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This is the thirteenth report from the Environmental Audit Committee of the 2007-08 session (HCP 743, ISBN 9780215524843). The Committee states, that the Government will fail to meet the 2010 traget to halt biodiversity loss, although the target might have been unrealistic. The Committee does see some progress, with 80% of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSIs) in a favourable condition, with a number of rare species having recovered. In general though, biodiversity loss continues in the wider countryside with many species and habitats facing severe declines and local extinctions. The Committee does believe though that with leadership and effective policies, biodiversity loss could in fact be reversed, and states the Government should adopt a new target to halt the loss. Biodiversity policies need to be cross-departmental, and the Government's ecosystem assessment is a way forward, by encouraging such an approach and promoting biodiversity protection at the regional and local scales. The Committee further states that the Government could make a large contribution in preventing biodiversity loss through more support for the UK Overseas Territories.
The continuing loss of biological diversity and its components, genes, species and ecosystems, is an issue of global concern. Research has shown that both the diversity and the identity of the various species have a fundamental influence on the magnitude and stability of the ecological processes that occur at the ecosystem level. There are significant interrelationships between the degradation of ecosystems, the loss of animal and plant species, market globalisation, and poverty. Europe's high per capita consumption and waste production means that its impact on ecosystems is felt well beyond its own borders. Biodiversity loss is inextricably linked to the degradation of the ecosystem services described by the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
This report sets the economic and business case for urgent and ambitious action on biodiversity. It presents a preliminary assessment of current biodiversity-related finance flows, and discusses the key data and indicator gaps that need to be addressed to underpin effective monitoring of both the pressures on biodiversity and the actions (i.e. responses) being implemented. The report concludes with ten priority areas where G7 and other countries can prioritise their efforts.
De studie presenteert de verliezen van biodiversiteit in heden, verleden en toekomst. Ze zijn gekwantificeerd en in geld omgerekend door een internationale onderzoeksteam. De studie werd uitgevoerd in opdracht van de dienst Environment van de EU en het team stond onder leiding van dr. Leon Braat van Alterra. Uit de studie blijkt dat de doelstellingen van een significante afname van het jaarlijkse verlies (de Biodiversiteitdoelstelling 2010 van de Convention of Biological Diversity) en het stoppen van de achteruitgang (de EU 2010-doelstelling) zonder extra beleid niet worden gehaald – zelfs niet in 2050. Een rapport van Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau.
Response to HC 743 (ISBN 9780215524843)
The rate of extinction of biological species is greater today than at any time in the last 65 million years. Some predict that if this rate continues, two-thirds of all living species will disappear during the next century. Because reaching consensus on specific courses of action involves complex issues, any adequate response to this impending crisis must include coverage of many areas of inquiry and understanding. Protection of Global Biodiversity features essays by distinguished international experts who communicate with each other across disciplinary boundaries to address the challenge of formulating policies to protect biodiversity. Although the global community has recently adopted a Convention of Biological Diversity, the agreement sets forth only abstract goals. Contributors to this volume advance the Convention's initial steps by providing workable solutions that can be implemented regionally, nationally, and locally. The contributors--including natural, social, and political scientists; economists; lawyers; and environmentalists; and decisionmakers in business, agriculture, and government--have united to create a common discourse and to evaluate and propose strategies for halting this alarming loss of biodiversity. In recognizing the diverse aspects of this task--scientific, economic, institutional, moral, and legal--this book presents a new picture of emerging action. Contributors. S. James Anaya, Gregory Benford, Graciela Chichilnisky, S. Todd Crider, Yvonne Cripps, Robert T. Fraley, Anil K. Gupta, Lakshman D. Guruswamy, G. M. Heal, Brent Hendricks, Robert B. Horsch, Laura L. Jackson, Annie Lovejoy, Ariel E. Lugo, Jeffrey A. McNeely, Brian G. Norton, Elinor Ostrom, Peter H. Raven, John W. Reid, Walter V. Reid, Mark Sagoff, Roger A. Sedgo, R. David Simpson, Ana Sittenfeld, Christopher D. Stone, Gary H. Toenniessen
Biodiversity and ecosystem services are being degraded faster than at any other time in human history.
The world is losing species and biodiversity at an unprecedented rate. The causes go deep and the losses are driven by a complex array of social, economic, political and biological factors at different levels. Immediate causes such as over-harvesting, pollution and habitat change have been well studied, but the socioeconomic factors driving people to degrade their environment are less well understood. This book examines the underlying causes. It provides analyses of a range of case studies from Brazil, Cameroon, China, Danube River Basin, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Tanzania and Vietnam, and integrates them into a new and interdisciplinary framework for understanding what is happening. From these results, the editors are able to derive policy conclusions and recommendations for operational and institutional approaches to address the root causes and reverse the current trends. It makes a contribution to the understanding of all those - from ecologists and conservationists to economists and policy makers - working on one of the major challenges we face.