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- Several of the authors give elementary introductions that lead to some duplication. This we believe is a positive feature since each author presents a different viewpoint emphasizing the particular topic of that chapter - The topics chosen are the closest Lattice QCD comes to more conventional particle and nuclear physics - The numerical results presented in the various chapters are most up-to-date
Lattice Hadron Physics draws upon the developments made in recent years in implementing chirality on the lattice via the overlap formalism. These developments exploit chiral effective field theory in order to extrapolate lattice results to physical quark masses, new forms of improving operators to remove lattice artefacts, analytical studies of finite-volume effects in hadronic observables, and state-of-the-art lattice calculations of excited resonances. This volume, comprised of selected lectures, is designed to assist those outside the field who want quickly to become literate in these topics. As such, it provides graduate students and experienced researchers in other areas of hadronic physics with the background through which they can appreciate, if not become active in, contemporary lattice-gauge theory and its applications to hadronic phenomena.
With ever increasing computational resources and improvements in algorithms, new opportunities are emerging for lattice gauge theory to address key questions in strongly interacting systems, such as nuclear matter. Calculations today use dynamical gauge-field ensembles with degenerate light up/down quarks and the strange quark and it is possible now to consider including charm-quark degrees of freedom in the QCD vacuum. Pion masses and other sources of systematic error, such as finite-volume and discretization effects, are beginning to be quantified systematically. Altogether, an era of precision calculation has begun and many new observables will be calculated at the new computational facilities. The aim of this set of lectures is to provide graduate students with a grounding in the application of lattice gauge theory methods to strongly interacting systems and in particular to nuclear physics. A wide variety of topics are covered, including continuum field theory, lattice discretizations, hadron spectroscopy and structure, many-body systems, together with more topical lectures in nuclear physics aimed a providing a broad phenomenological background. Exercises to encourage hands-on experience with parallel computing and data analysis are included.
The solution of QCD on a lattice provides a first-principles method for understanding QCD in the low-energy regime, and is thus an essential tool for nuclear physics. The generation of gauge configurations, the starting point for lattice calculations, requires the most powerful leadership-class computers available. However, to fully exploit such leadership-class computing requires increasingly sophisticated methods for obtaining physics observables from the underlying gauge ensembles. In this study, we describe a variety of recent methods that have been used to advance our understanding of the spectrum and structure of hadrons through lattice QCD.
Lattice Hadron Physics draws upon the developments made in recent years in implementing chirality on the lattice via the overlap formalism. These developments exploit chiral effective field theory in order to extrapolate lattice results to physical quark masses, new forms of improving operators to remove lattice artefacts, analytical studies of finite-volume effects in hadronic observables, and state-of-the-art lattice calculations of excited resonances. This volume, comprised of selected lectures, is designed to assist those outside the field who want quickly to become literate in these topics. As such, it provides graduate students and experienced researchers in other areas of hadronic physics with the background through which they can appreciate, if not become active in, contemporary lattice-gauge theory and its applications to hadronic phenomena.
This introduction to quantum chromodynamics presents the basic concepts and calculations in a clear and didactic style accessible to those new to the field. Readers will find useful methods for obtaining numerical results, including pure gauge theory and quenched spectroscopy.
This thesis focuses on an unresolved problem in particle and nuclear physics: the relation between two important non-perturbative phenomena in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) – quark confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. The author develops a new analysis method in the lattice QCD, and derives a number of analytical formulae to express the order parameters for quark confinement, such as the Polyakov loop, its fluctuations, and the Wilson loop in terms of the Dirac eigenmodes closely related to chiral symmetry breaking. Based on the analytical formulae, the author analytically as well as numerically shows that at finite temperatures there is no direct one-to-one correspondence between them. The thesis describes this extraordinary achievement using the first-principle analysis, and proposes a possible new phase in which quarks are confined and chiral symmetry is restored.
I describe some of the lattice QCD work in support of the hadronic physics program at Jefferson Lab. In particular, there is a strong emphasis on the determination of the excited state hadron spectrum, as well as determining the spin content of nucleons and other hadrons.
Lattice Gauge Theory enables an ab initio study of the low-energy properties of Quantum Chromodynamics, the theory of the strong interaction. The author begins these lectures by presenting the lattice formulation of QCD, and then outline the benchmark calculation of lattice QCD, the light-hadron spectrum. He then proceeds to explore the predictive power of lattice QCD, in particular as it pertains to hadronic physics. He discusses the spectrum of glueballs, exotics and excited states, before investigating the study of form factors and structure functions. He concludes by showing how lattice QCD can be used to study multi-hadron systems, and in particular provide insight into the nucleon-nucleon interaction.