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Aydin, back from his journey through the realms of the Creator, is back home and still reeling from what he has experienced. He can’t stop thinking about the levels he visited on his travels through time and space to a place no one on Earth could ever comprehend. He has tried to tell his parents of his fantastic adventure, but they have dismissed it as a wild and wonderful dream. He wrestles with whether he should confide in his best friend Jim Birsha. Jim’s father, the rich, virologist and CEO of Belial Corp., Dr Samael Birsha, owns a state-of-the-art bio laboratory, where top-secret scientific experiments are conducted. Eventually he plucks up the courage to tell Jim, whom he has known since primary school. Understandably, Jim is doubtful at first but knows Aydin well enough to realize that it must be the truth. Jim listens in awe as Aydin recalls his journey through the different levels, explaining the storage of DNA designs in their trillions, and how he came within touching distance of wild and wonderful hybrids. Jim is astounded—this is a far cry from the microorganisms they studied at school. Then Aydin suggests researching what he saw in God’s HQ in the high-tech bio lab of Jim’s father. Jim agrees, but with one condition – that Aydin tells Dr Birsha every detail of his experience. Otherwise, they might not be allowed to use the lab. Aydin reluctantly goes along with the suggestion. The consequences, however, are disastrous. The saga picks up speed as Aydin is sucked into a return to God’s HQ to steal some data files. Dr Birsha and Jim successfully convince him that it isn’t stealing from the Creator but taking information that will help cure devastating diseases on Earth—a purely humanitarian mission. Their true intentions become clear to Aydin once Dr Birsha and Jim have the data files in their clutches. They use this sacred information to develop aliens for a park that would put Disneyworld to shame. Dr Birsha has become a Dr Evil. In no time at all he breeds an alien that is half fish and half tree, much like the one Aydin encountered on Level Three on his initial visit. Now the power-hungry, megalomaniac scientist proclaims himself a new Creator. Aydin watches in helpless horror as more and more hybrids emerge from the bio lab’s incubators. Meanwhile the grand opening of the Alien Park is close. More surprises come when Aydin manages to regain control of the aliens with the help of Ridz. To his shock, Dr Birsha has been working secretly on robotic versions of the biological aliens he has created, so in case things go wrong with aliens, he has a robotic alien army in reserve. In desperation, Aydin tries one more time to convince his father that he had been given privileged access to God’s Headquarters, and that he’d been duped into taking the precious data files, which are now being abused for one man’s greed. “Tell Ridz,” his father advises. But Aydin’s acute shame and regret prevent him from coming clean with the angel who gave him entry to the most sacred of places. A catastrophe is imminent if Aydin doesn’t rectify his mistakes by admitting his responsibility and returning the DNA drives to their proper place. Will Aydin be able to defeat Dr Birsha’s robotic alien army? Will biological life show itself to be superior to robotics and prove Dr Birsha wrong? In this fight to save the Federation of Pacific States and restore God’s faith in humanity, embark on a journey that will have you biting your nails and willing with all your heart good to conquer evil.
A New York Times bestseller people can believe in—by "a pioneer of the new urban Christians" (Christianity Today) and the "C.S. Lewis for the 21st century" (Newsweek). Timothy Keller, the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, addresses the frequent doubts that skeptics, and even ardent believers, have about religion. Using literature, philosophy, real-life conversations, and potent reasoning, Keller explains how the belief in a Christian God is, in fact, a sound and rational one. To true believers he offers a solid platform on which to stand their ground against the backlash to religion created by the Age of Skepticism. And to skeptics, atheists, and agnostics, he provides a challenging argument for pursuing the reason for God.
The search for the truth about a creator is as old as time itself. Is God real or is this deity only a legend passed down through time – a mere figment of our inherited imaginations? It’s age-old question, asked by millions over the centuries. Intelligent and curious Aydin is no ordinary 18 year-old. A science student Aydin struggles with what he has been taught and the strong religious beliefs, which run through his very veins. He starts to mediate in earnest in the hope it will bring him closer to the answer – can science and religion be juxtaposed? Why should we have to believe in one or the other and not both working together? Not in a million years would this curious teenager imagine that the very questions he asked were about to be answered in the most awe-inspiring fashion. He has kept to his strict mediation schedule and now it’s time for bed – another sleepless night perhaps? Since these questions have been plaguing him, Aydin has not been able to rest easy. Suddenly Aydin feels himself rising off the bed and bathed in blinding light. As the light dims, he sees two egg-shaped objects coming straight towards him. His journey is about to begin. A supernatural being emerges. This dimension traveller introduces himself as Ridz the Creators chief Li-Bot who is here to take Aydin on a journey of enlightenment. Aydin finds himself on a breath-taking ride across and up the skies to a world he could never have imagined existed. There are seven levels to God’s Headquarters Ridz tells him and if Aydin had any doubts about this, what this glorious being is telling him is just the tip of the iceberg. Aydin is whisked to the start of the level process, Zoology, where he learns about the delicate Balance of Life and all its mechanisms. There’s “drive libraries” and control desks, containing what proves to be a multitude of dimensions erstwhile unknown to humankind. He encounters a humanoid and dinosaur hybrid equipped with hundreds of unique designs. Hybz, the Li-Bot in charge of hybrid life forms, show him a design capable of moving on either two or four legs with equal ease with a skin like a crocodile, horns like rhinos and a face like a dragon. There are 3D creatures with highly evolved telepathic powers who can twist their heads and limbs at 360 degree angles; others can remove or grow limbs at will, swap wings for fins and shoot horns at the speed of light. He marvels at flying horses like unicorns and the Burrower, a mole-human hybrid with highly evolved powers. It’s like living a fairy tale, Aydin marvels. During the Tour of the Levels he realizes that he is the first human being to be granted this journey of passage through the realms of eternity. “Why me,” Aydin asks. The answer is simple: Aydin’s soul is pure, the colour of a bright white light giving him almost unlimited access to the levels. The emphasis is on “almost” however. As Aydin transcends levels past the level of light and dark forms and the level with the workings of the universe and its ingredients, he asks to visit the ultimate level for an audience with the Creator. This time it is not to be, Ridz tells him. Work on your already advanced state of purity and return for the ultimate tour. When he awakes the next morning, Aydin knows one thing for certain – a supreme Creator does indeed exist, in the most complex and scientific form beyond any human’s wildest imagination. Will anyone ever believe him?
From the Foreword Rose Engcoy’s insightful study of the life and ministry of Rodrigo (“Rudy”) Esperanza is important for two reasons. The first is that all of us have much to learn from Rev. Esperanza’s example. After all, he was one of the pioneers of Pentecostalism in the Philippines. His work as a church planter, pastor, educator, and long-time senior administrator of the Philippines General Council of the Assemblies of God (PGCAG) was vitally important to that denomination’s early success which has situated it in the front ranks of the community of Spirit-filled believers in his beloved homeland. ...Rev. Esperanza, a veteran ecclesiastical firefighter who doused the flames of many a conflict that threatened to disrupt the PGCAG’s unity, not only helped to pilot the United Pentecostal Fellowship but also led his fellow Pentecostals in collaboration with non-Pentecostal evangelicals in a range of evangelistic and ministry activities that went a long way toward allaying suspicions on both sides. Growing churches are always the most vulnerable to conflict and schism, so Christians who long for unity in the body of Christ can learn a lot from Rev. Esperanza. This book will help with that. But Dr. Engcoy’s study is important for another reason as well. Today the Christian community is growing rapidly in Asia, especially East Asia, rivaling the explosive growth of the church in Africa. Riding the crest of the wave are Pentecostal denominations like the PGCAG....This study of Rudy Esperanza and the early years of the PGCAG gives us a very good idea of what lies ahead for Philippine Protestantism. I find that enormously encouraging. George W. Harper, Ph.D Asia Graduate School of Theology Quezon City, Philippines
John has an intense curiosity about the world around him. He is often finding himself asking questions about the universe, regarding how he was created and why he came into this world. He wonders how things are created and how the circle of life works. Basically, he finds himself wondering about the nature of God and how God created and manages so many creations, both visible and invisible in nature. Besides being curious, John has always been somewhat difficult. He is always asking questions and wants to understand everything. Unfortunately, many of his questions could never be answered by his teachers. He is a student of science but still has a deep interest in religion. John is focused on meditation, thanks to his parents' encouragement as the only way to meet God. Level 1 is the creation, or zoology level. It's where living things are created but created with balance of life. If some creature (positive factor) is created, it must also involve creating a predator (negative factor) in order to maintain this balance of life. Level 2 is about the botany, and it deals with all the botanical life that exist in this universe along with ones that may appear in the future. This level is run by Botz, the caretaker. This level includes land plants, aquatic plants, trees, and grasses. This level also must follow similar design principles as zoology, and new designs need to be approved by the creator. Level 3 is the hybrid level where you will encounter a LiBot named Hybz. It contains mixed lifeforms that contain the characteristics of two different lifeforms in one new species. This level contains twelve different offices, one for each of the different physical life forms. Level 4 is the microorganism level, and it contains micro and nanolifeforms. This level is managed by Micz. It is focused on the smallest creatures in the universe, basically things that can't be seen by the naked eye. This level is made up of four offices and contains a lot of different DNA designs. This is the level 5 of the creation of dark and light life. The light form is divided into three different subcategories. The first is called Litians, who are very intelligent and who travel into human dimensions to collect food. The second form, or Glumans, are the souls of those who have passed away and now stuck in one place. The third type are the Norbouls; they can make loud noises and can manipulate electricity by turning lights/electric appliances on and off. Level 6 contains the universe and its ingredients. It's made up of five offices and about the basic design of the universe but also has other designs along with the solar system. This level contains exotic alien tables and elements that are unknown to earth. Level 7 is the top level. This level is split into two sections (i.e., angels and demons.) They reside here but are separated and cannot cross into each other's sections. There is a senior angel who oversees six offices run by other angels. The devils have a similar setup, with Satan residing in the center office. The topmost level, or end of levels as we know it, belongs to the creator himself. You cannot get to this level. To get to this level, you need to have the purest of the soul. You may one day get to the very top if you are to reach that level with your meditation skills. This journey John has taken really increased his love for the creator.
God's Unmerited Grace is the story of a Caribbean island boy who grew up and is in pursuit of gainful employment to help lift his household out of poverty in the midst of all the roadblocks, tests, trials, oppressions, temptations, persecutions, and the tribulations of this life. This is all because of the grace of the Almighty and Most High God, who promised he will never leave or forsake him in spite of all obstacles. The purpose that he has lived and not died was to proclaim to the world that Jesus is the one true and living God. He made a way because he favored me.
Following God's footsteps and the mystery of God's will in Christian life and walk can be a daunting task. Multitudes of voices, life choices, and sociocultural options and challenges make it hard for one to perceive and understand clearly when God is truly speaking and what does His message entails. Thus, like Abraham, it may require an absolute departure from the habitual way of life to a far-out city, country, or region where God can start with us anew. Also, we must be willing to surrender our will to God's will and follow in His footstep wherever He may lead in daily life. Now that requires self-sacrifice and applied humility--a practical death to self. At times it's about listening to God's voice through a moral, spiritual, or ministerial decision. Other times it's just about family life crises, or it can be regarding political or social issues. God's will happens when we commit to listen to His word and apply it to practical life effortlessly for His sake. This author lived through it all and acknowledges that God's will is about following in His footsteps in every area of life--however mysterious or difficult it may appear. God's purpose for our lives' journey is already set in heaven--surrendering to His purpose will lead to a very content, satisfying, and joyful life regardless the challenges we experience throughout our lifetime. This autobiography will challenge you to begin exploring God's footsteps in different facets of your own life and intentionally pursue His mysterious plan.