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Este libro, pensado para principiantes, es fruto de mis decenas de años de estudio del Tarot de los Ángeles y del Tarot tradicional. Su misión es tan sencilla como el objetivo que me llevó a escribirlo y se puede resumir en pocas palabras: al finalizar su lectura te convertirás en un profesional en el arte de tirar el Tarot angélico. Comenzaré por darte algunas referencias útiles acerca de los ángeles, te hablaré luego de los diferentes tipos de ángeles que existen y detallaré sus jerarquías. A continuación pasaré a explicarte el significado de las 78 cartas del Tarot de los Ángeles. Me centraré entonces sí en la lectura de cada carta, tanto al derecho como invertida, y te daré una breve guía de cada una de las cartas para que puedas aprender cómo orientar a tus consultantes. A continuación, te enseñaré a realizar la Tirada Tarot Crystal para que seas capaz de emplear los conocimientos adquiridos en este libro. La Tirada Tarot Crystal se trata de una forma única y original de leer las cartas del Tarot que te revelarán los secretos mejor guardados de los ángeles. Al llegar al final del libro, como obsequio por tu fidelidad, he añadido un apéndice con las imágenes de las 78 cartas del Tarot de los Ángeles para que te sirvan de referencia inmediata durante tu estudio. Sin más preámbulos, te dejo con este didáctico manual y un inmenso abrazo de luz, de amor y de paz. Crystal
The book gives an informed history and step-by-step instruction on the art of communicating with angels on a daily basis using one's own intuitive abilities and tapping into angelic energy for loving guidance and protection. Readers can further bring the influence of angels into their lives by gaining knowledge on the characteristics of guardian angels, Archangels, and helper angels and their amazing ability to bring clarity, perspective, and healing into one's life. A detailed angel glossary and a comprehensive listing of resources are also provided. In Spanish.
Esta caja contiene en un solo pack un libro explicativo y una baraja con 78 cartas. El libro es un manual de uso en el que se ofrece toda la información sobre los distintos ángeles y sus funciones protectoras con el ser humano, además de explicar las distintas tiradas que pueden hacerse con la baraja de cartas para aprender a responder preguntas sobre el pasado, el presente y el futuro del consultante.
Usando tu favorito juego de cartas del Tarot y Este Libro, encuentras respuestas a tus preguntas y lo m�s importante: Consejos o Terapias para cambiar esas situaciones y problemas que por ahora te mantienen "estancado". Luego sentir�s la diferencia al ELEVAR tu Energ�a, cambia tu vida poco a poco. "Como maestra de meditaci�n y Terapista Angelical, me interesa mucho ayudar a la gente a sanar su cuerpo de la energ�a toxica que causa enfermedades psicol�gicas o f�sicas con diferentes modalidades de terapia. Tambi�n ense�o en las clases, formas para trabajar con Dios y sus �ngeles para ayudarnos a resolver los problemas diarios y vivir de una forma m�s f�cil y feliz." ~Leticia Fuerte
In this updated edition of The Tarot Handbook, now with a new introduction by the author, Angeles Arrien takes tarot beyond the limits of the fortune-telling realm and shows us how this time-honored application is both a visual and symbolic map of consciousness, and a source of ancient wisdom. An exciting handbook for either a beginning or an ardent student of the tarot, it contains a multitude of charts, spreads, illustrations of the Thoth Deck, and other methodology tools for anyone looking for insights into personal and spiritual development.An anthropologist who specializes in cross-cultural myths, Arrien demonstrates how the seventy-eight figures of the tarot are portraitures and archetypes that are prevalent in the collective human experience. The author teaches us to use this realization to look beyond our cultural viewpoint or bias when we approach the tarot, and to rely instead on these more important universal principles, thereby deepening the quality and accuracy of our interpretations and expanding our awareness of the human psyche. A significant and classic piece of tarot literature, The Tarot Handbook is both a required manual for teachers and students of the subject, and an accessible and fascinating exploration of cultural anthropology.
Learn about the Tarot from the words of Jan Shepherd, one of the foremost experts on the subject. Do you have a tarot deck but have never really learned what the cards mean? Do you know how to read tarot but need one comprehensive guide to improve your skills? Do you want to learn how to use tarot as a tool for personal development? This book will give you all of this and more. It's based on the information on the hugely popular and long established Angel Paths website, but goes further, adding substantial new material about each of the cards, tarot spreads, tarot symbolism, exercises, tarot spreads, Jan's personal musings, and much more. The Angel Paths Guide to the Tarot is both a great guide for beginners, and an essential reference for established readers.
In The Big Book of Angel Tarot, bestselling authors Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine follow up their groundbreaking Angel Tarot Cards with the definitive guide to the mystical art of tarot. By removing the fear, worry and secrecy, Doreen and Radleigh have reintroduced the world to this language of the Divine without diminishing any of the amazing accuracy and detailed information that tarot is known for. In this book, Doreen and Radleigh take you card by card through the journey of The Dreamer in the Major Arcana, describing in detail all the magical symbolism found throughout tarot. You will understand the importance of each suit of the Minor Arcana and its relevance to your daily life, as well as develop a firm grasp of the court cards by getting to know each one as though they are real people. Doreen and Radleigh will give you a full understanding of how various card spreads can provide you with incredible insight into your life and concerns - while also teaching you how to create your own!