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This guide presents an overview of the scope and structure of the Pension Satellite Account as well as the methodology used to derive its stocks and flows estimates.
This guide will be of assistance in understanding the concepts, methodology and data quality of the surveys conducted as well as the data analysis by the Pensions and Wealth Surveys Section of the Income Statistics Division. It covers the following surveys/programs: Pensions plans in Canada; Trusteed pension funds (Census and quarterly); Survey of Financial Security; and Pension adjustment/registered retirement savings plans file provided by Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.
This is an update of OECD 2006 "Understanding National Accounts". It contains new data, new chapters and is adapted to the new systems of national accounts, SNA 2008 and ESA 2010.
The publication establishes a framework for a satellite account on education and training and discusses the methodology and the necessary data sources. The work was supported by pilot testing in 5 five countries with different circumstances and organization of the education system. An important aim of the guidelines is to help countries construct internationally comparable satellite accounts and thus, lead to improved cost-based measurement of human capital.
In our age of measurement, economic numbers - productivity, inflation, unemployment, gross domestic product - inform the decisions of both citizen and state. Since World War II, Canada has been at the global forefront in developing a set of national accounts that measure every beat of our economic pulse. The story of our national accounts - today administered by Statistics Canada - involves courage, personal tragedy, and a Canadian knack for innovation.
This publication contains the following four parts: A model Competent Authority Agreement (CAA) for the automatic exchange of CRS information; the Common Reporting Standard; the Commentaries on the CAA and the CRS; and the CRS XML Schema User Guide.
This report is intended to take stock of the research and development at Statistics Canada to date and presents revised estimates of the value of unpaid work (VUW) for the period from 1961 to 1992. It addresses some key questions. Why measure and value unpaid work and why exclude it from GDP? What counts as unpaid work, whose work counts, and how is it valued? What is the value of unpaid work in Canada and how has it changed over time? What are its relationships with other socio-economic factors? The remainder of the introduction addresses these issues in general terms.