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This book is devoted to one of the fastest developing fields in modern control theory - the so-called H-infinity optimal control theory. Based mostly on recent work by the authors, the book is written on a good mathematical level. Many results in it are original.
This book is devoted to one of the fastest developing fields in modern control theory - the so-called H-infinity optimal control theory. The book can be used for a second or third year graduate level course in the subject, and researchers working in the area will find the book useful as a standard reference. Based mostly on recent work of the authors, the book is written on a good mathematical level. Many results in it are original, interesting, and inspirational. The topic is central to modern control and hence this definitive book is highly recommended to anyone who wishes to catch up with important theoretical developments in applied mathematics and control.
One of the major concentrated activities of the past decade in control theory has been the development of the so-called "HOO-optimal control theory," which addresses the issue of worst-case controller design for linear plants subject to unknown additive disturbances, including problems of disturbance attenuation, model matching, and tracking. The mathematical OO symbol "H " stands for the Hardy space of all complex-valued functions of a complex variable, which are analytic and bounded in the open right half complex plane. For a linear (continuous-time, time-invariant) plant, oo the H norm of the transfer matrix is the maximum of its largest singular value over all frequencies. OO Controller design problems where the H norm plays an important role were initially formulated by George Zames in the early 1980's, in the context of sensitivity reduction in linear plants, with the design problem posed as a mathematical optimization problem using an (HOO) operator norm. Thus formulated originally in the frequency domain, the main tools used during the early phases of research on this class of problems have been operator and approximation theory, spectral factorization, and (Youla) parametrization, leading initially to rather complicated (high-dimensional) OO optimal or near-optimal (under the H norm) controllers.
One of the major concentrated activities of the past decade in control theory has been the development of the so-called "HOO-optimal control theory," which addresses the issue of worst-case controller design for linear plants subject to unknown additive disturbances, including problems of disturbance attenuation, model matching, and tracking. The mathematical OO symbol "H " stands for the Hardy space of all complex-valued functions of a complex variable, which are analytic and bounded in the open right half complex plane. For a linear (continuous-time, time-invariant) plant, oo the H norm of the transfer matrix is the maximum of its largest singular value over all frequencies. OO Controller design problems where the H norm plays an important role were initially formulated by George Zames in the early 1980's, in the context of sensitivity reduction in linear plants, with the design problem posed as a mathematical optimization problem using an (HOO) operator norm. Thus formulated originally in the frequency domain, the main tools used during the early phases of research on this class of problems have been operator and approximation theory, spectral factorization, and (Youla) parametrization, leading initially to rather complicated (high-dimensional) OO optimal or near-optimal (under the H norm) controllers.
Introduction to the Calculus of Variations and Control with Modern Applications provides the fundamental background required to develop rigorous necessary conditions that are the starting points for theoretical and numerical approaches to modern variational calculus and control problems. The book also presents some classical sufficient conditions a
Have you ever wondered how AlphaZero learns to defeat the top human Go players? Do you have any clues about how an autonomous driving system can gradually develop self-driving skills beyond normal drivers? What is the key that enables AlphaStar to make decisions in Starcraft, a notoriously difficult strategy game that has partial information and complex rules? The core mechanism underlying those recent technical breakthroughs is reinforcement learning (RL), a theory that can help an agent to develop the self-evolution ability through continuing environment interactions. In the past few years, the AI community has witnessed phenomenal success of reinforcement learning in various fields, including chess games, computer games and robotic control. RL is also considered to be a promising and powerful tool to create general artificial intelligence in the future. As an interdisciplinary field of trial-and-error learning and optimal control, RL resembles how humans reinforce their intelligence by interacting with the environment and provides a principled solution for sequential decision making and optimal control in large-scale and complex problems. Since RL contains a wide range of new concepts and theories, scholars may be plagued by a number of questions: What is the inherent mechanism of reinforcement learning? What is the internal connection between RL and optimal control? How has RL evolved in the past few decades, and what are the milestones? How do we choose and implement practical and effective RL algorithms for real-world scenarios? What are the key challenges that RL faces today, and how can we solve them? What is the current trend of RL research? You can find answers to all those questions in this book. The purpose of the book is to help researchers and practitioners take a comprehensive view of RL and understand the in-depth connection between RL and optimal control. The book includes not only systematic and thorough explanations of theoretical basics but also methodical guidance of practical algorithm implementations. The book intends to provide a comprehensive coverage of both classic theories and recent achievements, and the content is carefully and logically organized, including basic topics such as the main concepts and terminologies of RL, Markov decision process (MDP), Bellman’s optimality condition, Monte Carlo learning, temporal difference learning, stochastic dynamic programming, function approximation, policy gradient methods, approximate dynamic programming, and deep RL, as well as the latest advances in action and state constraints, safety guarantee, reference harmonization, robust RL, partially observable MDP, multiagent RL, inverse RL, offline RL, and so on.
This book provides techniques to produce robust, stable and useable solutions to problems of H-infinity and H2 control in high-performance, non-linear systems for the first time. The book is of importance to control designers working in a variety of industrial systems. Case studies are given and the design of nonlinear control systems of the same caliber as those obtained in recent years using linear optimal and bounded-norm designs is explained.
A comprehensive overview of nonlinear H∞ control theory for both continuous-time and discrete-time systems, Nonlinear H∞-Control, Hamiltonian Systems and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations covers topics as diverse as singular nonlinear H∞-control, nonlinear H∞ -filtering, mixed H2/ H∞-nonlinear control and filtering, nonlinear H∞-almost-disturbance-decoupling, and algorithms for solving the ubiquitous Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equations. The link between the subject and analytical mechanics as well as the theory of partial differential equations is also elegantly summarized in a single chapter. Recent progress in developing computational schemes for solving the Hamilton-Jacobi equation (HJE) has facilitated the application of Hamilton-Jacobi theory in both mechanics and control. As there is currently no efficient systematic analytical or numerical approach for solving them, the biggest bottle-neck to the practical application of the nonlinear equivalent of the H∞-control theory has been the difficulty in solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs partial differential-equations (or inequalities). In light of this challenge, the author hopes to inspire continuing research and discussion on this topic via examples and simulations, as well as helpful notes and a rich bibliography. Nonlinear H∞-Control, Hamiltonian Systems and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations was written for practicing professionals, educators, researchers and graduate students in electrical, computer, mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, instrumentation, industrial and systems engineering, as well as applied mathematics, economics and management.
H-infinity control made considerable strides toward systematizing classical control. This bookaddresses how this extends to nonlinear systems.
Classical vehicle dynamics, which is the basis for manned ground vehicle design, has exhausted its potential for providing novel design concepts to a large degree. At the same time, unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) dynamics is still in its infancy and is currently being developed using general analytical dynamics principles with very little input from actual vehicle dynamics theory. This technical book presents outcomes from the NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) ‘Advanced Autonomous Vehicle Design for Severe Environments’, held in Coventry, UK, in July 2014. The ASI provided a platform for world class professionals to meet and discuss leading-edge research, engineering accomplishments and future trends in manned and unmanned ground vehicle dynamics, terrain mobility and energy efficiency. The outcomes of this collective effort serve as an analytical foundation for autonomous vehicle design. Topics covered include: historical aspects, pivotal accomplishments and the analysis of future trends in on- and off-road manned and unmanned vehicle dynamics; terramechanics, soil dynamic characteristics, uncertainties and stochastic characteristics of vehicle-environment interaction for agile vehicle dynamics modeling; new methods and techniques in on-line control and learning for vehicle autonomy; fundamentals of agility and severe environments; mechatronics and cyber-physics issues of agile vehicle dynamics to design for control, energy harvesting and cyber security; and case studies of agile and inverse vehicle dynamics and vehicle systems design, including optimisation of suspension and driveline systems. The book targets graduate students, who desire to advance further in leading-edge vehicle dynamics topics in manned and unmanned ground vehicles, PhD students continuing their research work and building advanced curricula in academia and industry, and researchers in government agencies and private companies.