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The silent swish of paddles in the darkness told Karsatoa that his enemies had him surrounded. Suddenly his canoe began to fly over the wateratop a giant stingray. The God of the Bible is still in the miracle business. These thrilling reports from around the world show that He still reveals His power and care today.You will read of dollar bills that multiplied. A prayer written on a kite. Prison doors that opened. A self-healing radiator, and a self-filling gas tank. Rain that fell only on mission property. A book that refused to burn. A clock that struck 13. Manna from heaven--in Africa. A gentle ride inside a tornado. Invisible hands that lift a car. And lots mysterious strangers, sometimes visible only to some and not others. But always protecting, guiding, saving.
This powerful book of miracle testimonies will set your faith on fire! Miracles: Eyewitnesses to the Miraculous is a history book of sorts. It is a history book of the amazing work of God through R.W. Schambachs ministry for more than fifty years. As your read these exciting, true stories of Gods miracle power in action, your faith will be strengthened and your spirit encouraged. You will know that you believe in a God Who is bigger than any situation or circumstances you face.You will share in the excitement of an eyewitness view of Gods power at work. Brother Schambach is a powerful storyteller, and you will feel as if you wre really there with him. These miracle stories are vivid and alive. Also included is a faith-building section entitled The Miracles of Christ.You will read these testimonies: * What Mohammed couldnt do * Its never too late * A hospital in Newark * Seventeen deaf mutes healed * Fortune tellers nightmare * A mother helps her son break out of prison * The back rent blues * R.W. battles the devil * The man who was spared form the electric chair * The greatest miracle of all and many more!
Children's hearts will be warmed by this amazing true story that draws them into the realization of Jesus' profound love for them; so profound He planned a way to be truly with them under the forms of bread and wine. Parents and teachers will love this book too. With it, passing on this teaching of the church becomes easy and enjoyable. The children write their own names into the story and will be quickly engaged by the beautiful illustrations, the quizzes, and finding the endearing bunny that joins them in their search for God's greatest miracle. "The author presents a deep spiritual experience in a child friendly manner. She uses vibrant yet not over stimulating artwork and involves the child directly within the story." Ms. Annette Rabusch, mother of 3, BS, 25 years an Early Childhood Educator. "Children will find Ms. Grossman's interactive style as engaging as Barney, Dora, or Disney but with a faith and spirit filled twist. Children's natural curiosity will be simultaneously satiated and ignited in God's Greatest Miracle . Ms.Mary Scavotto, mother of 3, MSed, EdS, 6 years elementary teacher. "God's Greatest Miracle is a book I would have liked to have read to my children and with students preparing for First Eucharist. While embracing the miracle of the story and colorful illustrations, I felt the personalization, enhanced learning for older children, parental guidance, and citing of scriptural texts in the book was excellent in teaching of who Jesus is. This is a wonderful book to "open the door" for children to know and love God." Leslie Honebrink, Educator and Principal of an Award Winning Catholic School. Masters in Educational Leadership.
FOR DISTRIBUTION OUTSIDE THE USA. When life is challenging, each of can benefit from a daily dose of hope and faith. That's what this devotional will bring you—stories of miracles and angels drawn directly from Scripture and from the lives of ordinary people today. Story after story will help you to remember that God is in control and that he still loves you.
Heavenly angels walk the earth today. Sometimes they assume human form--usually in answer to desperate prayer. These true stories from Guide Magazine--not an urban legend among them--will renew your faith. The angel of the Lord still encamps around those who fear Him.
Prayer is mind-boggling. Find out how it delivered two boys from a pit, caused a stolen car to stall, taught a woman to read, delivered a snorkeling missionary from a mad shark, led a strange black dog to deliver a lost purse, healed a crushed cat, led a lad to the right trombone and a lass to the right horse, helped a young man to find his glasses on the bottom of Lake Michigan, unlocked a locked door, provided electricity in a power outage, kept a family from starving, and brought a whole carload of mechanics to start a stalled car.This book will leave you with a whole carload of faith.