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"In July 2012, the Green Infrastructure Finance Framework Report was published to address the constraints in financing green infrastructure and to develop a new PPP-based approach to accelerate investments in low emission technologies. The approach calls for assessing the “Green Investment Climate” of a given country in order to develop country-specific recommendations for policy and incentive programs as well as other measures which can be introduced in order to further promote green growth in an economy. This report includes one of the first Green Investment Country Profiles completed for the East Asia and Pacific Region as part of bringing the approach closer to operational status. The initial countries include China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and South Korea. The assessment involves not only the green policy and incentives environment, but also the country’s overall natural resource endowment of fossil and renewable energy, its industrial development strategy in addition to general business indicators and other considerations, such as electricity prices, the capacity of the financial sector to mobilize long-term domestic financing, as well as their overall regulatory and legal capacity to implement PPPs. The country profiles provide a general understanding of the attractiveness, prevailing trends, strengths, and other aspects affecting the ability of the country to leverage its green growth potential. "
"In July 2012, the Green Infrastructure Finance Framework Report was published to address the constraints in financing green infrastructure and to develop a new PPP-based approach to accelerate investments in low emission technologies. The approach calls for assessing the “Green Investment Climate” of a given country in order to develop country-specific recommendations for policy and incentive programs as well as other measures which can be introduced in order to further promote green growth in an economy. This report includes one of the first Green Investment Country Profiles completed for the East Asia and Pacific Region as part of bringing the approach closer to operational status. The initial countries include China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and South Korea. The assessment involves not only the green policy and incentives environment, but also the country’s overall natural resource endowment of fossil and renewable energy, its industrial development strategy in addition to general business indicators and other considerations, such as electricity prices, the capacity of the financial sector to mobilize long-term domestic financing, as well as their overall regulatory and legal capacity to implement PPPs. The country profiles provide a general understanding of the attractiveness, prevailing trends, strengths, and other aspects affecting the ability of the country to leverage its green growth potential. "
"In July 2012, the Green Infrastructure Finance Framework Report was published to address the constraints in financing green infrastructure and to develop a new PPP-based approach to accelerate investments in low emission technologies. The approach calls for assessing the “Green Investment Climate” of a given country in order to develop country-specific recommendations for policy and incentive programs as well as other measures which can be introduced in order to further promote green growth in an economy. This report includes one of the first Green Investment Country Profiles completed for the East Asia and Pacific Region as part of bringing the approach closer to operational status. The initial countries include China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and South Korea. The assessment involves not only the green policy and incentives environment, but also the country’s overall natural resource endowment of fossil and renewable energy, its industrial development strategy in addition to general business indicators and other considerations, such as electricity prices, the capacity of the financial sector to mobilize long-term domestic financing, as well as their overall regulatory and legal capacity to implement PPPs. The country profiles provide a general understanding of the attractiveness, prevailing trends, strengths, and other aspects affecting the ability of the country to leverage its green growth potential. "
"In July 2012, the Green Infrastructure Finance Framework Report was published to address the constraints in financing green infrastructure and to develop a new PPP-based approach to accelerate investments in low emission technologies. The approach calls for assessing the “Green Investment Climate” of a given country in order to develop country-specific recommendations for policy and incentive programs as well as other measures which can be introduced in order to further promote green growth in an economy. This report includes one of the first Green Investment Country Profiles completed for the East Asia and Pacific Region as part of bringing the approach closer to operational status. The initial countries include China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and South Korea. The assessment involves not only the green policy and incentives environment, but also the country’s overall natural resource endowment of fossil and renewable energy, its industrial development strategy in addition to general business indicators and other considerations, such as electricity prices, the capacity of the financial sector to mobilize long-term domestic financing, as well as their overall regulatory and legal capacity to implement PPPs. The country profiles provide a general understanding of the attractiveness, prevailing trends, strengths, and other aspects affecting the ability of the country to leverage its green growth potential. "
"In July 2012, the Green Infrastructure Finance Framework Report was published to address the constraints in financing green infrastructure and to develop a new PPP-based approach to accelerate investments in low emission technologies. The approach calls for assessing the “Green Investment Climate” of a given country in order to develop country-specific recommendations for policy and incentive programs as well as other measures which can be introduced in order to further promote green growth in an economy. This report includes one of the first Green Investment Country Profiles completed for the East Asia and Pacific Region as part of bringing the approach closer to operational status. The initial countries include China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and South Korea. The assessment involves not only the green policy and incentives environment, but also the country’s overall natural resource endowment of fossil and renewable energy, its industrial development strategy in addition to general business indicators and other considerations, such as electricity prices, the capacity of the financial sector to mobilize long-term domestic financing, as well as their overall regulatory and legal capacity to implement PPPs. The country profiles provide a general understanding of the attractiveness, prevailing trends, strengths, and other aspects affecting the ability of the country to leverage its green growth potential. "
"In July 2012, the Green Infrastructure Finance Framework Report was published to address the constraints in financing green infrastructure and to develop a new PPP-based approach to accelerate investments in low emission technologies. The approach calls for assessing the “Green Investment Climate” of a given country in order to develop country-specific recommendations for policy and incentive programs as well as other measures which can be introduced in order to further promote green growth in an economy. This report includes one of the first Green Investment Country Profiles completed for the East Asia and Pacific Region as part of bringing the approach closer to operational status. The initial countries include China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and South Korea. The assessment involves not only the green policy and incentives environment, but also the country’s overall natural resource endowment of fossil and renewable energy, its industrial development strategy in addition to general business indicators and other considerations, such as electricity prices, the capacity of the financial sector to mobilize long-term domestic financing, as well as their overall regulatory and legal capacity to implement PPPs. The country profiles provide a general understanding of the attractiveness, prevailing trends, strengths, and other aspects affecting the ability of the country to leverage its green growth potential. "
"In July 2012, the Green Infrastructure Finance Framework Report was published to address the constraints in financing green infrastructure and to develop a new PPP-based approach to accelerate investments in low emission technologies. The approach calls for assessing the “Green Investment Climate” of a given country in order to develop country-specific recommendations for policy and incentive programs as well as other measures which can be introduced in order to further promote green growth in an economy. This report includes one of the first Green Investment Country Profiles completed for the East Asia and Pacific Region as part of bringing the approach closer to operational status. The initial countries include China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and South Korea. The assessment involves not only the green policy and incentives environment, but also the country’s overall natural resource endowment of fossil and renewable energy, its industrial development strategy in addition to general business indicators and other considerations, such as electricity prices, the capacity of the financial sector to mobilize long-term domestic financing, as well as their overall regulatory and legal capacity to implement PPPs. The country profiles provide a general understanding of the attractiveness, prevailing trends, strengths, and other aspects affecting the ability of the country to leverage its green growth potential. "
The report estimated that ...
Catastrophic floods, droughts, and cyclones have plagued Pakistan in recent years. The 2010 flood killed 1,600 people and caused around $10 billion in damage. The 2015 Karachi heat wave led to the death of more than 1,200 people. Climate change-related natural hazards may increase in frequency and severity in the coming decades. Climatic changes are expected to have wide-ranging impacts on Pakistan, affecting agricultural productivity, water availability, and increased frequency of extreme climatic events. Addressing these risks requires climate change to be mainstreamed into national strategy and policy. This publication provides a comprehensive overview of climate change science and policy in Pakistan.
Private firms are at the forefront of the development process, providing more than 90 percent of jobs, supplying goods and services, and representing a significant source of tax revenues. Their ability to grow, create jobs, and reduce poverty depends critically on a well-functioning investment climate--defined as the policy, legal, and institutional arrangements underpinning the functioning of markets and the level of transaction costs and risks associated with starting, operating, and closing a business. The World Bank Group has provided extensive support to investment climate reforms. This evaluation by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) assesses the relevance, effectiveness, and social value of World Bank Group support to investment climate reforms as it relates to concerns for inclusion and shared prosperity. IEG finds that the World Bank Group has supported a comprehensive menu of investment climate reforms and has improved investment climate in countries, as measured by number of laws enacted, streamlining of processes and time, or simple cost savings for private firms. However, the impact on investment, jobs, business formation, and growth is not straightforward. Regulatory reforms need to be designed and implemented with both economic and social costs and benefits in mind; IEG found that, in practice, World Bank Group support focuses predominantly on reducing costs to businesses. In supporting investment climate reforms, the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation use two distinct but complementary business models. Despite the fact that investment climate is the most integrated business unit in the World Bank Group, coordination is mostly informal, relying mainly on personal contacts. IEG recommends that the World Bank Group expand its range of diagnostic tools and integrate them in the areas of the business environment not yet covered by existing tools; develop an approach to identify the social effects of regulatory reforms on all groups expected to be affected by them beyond the business community; and exploit synergies by ensuring that World Bank and IFC staff improve their understanding of each other's work and business models.