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La "Guida alle Streghe e Fate del folklore d'Italia" è un affascinante viaggio nel mistero e nella magia delle leggende italiane. Questo libro è una raccolta unica e completa che svela antiche tradizioni, creature, credenze legate al mondo delle streghe e delle fate, ancora vive nella cultura popolare. La "Guida alle Streghe e Fate del folklore d'Italia" è un'opera preziosa sia per gli appassionati del paranormale, sia per coloro che vogliono approfondire l'antica cultura italiana. Arricchito da illustrazioni suggestive, questo libro offre una visione completa e dettagliata del ricco patrimonio di storie e credenze che fa parte della tradizione italiana. Se sei curioso di conoscere il lato misterioso e affascinante delle tradizioni italiane, se vuoi scoprire gli incantesimi e i rituali che hanno affascinato generazioni di persone nel corso dei secoli, allora non puoi perdere la "Guida alle Streghe e Fate del folklore d'Italia". Incamminati in questo mondo incantato e lasciati affascinare dai segreti e dalle meraviglie che solo l'antica magia italiana può offrire.
Un viaggio tra i borghi, le valli e le foreste incantate che hanno ospitato i raduni delle streghe. Questi vengono rievocati insieme alla caccia alle streghe, che fece dell'herbara un'entità malefica legata al demonio, e all'eredità pagana, i cui simboli resistettero all'avvento del cristianesimo e ai tentativi dell'Inquisizione di cancellarli. Regione per regione, l'autore narra le leggende e le tradizioni che fecero di queste zone la dimora preferita di maghe e fattucchiere e offre al lettore, grazie a mappe, indirizzi e consigli pratici, gli strumenti per organizzare veri e propri itinerari magici tra i sentieri di campagna e gli anfratti nascosti del territorio italiano, in cui guaritrici e sciamane raccoglievano le erbe medicamentose e officiavano i sacri riti in onore dei loro dèi.
La penisola italiana ha accolto nei millenni numerosi riti, tradizioni e culti incentrati sulla Divinità Femminile, dei quali restano ampie e talora vistose tracce. Ed è proprio viaggiando alla loro ricerca, fraterra, acqua, aria e fuoco, che l'autore ha scoperto una serie diemozionanti itinerari in cui rivivere gli arcaici sapori della Grande Madre. La prefazione è di Syusy Blady, conduttrice e regista di "Turisti / Misteri per caso". All'interno, illustrazioni in b/n e 16 mappe con percorsi suggeriti per visitare i luoghi della Dea in Italia.
The time of Carnival represents a “wild” time at the end of winter and pointing to the beginning of a new season. It is characterized by the irruption of border figures, animal masks, characters which recall the world of the dead and which bring within themselves the germ of a vital force, of the energy that produces the reawakening of nature and announces the growth and fertility of the new crops. This wild domain shows itself under the shapes of a contiguity between human and animal: the costumes, the masks, refer to a world in which the characteristics of the human and those of the animal are fused and intertwined. Among these figures, in particular, emerge those of the Wild Man, the human being who takes on animal-like attributes and aspects, and of the Bear, the animal that, more than all the others, gets as close as possible to the human and seems to reflect a deformed image of it. Such symbolic images come from far off times and places to tell a story that belongs to our common origins. The bear assumes attributes and functions alike in very different cultural contexts, such as the Sámi of Finland or North-American hunter-gatherers, and represents a boundary between the world of nature and the human world, between the domain of animals and the difficult construction of humanity: a process continued for centuries, perhaps millennia, and which cannot still be said complete.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
First published in Rome in 1535, Leone Ebreo's Dialogues of Love is one of the most important texts of the European Renaissance. Well known in the Italian academies of the sixteenth century, its popularity quickly spread throughout Europe, with numerous reprintings and translations into French, Latin Spanish, and Hebrew. It attracted a diverse audience that included noblemen, courtesans, artists, poets, intellectuals, and philosophers. More than just a bestseller, the work exerted a deep influence over the centuries on figures as diverse as Giordano Bruno, John Donne, Miguelde Cervantes, and Baruch Spinoza. Leone's Dialogues consists of three conversations - 'On Love and Desire,' 'On the Universality of Love,' and 'Onthe Origin of Love' - that take place over a period of three subsequent days.They are organized in a dialogic format, much like a theatrical representation, of a conversation between a man, Philo, who plays the role of the lover andteacher, and a woman, Sophia, the beloved and pupil. The discussion covers a wide range of topics that have as their common denominator the idea of Love. Through the dialogue, the author explores many different points of view and complex philosophical ideas. Grounded in a distinctly Jewish tradition, and drawing on Neoplatonic philosophical structures and Arabic sources, the work offers a useful compendium of classical and contemporary thought, yet was not incompatible with Christian doctrine. Despite the unfinished state and somewhat controversial, enigmatic nature of Ebreo's famous text, it remains one of the most significant and influential works in the history of Western thought. This new, expertly translated and annotated English edition takes into account the latest scholarship and provides aninvaluable resource for today's readers.
The illegitimate son of a fortune teller, Ezio Comparoni (1920-52) never knew his father, rarely left his home town, and admitted no one to his home. His deliberate obscurity was compounded by his use of many pseudonyms, including Silvio d'Arzo, under which he wrote the remarkable novella and three stories collected in The House of Others. The novella The House of Others is among the rare perfect works of twentieth century fiction. In a desolate mountain village an old woman visits the parish priest, ostensibly to ask about dissolving a marriage. Gradually, as she probes for information on "special cases"--cases in which what is obviously wrong can also be irrefutably right--it becomes clear her true question is whether or not she might take her own life. The question is metaphysical, involving not only the woman's life but the priest's; and to it he has no answer.
Were witches real in the Middle Ages? This handbook on witchcraft, first published in 1628, claims to expose the entire practice and profession of witchcraft. Was used as support in the accusation of witches at the time, although we can recognize much of it today as being paranoid superstition by religious authorities. The book is valuable because it allows one to view the extreme superstition surrounding witchcraft at the time, and to better understand the degree of persecution that resulted.
The "Gothic" style was a key trend in Italian cinema of the 1950s and 1960s because of its peculiar, often strikingly original approach to the horror genre. These films portrayed Gothic staples in a stylish and idiosyncratic way, and took a daring approach to the supernatural and to eroticism, with the presence of menacing yet seductive female witches, vampires and ghosts. Thanks to such filmmakers as Mario Bava (Black Sunday), Riccardo Freda (The Horrible Dr. Hichcock), and Antonio Margheriti (Castle of Blood), as well the iconic presence of actress Barbara Steele, Italian Gothic horror went overseas and reached cult status. The book examines the Italian Gothic horror of the period, with an abundance of previously unpublished production information drawn from official papers and original scripts. Entries include a complete cast and crew list, home video releases, plot summary and the author's analysis. Excerpts from interviews with filmmakers, scriptwriters and actors are included. The foreword is by film director and scriptwriter Ernesto Gastaldi.