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Longlisted for the Carnegie Medal! A dazzling collection of short fiction Zadie Smith has established herself as one of the most iconic, critically respected, and popular writers of her generation. In her first short story collection, she combines her power of observation and her inimitable voice to mine the fraught and complex experience of life in the modern world. Interleaving eleven completely new and unpublished stories with some of her best-loved pieces from The New Yorker and elsewhere, Smith presents a dizzyingly rich and varied collection of fiction. Moving exhilaratingly across genres and perspectives, from the historic to the vividly current to the slyly dystopian, Grand Union is a sharply alert and prescient collection about time and place, identity and rebirth, the persistent legacies that haunt our present selves and the uncanny futures that rush up to meet us. Nothing is off limits, and everything—when captured by Smith’s brilliant gaze—feels fresh and relevant. Perfectly paced and utterly original, Grand Union highlights the wonders Zadie Smith can do.
The Grand Union was a leaderless improvisation group in SoHo in the 1970s that included people who became some of the biggest names in postmodern dance: Yvonne Rainer, Trisha Brown, Steve Paxton, Barbara Dilley, David Gordon, and Douglas Dunn. Together they unleashed a range of improvised forms from peaceful movement explorations to wildly imaginative collective fantasies. This book delves into the "collective genius" of Grand Union and explores their process of deep play. Drawing on hours of archival videotapes, Wendy Perron seeks to understand the ebb and flow of the performances. Includes 65 photographs.
Through the Eyes of a Dancer compiles the writings of noted dance critic and editor Wendy Perron. In pieces for The SoHo Weekly News, Village Voice, The New York Times, and Dance Magazine, Perron limns the larger aesthetic and theoretical shifts in the dance world since the 1960s. She surveys a wide range of styles and genres, from downtown experimental performance to ballets at the Metropolitan Opera House. In opinion pieces, interviews, reviews, brief memoirs, blog posts, and contemplations on the choreographic process, she gives readers an up-close, personalized look at dancing as an art form. Dancers, choreographers, teachers, college dance students—and anyone interested in the intersection between dance and journalism—will find Perron’s probing and insightful writings inspiring. Through the Eyes of a Dancer is a nuanced microcosm of dance’s recent globalization and modernization that also provides an opportunity for new dancers to look back on the traditions and styles that preceded their own.
Self-proclaimed 'fat git' Mark still doesn't know why he suddenly said yes when his mate asked him to go for a run. Three years later, Mark is completing ultramarathons. Follow him as he makes every running mistake possible and guides you from couch through ouch to success! Book jacket.
A peaceful narrowboat holiday. What could possibly go wrong? Stella doesn't want to hire a narrowboat. She'd much rather be in The Maldives, but her husband Alex has other ideas. Nancy escapes onto the canals when her brilliant music career implodes. She's going back to her roots, but things have changed - maybe too much. Dawn is investigating the most unusual crime in her policing career - committed on the Grand Union Canal under the English summer sun. Trouble, is the victim denies it was even a crime. Join Stella, Nancy and Dawn on their epic journeys into the heart of England's canal network. In this tale of deceit, revenge, self-discovery and boating mishaps, they find friends in the most unlikely places and discover that the canals are not always as tranquil as they appear...
Emma sets out with Nanette and Charity on a big adventure- three eighteen-year-old girls, freed from a conventional middle-class background, precipitated into the world of the boating fraternity. Never before had they met such people, the women with plaited hair and gold earrings, the men with choker scarves and darkly sunburnt faces, whole families existing for generation after generation on boats painted the brilliant colours of blue and scarlet, white and glossy black, living hard but undisturbed lives - until the arrival of these incomprehensible young creatures from another planet. Presented with the motor boat Venus and its butty boat, the Ariadne, the three girls embark on their maiden trip. They learn how to handle a pair of seventy-two foot-long canal boats, how to carry a cargo of steel north from London to Birmingham and, on the return journey south, coal from Coventry; how to navigate hazardous locks in the apparently unceasing rain; how to splice ropes, bail out bilge water, keep the engine ticking over and steer through tunnels. They live off kedgeree and fried bread and jam, adopt a kitten, lose their bicycles, laugh and quarrel and get progressively dirtier and tougher as the weeks go by. First published in 1948, Maidens' Trip is a classic memoir of the growth to maturity of three young women in the exceptional circumstances of Britain at war. Informative and fascinating, it breathes new life into England's canals and is vivacious, entertaining and poignant. A pure delight.
Una deslumbrante colección de relatos nominada a la medalla Carnegie. A través de diversas perspectivas, desde lo histórico y lo actual hasta la más absoluta distopía, Grand Union es una reflexión estimulante y profética sobre el tiempo y el espacio, la identidad y el renacimiento, los legados que acechan nuestro presente y los posibles futuros que amenazan con llegar. Con un despliegue de recursos formales -autoficción, experimentación formal, ciencia ficción, surrealismo,sátira social, parábola y hasta una historia narrada por Dios- al alcance de muy pocos, Grand Union posee una fluidez y una libertad narrativas que recuerdan a una improvisación musical. Demuestra el calibre de una autora capaz de reinventarse con cada nuevo libro. La crítica ha dicho... « Grand Union de Zadie Smith son relatos que van desde lo histórico y lo actual hasta la más absoluta distopía, y componen una reflexión estimulante sobre el tiempo y el espacio, la identidad y el renacimiento. Zadie Smith convierte todo lo que toca en algo fresco y relevante.» Zenda Libros «Estos relatos son brillantes ejercicios de estilo a la vez que implícitos ejercicios de discrepancia y, por descontado, lúdicas enmiendas a latotalidad de nuestro mundo acuciado, veleidoso y frívolo. Grand Union escarba en los motivos de un desengaño del capitalismo feroz que asume y que desperdiga por los diecinueve relatos que se reúnen en el volumen de la mano de un humor ácido y de una visión excéntrica que en ocasiones traen a la memoria algunos textos de El mundo y otros lugares, de Jeanette Winterson. Smith químicamente pura, tan libérrima como siempre, observadora implacable de nuestro condenado mundo, que enjuicia el todo desde su conocimiento de las partes, provocadora y entrañable sabionda, valiente voz estridente que denuncia sin complejos las debilidades que nuestra sociedad muestra, conduciéndonos con la luz de su escritura a la oscura inquietud que padecemos (o que deberíamos padecer).» Babelia, El País «Con una prosa cautivadora, se enfrenta a la raza, la clase, las relaciones y los roles de género, la tecnología y la política en un mundo que se siente cada vez más difícil. Escribe con aguda perspicacia y ofrece un profundo e inteligente comentario social y político sobre nuestro agitado entorno, complejo y dividido.» Esquire «Smith es una experta en el retrato sutil de personajes. [...] Su maestría consiste en eludir el victimismo de unos y otros y volcar en ellos lo más formidable de su ironía compasiva. Una ironía llena de rebeldía pero también de comprensión.» ABC Cultural «Nada escapa a la brillante mirada y la voz inimitable de Zadie Smith, que convierte todo lo que toca en algo fresco y relevante. Con un asombroso despliegue de recursos formales y un ritmo absolutamente original, Grand Union es un nuevo hito de una autora capaz de reinventarse con cada libro.» De lector a lector «Lo mejor de Zadie Smith es su maestría descriptiva, que con pocas pinceladas nos sumerge en el ambiente que quiere reflejar, el retrato de personajes de variada condición --sobre todo los femeninos, que pueblan especialmente estos cuentos--, y un acertado manejo de los diálogos. Grand Union es una excelente oportunidad para acercarnos a uno de los mejores nombres de la literatura europea de hoy.» El Imparcial «Sin duda, estamos en compañía de una de nuestras mejores escritoras contemporáneas.» The Guardian «Varios de los relatos de Grand Union van camino de convertirse en clásicos.» Kirkus