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Sous l'effet du numérique, les villes et les territoires sont engagés dans un processus de transformation dont on mesure encore mal la radicalité et les effets. En moins d'une dizaine d'années, de nouveaux acteurs sont apparus, bouleversant des secteurs installés. Les données sont devenues des ressources stratégiques majeures et les algorithmes des instruments de politique publique trop souvent opaques. À l'opposé d'une vision uniforme de la smart city, les analyses proposées dans cet ouvrage mettent en évidence des modalités différenciées de déploiement et de régulation des technologies numériques selon les territoires et leur environnement politico-institutionnel. En s'appuyant sur des études empiriques pluridisciplinaires, cet ouvrage interroge les mutations de la gouvernance urbaine à l'œuvre avec le numérique. (Source : 4e de couverture).
Technological changes have often produced important social changes that translate into spatial and planning practice. Whereas the intelligent city is one of the unavoidable and even dominant concepts, digital uses can influence urban planning in four different directions. These scenarios are represented by a compass composed of a horizontal axis opposing institutional and non-institutional actors, and a second axis with open and closed opposition.
"Digital age", "digital society", “digital civilization”: many expressions are used to describe the major cultural transformation of our contemporary societies. Digital Dictionary presents the multiple facets of this phenomenon, which was born of computers and continues to permeate all human activity as it progresses at a rapid pace. In this multidisciplinary work, experts, academics and practitioners invite us to discover the digital world from various technological and societal perspectives. In this book, citizens, trainers, political leaders or association members, students and users will find a base of knowledge that will allow them to update their understanding and become stakeholders in current societal changes.
Thinking about development and the environment simultaneously is one of the biggest scientific and societal challenges of the 21st century. Understanding the interactions between biophysical systems and human activities in an era of global change requires overcoming disciplinary divides and opening up new epistemological perspectives. This book explores these challenges using a territorial lens. Combining various scales of analyses (from global to local) and contexts (both urban and rural) in the North and in the South, it analyzes the relationships between environment and development through a variety of geographical objects (i.e. cities, rural and agricultural areas, coastlines, watershed), themes (i.e. ecological transitions, food, energy, transport, agriculture, mining activities) and methodologies (i.e. qualitative and quantitative approaches, modeling, in situ measurements). By engaging in a dialogue between social science and natural science disciplines, within different fields and with a variety of forms of knowledge production, this book provides essential information for understanding and reading the complexity of a globalized world. This book is targeted at academics and students in social sciences and at stakeholders in the field of territorial and environmental management.
​This book provides a unique perspective on urban mobility focusing on past challenges and future trends. The book enables discussions of pathways towards sustainable and people-centred urban mobility building on existing concepts and introducing novel methods and consideration of future research. In particular, the book provides an overview of trends, design methods, and projects combining foresight and agent-based modelling to better integrate active mobility in Mobility-as-a-Service, assess impacts of automated vehicles in Paris, and compare multiple solutions in Cairo. The book provides a range of multidisciplinary concepts and methods that will be invaluable to both researchers in the field and students taking relevant courses.
Genèse de cinq grands projets urbains au sein de cinq villes européennes, Marseille, Nantes, Venise, Turin et Manchester, visant à analyser les transformations qui ont touché l'urbanisme et la gouvernance urbaine. Les villes sont, d'après l'auteur, devenues ces dernières années des acteurs dotés d'une politique extérieure leur permettant de s'affirmer face à certains partenaires.--[Memento].
« Que reste-t-il de nos centres-villes ? » s'interroge le journal Libération en 2017 quand, dans un même temps, Olivier Razemon pose ainsi la question « Sommes-nous en train d'assister à la fin des centres-villes ? ». L'hypothèse d'un retournement de tendance à l'occasion de la mutation numérique fait figure d'utopie réaliste. Depuis à peine 10 ans le sujet des centres-villes (im)pose des débats en France. Du côté structurel et logistique, les constats sont les mêmes : cellules vides, problèmes d'accessibilité, aseptisation, prolifération des centres commerciaux, etc. Mais un autre bouleversement d'ordre sociologique et communicationnel est en cours. De nouveaux modèles issus du numérique, et avec eux, une évolution des pratiques et des attentes des consommateurs, s'imposent. Cet ouvrage propose une mise en perspective de l'accélération sociale en cours afin de voir comment celle-ci fait naître de nouveaux enjeux, dans les sphères politiques et économiques, sur les compositions territoriales. Alors, qui gouverne la transformation des villes aujourd'hui ? Des formes émergentes de modération du territoire arrivent et (re)questionnent le concept, déjà complexe, de smart-city. Des enjeux de gouvernance laissant à voir la difficulté de la ville intelligente à se raconter autrement que comme une fiction.
Local Energy Governance: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in France and Japan examines the extent of the energy transition taking place at a local level in France and Japan, two countries that share ambitious targets regarding the reduction of GHG emissions, their share of renewable energy and their degree of market liberalization. This book observes local energy policies and initiatives and applies an institutional and legal analysis to help identify barriers but also opportunities in the development of renewable energies in the territories. The book will highlight governance features that incubate energy transition at the local level through interdisciplinary contributions that offer legal, political, sociological and technological perspectives. Overall, the book will draw conclusions that will also be informative for other countries aiming at promoting renewable energies. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of energy policy and energy governance.
Stolen Cars is an innovative ethnography of urban inequalities and violence in São Paulo, Brazil. Organized around the journeys of five stolen cars, each chapter discusses a specific theme, such as the distinctions between violent robbery and the more commercial non-violent theft or the role of national borders interconnecting illegal and legal economies Provides an original theoretical framework for a rarely studied urban and transnational supply chain Draws from empirical data and a combination of different methodologies to demonstrate mechanisms of urban inequalities and violence reproduction Highlights how everyday life is entangled with structural urban transformations Uses an ethnographic narrative to show how urban development produce various forms of illegality and violent crime