that they can be saved for eternity and that God will never let them be lost. This book is dedicated to all who love people and don't want them to end up in hell.Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15The Handbook of Personal Evangelism is the result of many years of study and active, effective soulwinning by Dr. A. Ray Stanford, Founder of Christian Youth Ranches; Grove Community Church; Florida Bible Church and Florida Bible College; Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal (twice) during World War II. This book was written with the assistance of Mrs. Carol Streib and Dr. Richard Seymour. The author expresses appreciation for proofreading the manuscripts to Mrs. Ann Patterson and Mrs. Connie Mitchell.
Drawing upon over twenty-five years of experience in evangelism, Larry Moyer introduces readers to ways in which they can share the Gospel with others clearly and confidently.
A thoroughly updated overview of how evangelism should happen, detailing the work of the Great Commission in four key categories: biblical, spiritual, intentional, missional.
Even if communities understand how to follow the principles of spiritual warfare, the actual winning of souls usually occurs on the personal level. Big-picture evangelistic strategy must be complemented by an understanding of personal evangelism. Weapons and Tactics teaches individual Christians how to apply the evangelistic principles described in Principles of War. Using thorough analysis of Scripture and real-life examples, Jim Wilson provides insight on spiritual weapons (what God has given us to fight with) and tactics (the effective use of those weapons) with simple, powerful language. Weapons and Tactics calls us to personal, life-changing obedience as we follow our captain in the fight.
Here is a fresh approach to personal evangelism by two writers who speak out of their experience in witnessing and in teaching principles of evangelism in the classroom. The approach is biblical; Scriptures are constantly introduced in dealing with various types such as the anxious, the unsatisfied, the fearful, the procrastinator, and the self-righteous. The study of the Word is emphasized as preparation for the soul-winner. Important principles are deduced from the Gospel of John. The work of the Holy Spirit is emphasized because He must prepare the heart of the seeker, guide the speech of the witness, and cause new life to spring up in each individual heart. Practicality and tact are two words which may be said to characterize this text. It is not limited to theory developed in the seclusion of the study; nor does it neglect criticism of such wrong approaches as the "holier than thou" or the "wiser than thou."
Ellen White was one of the founders of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and claimed to have had over 2000 visions. Excerpt: Everywhere the light of truth is to shine forth, that hearts now in the sleep of ignorance may be awakened and converted. In all countries and cities the gospel is to be proclaimed....
Within the pages of this book you will find more than 150 topics addressed, dealing with a wide variety of topics that you might encounter in soul-winning. From the Conversion Process to the Glossary, you will find in concentrated form information that might help you when you are struggling to find an answer for the person you are teaching. This book also includes all six lessons in the "Upon the Rock" Bible study series, which have led many souls to Christ over the last three decades. This book is designed to be a help in your efforts to win the lost to Christ.
This comprehensive resource includes contributions from well-known evangelists, such as Rick Warren, Josh McDowell, and Luis Palau, on everything a person needs to know about sharing his or her faith.