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Les conflits africains favorisent la prolifération des armes qui permet à de nombreux groupes armés peu ou pas organisés d'entretenir une instabilité permanente. De nombreuses régions du continent africain sont ainsi devenues les lieux de prédilection d'une véritable économie de guerre civile. Ce commerce illicite d'armes a permis l'émergence de groupes rebelles paramilitaires armés qui ont la capacité de mener des guerres violentes et sans fin. Du fait de la prolifération de ces rébellions armées, divisées en factions rivales, de nombreux conflits africains évoluent vers des guerres régionales plus importantes.
Le commerce des armes est un problème délicat et un sujet de préoccupation majeure pour la communauté internationale. Dans tous les conflits sur le continent africain, le transport d'armes se combine avec celui de la drogue et des ressources du sol et du sous-sol. Cette prolifération effrénée va à l'encontre du droit international. Elle met en péril la paix et la stabilité, le développement économique, et alimente l'activité criminelle de nombreux Etats.
The Rwandan genocide sparked a horrific bloodbath that swept across sub-Saharan Africa, ultimately leading to the deaths of some four million people. In this extraordinary history of the recent wars in Central Africa, Gerard Prunier offers a gripping account of how one grisly episode laid the groundwork for a sweeping and disastrous upheaval. Prunier vividly describes the grisly aftermath of the Rwandan genocide, when some two million refugees--a third of Rwanda's population--fled to exile in Zaire in 1996. The new Rwandan regime then crossed into Zaire and attacked the refugees, slaughtering upwards of 400,000 people. The Rwandan forces then turned on Zaire's despotic President Mobutu and, with the help of a number of allied African countries, overthrew him. But as Prunier shows, the collapse of the Mobutu regime and the ascension of the corrupt and erratic Laurent-D?sir? Kabila created a power vacuum that drew Rwanda, Uganda, Angola, Zimbabwe, Sudan, and other African nations into an extended and chaotic war. The heart of the book documents how the whole core of the African continent became engulfed in an intractible and bloody conflict after 1998, a devastating war that only wound down following the assassination of Kabila in 2001. Prunier not only captures all this in his riveting narrative, but he also indicts the international community for its utter lack of interest in what was then the largest conflict in the world. Praise for the hardcover: "The most ambitious of several remarkable new books that reexamine the extraordinary tragedy of Congo and Central Africa since the Rwandan genocide of 1994." --New York Review of Books "One of the first books to lay bare the complex dynamic between Rwanda and Congo that has been driving this disaster." --Jeffrey Gettleman, New York Times Book Review "Lucid, meticulously researched and incisive, Prunier's will likely become the standard account of this under-reported tragedy." --Publishers Weekly
Comment penser la puissance africaine et les enjeux de la transition hgmonique globale au 21e sicle ? Telle est la question thmatique centrale de cet ouvrage qui se veut un cahier de recherche doctrinale en polmologie et en irnologie endognes, dans un contexte o la mondialisation des enjeux scuritaires signifie pour lAfrique, un reclassement gostratgique du continent o le maintien de la paix et la rsolution des conflits sont devenus un terrain daffirmation de puissance. Analytique et oprationnelle, cette publication est le fruit de nombreuses expriences de terrain, de missions denseignements, de travaux ditoriaux, de publications scientifiques et de confrences internationales.
Experience shows that successful democratic transitions need to be underpinned by a security sector that is effective, well managed, and accountable to the state and its citizens. This is why it is so important to carefully examine security sector governance dynamics in contexts where security has often remained a 'reserved domain.' Understanding the issues and perspectives that divide political elites, the security sector, and citizens is the only way to develop security sector reform programs that are legitimate and sustainable at the national level. Through drawing on the close contextual knowledge of practitioners, researchers, and diverse local actors, this book supports this goal by analyzing security sector governance dynamics in each of the nine Francophone countries within West Africa. From this basis, strengths and weaknesses are analyzed, local capacities evaluated, and entry points identified to promote democratic security sector governance in the West African region. (Series: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces [DCAF])
This book examines a decade-long period of instability, violence and state decay in Central Africa from 1996, when the war started, to 2006, when elections formally ended the political transition in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A unique combination of circumstances explain the unravelling of the conflicts: the collapsed Zairian/Congolese state; the continuation of the Rwandan civil war across borders; the shifting alliances in the region; the politics of identity in Rwanda, Burundi and eastern DRC; the ineptitude of the international community; and the emergence of privatized and criminalized public spaces and economies, linked to the global economy, but largely disconnected from the state - on whose territory the "entrepreneurs of insecurity" function. As a complement to the existing literature, this book seeks to provide an in-depth analysis of concurrent developments in Zaire/DRC, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda in African and international contexts. By adopting a non-chronological approach, it attempts to show the dynamics of the inter-relationships between these realms and offers a toolkit for understanding the past and future of Central Africa.
These collected essays reflect the development of the author’s views as well as the evolution of the law of the sea itself since the beginning of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.