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Un libro indispensable para todos aquellos docentes de Educación Primaria que buscan mejorar las habilidades de comunicación de todos sus alumnos. Desarrollando las 50 actividades o sesiones que presenta el libro, los estudiantes no solo aprenderán a hablar, escuchar, debatir y argumentar, sino que su autoestima y motivación se verán potenciadas. Las sesiones de trabajo, que harán disfrutar a los alumnos mientras aprenden y guiarán al docente paso a paso hacia el pleno desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas de los estudiantes, se organizan en Cuatro Niveles progresivos, por orden de dificultad. En cada uno de estos Niveles se presentan un total de 10 a 15 sesiones, instructivas a la vez que divertidas. La descripción detallada de cada sesión incluye: objetivos de aprendizaje; proceso de preparación y organización; guía detallada sobre cómo llevar a cabo la sesión; y sugerencias de ampliación y seguimiento. Todo ello presentado de una forma simple y clara. La obra incluye un Anexo con materiales complementarios y de ampliación para el mejor desarrollo de las sesiones. Aunque se recomienda llevar a cabo las actividades de forma secuenciada, el profesor puede variar el orden de las actividades según sus preferencias y necesidades, así como extraer una actividad concreta para que forme parte de un proyecto global o de sesiones de mayor duración. Las sesiones, indicadas para cualquier alumno, independientemente de su formación, nivel académico o dominio del lenguaje, incluyen, entre otros, ejercicios de hablar en público, debate y argumentación y lectura de poesía. Además, las actividades se vinculan de forma natural con otras áreas curriculares y, en ellas, pueden incorporarse fácilmente temas que ya se han estudiado, permitiendo así un aprendizaje globalizado e inclusivo.
This book introduces readers to the many arguments and controversies concerning abortion. While it argues for ethical and legal positions on the issues, it focuses on how to think about the issues, not just what to think about them. It is an ideal resource to improve your understanding of what people think, why they think that and whether their (and your) arguments are good or bad, and why. It's ideal for classroom use, discussion groups, organizational learning, and personal reading. From the Preface To many people, abortion is an issue for which discussions and debates are frustrating and fruitless: it seems like no progress will ever be made towards any understanding, much less resolution or even compromise. Judgments like these, however, are premature because some basic techniques from critical thinking, such as carefully defining words and testing definitions, stating the full structure of arguments so each step of the reasoning can be examined, and comparing the strengths and weaknesses of different explanations can help us make progress towards these goals. When emotions run high, we sometimes need to step back and use a passion for calm, cool, critical thinking. This helps us better understand the positions and arguments of people who see things differently from us, as well as our own positions and arguments. And we can use critical thinking skills help to try to figure out which positions are best, in terms of being supported by good arguments: after all, we might have much to learn from other people, sometimes that our own views should change, for the better. Here we use basic critical thinking skills to argue that abortion is typically not morally wrong. We begin with less morally-controversial claims: adults, children and babies are wrong to kill and wrong to kill, fundamentally, because they, we, are conscious, aware and have feelings. We argue that since early fetuses entirely lack these characteristics, they are not inherently wrong to kill and so most abortions are not morally wrong, since most abortions are done early in pregnancy, before consciousness and feeling develop in the fetus. Furthermore, since the right to life is not the right to someone else’s body, fetuses might not have the right to the pregnant woman’s body—which she has the right to—and so she has the right to not allow the fetus use of her body. This further justifies abortion, at least until technology allows for the removal of fetuses to other wombs. Since morally permissible actions should be legal, abortions should be legal: it is an injustice to criminalize actions that are not wrong. In the course of arguing for these claims, we: 1. discuss how to best define abortion; 2. dismiss many common “question-begging” arguments that merely assume their conclusions, instead of giving genuine reasons for them; 3. refute some often-heard “everyday arguments” about abortion, on all sides; 4. explain why the most influential philosophical arguments against abortion are unsuccessful; 5. provide some positive arguments that at least early abortions are not wrong; 6. briefly discuss the ethics and legality of later abortions, and more. This essay is not a “how to win an argument” piece or a tract or any kind of apologetics. It is not designed to help anyone “win” debates: everybody “wins” on this issue when we calmly and respectfully engage arguments with care, charity, honesty and humility. This book is merely a reasoned, systematic introduction to the issues that we hope models these skills and virtues. Its discussion should not be taken as absolute “proof” of anything: much more needs to be understood and carefully discussed—always.
20.000 palabras agrupadas por tema; con gramática y phrase book Autor: Diego Luzuriaga (1959), traductor y docente Egresado del Instituto Superior en Lenguas Vivas; Buenos Aires, Argentina PRESENTACIÓN DE LA OBRA Para alguien de mi generación, los modos de publicación digital inauguran un nuevo paradigma. Los medios técnicos disponibles hoy en día me han permitido plasmar la Guía de Inglés según mi idea original. También es gracias a Internet que puedo acercarte esta obra de una manera asequible y ágil. Durante años trabajé en este volumen bilingüe con pasión por ambos idiomas y buscando facilitar un dominio cabal del inglés a todo estudiante de habla hispana, en particular a quienes carecen de recursos económicos para acceder a esta lengua internacional. Las nuevas técnicas de traducción automática nos sorprenden más y más. Para el individuo en nuestro mundo globalizado, sin embargo, una cosa es valerse de traducciones y otra muy distinta es poder generar el propio discurso en lengua extranjera e interpretar los contenidos más diversos de una manera personal y autónoma. He ahí la principal razón de ser de esta Guía. También es inigualable poder apreciar la belleza de la literatura en inglés, los matices en sus giros, los múltiples sentidos, las complejidades, el humor, las sonoridades y las sutilezas de esta lengua inagotable. La ortografía de inglés elegida en esta obra ha sido la británica, por tratarse de la variedad original. Cuando existen variantes estadounidenses para ciertas palabras, las mismas se indican en todos los casos. He procurado dar con equivalentes en castellano que estuviesen exentos de regionalismos, lo cual no siempre resulta sencillo. Espero que vayas a disfrutar de la Guía de Inglés tanto como yo escribiéndola. Fueron años elaborando este material, con la intención de brindarte cuanto me fuese posible y que te alcance hasta el más avanzado nivel de estudios. La Guía de Inglés potenciará tus conocimientos de todas las maneras que imagines y sus traducciones acaso aporten nuevo léxico a tu español. Todo el texto y la diagramación de la obra son de mi autoría. Sus imágenes figuran como free clip art en Internet y en tal condición fueron descargadas de la red. El precio de venta es menor que mi arancel por una lección de inglés durante una hora. Las páginas de muestra en Google Books te permitirán evaluar la utilidad de esta Guía. Este libro condensa conocimientos que son fruto de 30 años enseñando inglés tanto a escolares como a profesionales y empresarios. ¡Confío en que te resultará una transacción ventajosa! Haz que el trato también sea justo para mí, adquiriéndola de quien aquí suscribe Tu aliado, el autor… Diego Luzuriaga PD: Si quieres saber en qué ando ahora, ven a visitar mi sitio AMOIDIOMA en facebook.
It's time for a new approach to learning Spanish verbs. Unlike popular verb guides that require the rote memorization of hundreds of verb forms, this book clearly explains the rules that govern the conjugation of all classes of Spanish verbs—especially the irregular ones that give second-language learners the most trouble. These simple, easy-to-understand rules for conjugating Spanish verbs are effective learning tools for both beginning students and more advanced speakers who want to perfect their usage of Spanish verb forms. Spanish Verbs Made Simple(r) has many helpful features that you won't find in any other verb guide: Clear explanations of all verb tenses and forms. The simple rules that govern the conjugation of all verbs—including the 90% of irregular verbs whose irregularities are entirely predictable. A detailed discussion of how each verb form is used, with numerous examples. A full explanation of the distinction between ser and estar—the single most confusing element in the Spanish verbal system. An extended treatment of the subjunctive that will help you understand why it is used in some situations but not others. Conjugations for 35 model Spanish verbs and a comprehensive listing of 4,800 verbs that indicates which of the models each verb follows. Going well beyond any other guide in the clarity and detail of its explanations—as well as the innovative manner in which individual verbs are linked to model conjugations—Spanish Verbs Made Simple(r) is the only guide to Spanish verbs a learner needs.
How the West’s obsession with Vladimir Putin prevents it from understanding Russia It is impossible to think of Russia today without thinking of Vladimir Putin. More than any other major national leader, he personifies his country in the eyes of the world, and dominates Western media coverage. In Russia itself, he is likewise the centre of attention both for his supporters and his detractors. But, as Tony Wood argues, this focus on Russia’s president gets in the way of any real understanding of the country. The West needs to shake off its obsession with Putin and look beyond the Kremlin walls. In this timely and provocative analysis, Wood explores the profound changes Russia has undergone since 1991. In the process, he challenges several common assumptions made about contemporary Russia. Against the idea that Putin represents a return to Soviet authoritarianism, Wood argues that his rule should be seen as a continuation of Yeltsin’s in the 1990s. The core features of Putinism—a predatory elite presiding over a vastly unequal society—are in fact integral to the system set in place after the fall of Communism. Wood also overturns the standard view of Russia’s foreign policy, identifying the fundamental loss of power and influence that has underpinned recent clashes with the West. Russia without Putin concludes by assessing the current regime’s prospects, and looks ahead to what the future may hold for the country.
The 'Pocket Guide to Health Promotion' is a short, punchy and practical guide aimed at students and practitioners. The book includes precise definitions and examples of key concepts and methods in health promotion practice and a chapter by chapter description of the management planning, strategy selection, implementation and evaluation of health promotion programmes. Written in an accessible and concise style, the book offers the reader a practical and flexible resource that is ideal for students and practitioners looking to plan and implement health promotion activities. A must buy for those new to health promotion or who want a pocket guide to this core health activity. "Clearly written and practical, this excellent guide will prove indispensible to practitioners of health promotion globally, and a very useful starting point for students. It will be worth buying a pocket to put it in!" David Ross, Professor of Epidemiology and International Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK "The Pocket Guide to Health Promotion is easy to navigate with complex concepts in health promotion explained in a user-friendly way. Whether you are practicing health promotion or studying the discipline, this will be a welcome addition to any book shelf." Dr James Woodall, Co-Director of the Centre for Health Promotion Research & Course Leader MSc Public Health, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish has been fully revised and updated, including over 500 new entries, making it an invaluable resource for students of Spanish. Based on a new web-based corpus containing more than 2 billion words collected from 21 Spanish-speaking countries, the second edition of A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish provides the most expansive and up-to-date guidelines on Spanish vocabulary. Each entry is accompanied with an illustrative example and full English translation. The Dictionary provides a rich resource for language teaching and curriculum design, while a separate CD version provides the full text in a tab-delimited format ideally suited for use by corpus and computational linguistics. With entries arranged both by frequency and alphabetically, A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish enables students of all levels to get the most out of their study of vocabulary in an engaging and efficient way.
Pounding the enemy from the skies, the German Luftwaffe was the symbol of Hitler's power. With its decline came the fall of the Third Reich in 1945. This history includes a glossary of terms and abbreviations and an appendix detailing the Luftwaffe chain of command. More than 250 authentic color photos and over 130 full-color illustrations.
Outspoken critic Jessa Crispin delivers a searing rejection of contemporary feminism . . . and a bracing manifesto for revolution. Are you a feminist? Do you believe women are human beings and that they deserve to be treated as such? That women deserve all the same rights and liberties bestowed upon men? If so, then you are a feminist . . . or so the feminists keep insisting. But somewhere along the way, the movement for female liberation sacrificed meaning for acceptance, and left us with a banal, polite, ineffectual pose that barely challenges the status quo. In this bracing, fiercely intelligent manifesto, Jessa Crispin demands more. Why I Am Not A Feminist is a radical, fearless call for revolution. It accuses the feminist movement of obliviousness, irrelevance, and cowardice—and demands nothing less than the total dismantling of a system of oppression. Praise for Jessa Crispin, and The Dead Ladies Project "I'd follow Jessa Crispin to the ends of the earth." --Kathryn Davis, author of Duplex "Read with caution . . . Crispin is funny, sexy, self-lacerating, and politically attuned, with unique slants on literary criticism, travel writing, and female journeys. No one crosses genres, borders, and proprieties with more panache." --Laura Kipnis, author of Men: Notes from an Ongoing Investigation "Very, very funny. . . . The whole book is packed with delightfully offbeat prose . . . as raw as it is sophisticated, as quirky as it is intense." --The Chicago Tribune