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This book covers Pastor Yutzy's thoughts regarding some theological issues from eternity past to eternity future; from the creation of the first heaven and earth (Genesis 1:1) to the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21-22). He rejects evolution but does not agree with the young earth creationists. In eschatology, he is premillennial but does not accept the doctrine of imminence. Today, we do not know the day of his coming but, he believes, if we know what we are to look for, we will know the time when it arrives. Christ's coming will not be as a thief in the night to those who know what to look for regarding the rapture of the church. The last part of the book covers his perspective on God's special purpose for the church, Israel, and the Gentiles. He gives his views on abortion, tattoos, cremation, the lake of fire, Gehenna, outer darkness, heaven, the New Jerusalem, and other topics relevant for the church today.
This book covers Pastor Yutzys thoughts regarding some theological issues from eternity past to eternity future; from the creation of the first heaven and earth (Genesis 1:1) to the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 2122). He rejects evolution but does not agree with the young earth creationists. In eschatology, he is premillennial but does not accept the doctrine of imminence. Today, we do not know the day of his coming but, he believes, if we know what we are to look for, we will know the time when it arrives. Christs coming will not be as a thief in the night to those who know what to look for regarding the rapture of the church. The last part of the book covers his perspective on Gods special purpose for the church, Israel, and the Gentiles. He gives his views on abortion, tattoos, cremation, the lake of fire, Gehenna, outer darkness, heaven, the New Jerusalem, and other topics relevant for the church today.
The 'Real Story' of Our Creation, Evolution and Destiny... This over 60 year journey to find some of the answers that have plagued us all for tens of thousands of years, about our existence and its meaning, has been now fulfilled. In this book and its journey we will put together the pieces of the puzzle that ultimately provide us with GOD'S 'Real' MASTER PLAN FOR PLANET EARTH. Many questions answers might Surprise You!! -What was wrong with Darwinism? -Why many dates in history are wrong? -Were Aliens part of God's Plan & who are they? -What does Atlantis and Mu have to do with God's Plan? -How does God's organization really work? -Why was Jesus Christ incarnated 11 times? -Is Revelation in the Bible correct? -How were we humans actually created? -What do we have to do to save our planet? -Why Adam and Eve were not the first man and women on Earth. LEARN... UNDERSTAND... ACT...Now!In this highly factual, historical and chronological information gathered from over 4+ years of intense research, God's Plan becomes very clear. I have looked 'beyond the trees to see the forest' and by adding close to 300 pics, diagrams, photos, etc, I have attempted to show you facts and representations in order for you to better 'understand' His Plan.When someone truly 'understands' something than they are more likely to act correctly.Today we are in a new age in our lives and we need to TAKE ACTION... NOW!Are You, Your Families & Future Descendants Prepared for: -God's Promise to be fulfilled for Mankind? -Meeting Individuals from other worlds? -Changes in the Geography of the World? -To be Fully Attuned with God? -1,000 years of peace & love & much more...
The impact of The Late Great Planet Earth cannot be overstated. The New York Times called it the "no. 1 non-fiction bestseller of the decade." For Christians and non-Christians of the 1970s, Hal Lindsey's blockbuster served as a wake-up call on events soon to come and events already unfolding -- all leading up to the greatest event of all: the return of Jesus Christ. The years since have confirmed Lindsey's insights into what biblical prophecy says about the times we live in. Whether you're a church-going believer or someone who wouldn't darken the door of a Christian institution, the Bible has much to tell you about the imminent future of this planet. In the midst of an out-of-control generation, it reveals a grand design that's unfolding exactly according to plan. The rebirth of Israel. The threat of war in the Middle East. An increase in natural catastrophes. The revival of Satanism and witchcraft. These and other signs, foreseen by prophets from Moses to Jesus, portend the coming of an antichrist . . . of a war which will bring humanity to the brink of destruction . . . and of incredible deliverance for a desperate, dying planet.
God¿s Call to Planet Earth looks at the Bible¿s great themes of redemption, the Christian experience, and last-day events. All these themes are explored in the context of the last chapters of the book of Revelation. God gave a judgment message in Noah¿s day before the flood. Scripture reveals God is giving a similar message today. In the pages of this book you will learn God¿s message for you. You will also learn how to be victorious today and how to be one of God¿s faithful in the midst of the great events destined to shake this planet in the years ahead.
The importance of our lifetime on Earth cannot be overstated. This Is the time given to each of us to work out our own Salvation. Each one of us as individuals must show what we want to become. What that means is we can use our agency to decide just what type of life we want to live throughout all eternity. Do we want to believe and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ or follow the lifestyle of the adversary,” Satan”? Ancient apostles have said, do not procrastinate the day of your repentance. Today is the day to prepare to meet God. All are born into this life with the spirit or the light of Christ in them. It follows then that if we but follow and listen to that spirit it will lead us back to Christ. All are loved by Him, and it is His work and glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of all mankind. It is the object and purpose of this series of eBooks to add to our storehouse of knowledge of the life of Jesus Christ. We are told that a man can be saved no faster than he gains knowledge of Jesus Christ, His commandments and lives them. When the Lord speaks of being saved, He means to be worthy of returning to and living with Him. The natural man within us all, is an enemy to God and wants to move us away from this light of Christ. Satan is real and his influence on us is strong. We must seek out true knowledge from all who know truths and learn from them. God has a plan and He told and taught us about this plan in a pre-existent time before we were born. We used our eternal agency to decide if we wanted to believe and follow Him or not, in that pre-existent time. All who used that agency and chose to follow the plan were chosen to be born on this earth and receive a mortal body. Those who chose to not accept were denied a mortal body and were cast out. All those outcasts are now here on this earth without mortal bodies and are tempting us to deny Christ and live corrupt lives, we will learn more about all of this as we go along. The first eBook “The Pre-existence” (1st Estate) was to give us a better understanding of where we came from and the plan that has been established by God to allow us to be tested and move us ever closer to our goal of exaltation. In this second eBook, “Earth Life” (2nd Estate), we will gain answers to the question of why we are here. We will gain a much better understanding of this probationary time and just how important it is to our Salvation. We must not waste this time but learn to feast on the words of Christ. The Lord has not left us alone in obtaining a greater understanding and knowledge of God’s Plan for all His children. The ancient and latter-day apostles have given us direction of what we should do. It is quite simple. We need to “Read, Ponder and Pray”, about all that we are learning and ask God if these things are true. He will manifest the truth of all things to each of us in His own time and in His own way through the power of the Holy Ghost. We will learn more of this Holy Ghost in future eBooks. After learning of these truths and commandments we must live them so we will be worthy to return to and live with Him. Read on now a enjoy.
The author has been studying the prophetic scriptures for over forty years. He postulates that the prophets not only give us a telescopic view into the future (ages to come Ephesians 2:7) but also a telescopic view into ages past (Ephesians 3:5,9). God is the only one who truly knows the end from the beginning thus his word is the only reliable source for studying the beginning of creation to the new heaven and new earth. You will find his thoughts on the beginning of life and other issues facing the church today plus God's plan for Israel, the church, the gentiles, the new Jerusalem and the future age both challenging and thought provoking for liberal and conservative students of the bible.
"Originally published in 26 books of two lessons and a supplement in each book."
Walk from creation to eternity in a way guaranteed to change your view of the world. You'll finally understand the war Satan is waging against God and how that conflict has affected history, including the persecution of Jewish people and Christians.