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Grace Triumphs over Law - The Scripture that Changed My Life is the story of one mans journey from living under the law to living under grace, from condemnation to salvation, and from darkness to light. While studying the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit brought clear understanding of the falsehood of his religion and the real truths found in Gods Holy Word. We will examine hundreds of scriptural references and quotations to uncover the distinction between the old and new covenants (law and grace), demonstrating the promises and righteousness now available to all Christians through Jesus Christ our Lord. Examples from the law and its rituals are examined, explained, and shown to be predecessors to the new covenant of love, grace, and mercy. You will be carried along this journey with him as we explore how good and gracious our God truly is, as demonstrated by the life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and teachings of God the Son. Gods free gift of Christs completed work has opened to us a better covenant with better promises, and the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who believe. This is a handbook and study guide, for old and new Christians alike, concentrating on the new life found in Jesus, through His eternal sacrifice, which brought about the wonders of the new covenant between God and His saints.
Grace Triumphs over Law - The Scripture that Changed My Life is the story of one man's journey from living under the law to living under grace, from condemnation to salvation, and from darkness to light. While studying the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit brought clear understanding of the falsehood of his religion and the real truths found in God's Holy Word. We will examine hundreds of scriptural references and quotations to uncover the distinction between the old and new covenants (law and grace), demonstrating the promises and righteousness now available to all Christians through Jesus Christ our Lord. Examples from the law and its rituals are examined, explained, and shown to be predecessors to the new covenant of love, grace, and mercy. You will be carried along this journey with him as we explore how good and gracious our God truly is, as demonstrated by the life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and teachings of God the Son. God's free gift of Christ's completed work has opened to us a better covenant with better promises, and the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who believe. This is a handbook and study guide, for old and new Christians alike, concentrating on the new life found in Jesus, through His eternal sacrifice, which brought about the wonders of the new covenant between God and His saints.
With a scholar's mind and a pastor's heart, N. T. Wright guides you through James to help you understand what it means to have the kind of faith that translates belief into action. That kind of faith, he explains, is the faith that matters, the faith that justifies, the faith that saves. Includes nine sessions for group or personal study.
Grace in Practice is a challenging call to live life under grace -- a concept most Christians secretly have trouble with. Paul Zahl pulls no punches, contending that no matter how often we talk about salvation by grace, in our "can-do" society we often cling instead to a righteousness of works. Asserting throughout that grace always trumps both law and church, Zahl illuminates an expansive view of grace in everything, extending the good news of grace to all creation. Conversationally written and filled with fascinating insights, Grace in Practice will reward any Christian who seeks to understand the full measure of God's grace and the total freedom it offers.
Are there different degrees of faith? Does faith always prove itself only through action? James provides powerful, practical answers to timeless questions of the Christian faith, including teaching on how to gain wisdom, prevent hypocrisy, and control the tongue.
Gustaf Aulen's classic work, 'Christus Victor', has long been a standard text on the atonement. Aulen applies history of ideas' methodology to historical theology in tracing the development of three views of the atonement. Aulen asserts that in traditional histories of the doctrine of the atonement only two views have usually been presented, the objective/Anselmian and the subjective/Aberlardian views. According to Aulen, however, there is another type of atonement doctrine in which Christ overcomes the hostile powers that hold humanity in subjection, at the same time that God in Christ reconciles the world to Himself. This view he calls the "classic" idea of the atonement. Because of its predominance in the New Testament, in patristic writings, and in the theology of Luther, Aulen holds that the classic type may be called the distinctively Christian idea of the atonement.
Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: Chapter III. GRACE GREAT IN STRENGTH?SUBDUES SIN. RA CE subdues sin. Sin is strong and the law is strong, but the grace that comes through Jesus Christ is stronger than sin when invested even with the full strength of the law. When sin has done its utmost and carried us into the lowest depths of depravity we find something lower still. The grace of Christ that bringeth salvation has a depth beyond that into which sin has carried us. When it has taken us to the very ends of the earth, we find a length in the grace of Christ to reach us even there, and at the gates of Hell we may feel his grace grasping and subduing us as it grasped and subdued, in the days that are past, the sweet singer of Israel and the apostle of the Gentiles. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of God which passeth knowledge. And when it has wasted and ruined our noble frame, and has robbed us of all that made us beautiful, leaving us weak as withered grass, dead anddry as the bones in the valley of vision, it has not unfitted us for grace, nor placed us beyond its soul- quickening and soul-subduing power. Let us but touch the hem of Christ's garment from whom all saving virtue comes, and we are free and sin shall not have dominion over us. Before the grace of Christ sin is weakness, and its strength as a gossamer thread. a. Grace subdues sin with ease. When sin works and rages within us and is tempestuous, like an angry sea, and we are ready to be swallowed up by its raging lusts, grace subdues it with the ease with which Christ stilled the storm on the sea of Galilee, saying ' Peace be still, ' and there was a great calm. A...