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A spiritual memoir and travelogue, God through Binoculars: A Hitchhiker at a Monastery is about where you go when you have nowhere left to go. After a difficult childhood and a series of tragedies and misfortunes, author Danusha Goska finds herself without hope for the future. Supported by her passion for travel and discovery, as well as her commitment to Catholicism, Goska decides on a retreat at a remote Cistercian monastery. What results is a story about family, friends, nature, and God; the Ivory Tower and the Catholic Church. God through Binoculars is utterly naked and, at times, politically incorrect. Some readers will be shocked. Others will be thrilled and refreshed by its candor, immediacy, and intimacy. Her previous, highly-rated book, Save Send Delete, was enormously well-received, and readers will find that Goska's ability to tell a masterful story with a powerful message continues in God through Binoculars.
Heaven has received a lot of attention in recent years as bestselling books and movies have told the stories of people who claim to have been there. But what does the Bible actually say about heaven? What difference does it make? What happens the moment after we die? What will our relationships be like in heaven? Chip Ingram sets aside the hype and myths and digs into the Scriptures to discover what God actually wants us to know about the hereafter. Most importantly, Ingram shows why our understanding of heaven matters now, in this life. Because what we believe about heaven actually affects us today in ways we may not have imagined.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer shares powerful, practical ways to experience a new level of joy and excitement about life every day. The traffic is backed up, the kids are screaming, and the car is making a funny noise again. Any one of these challenges can test our temperament and rob us of joy. Our impulse is to write today off and hope for a better tomorrow. However, this creates a hard pattern to break. One terrible day easily turns into many-and soon we're living a life far from what God has in mind for us. A new, transforming sense of excitement, happiness, and contentment in our lives is possible when we pursue God's goodness each day. In 20 Ways to Make Everyday Better, Joyce Meyer shares biblical illustrations, actionable advice, uplifting stories, and the encouragement we need to start enjoying the life God created for us.
Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe What do you see when you gaze at the night sky? Do you contemplate the stars as the random result of an evolutionary process? Or do you marvel over them as a testament of the Creator’s glory? Modern science has popularized a view of the cosmos that suggests there is no need for God and denies any evidence of His existence. But The Story of the Cosmos provides a different—and fascinating—perspective. It points to a God who makes Himself known in the wonder and beauty of His creation. This compilation from respected scholars and experts spans topics from “The Mathematical Creation and the Image of God” to “The Glorious Dance of Binary Stars” and “God’s Invisible Attributes—Black Holes.” Contributors include Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, Dr. Melissa Cain Travis, and Dr. Michael Ward. Come, take a deeper look at the universe…and explore the traces of God’s glory in the latest discoveries of astronomy, science, literature, and art.
"What you will discover once you have whipped the blindfold off and you look out into the new multidimensional reality that is your new realization of freedom, then the fun really begins. This is where and when you will create the dream in your heart. This is where you will create your most exciting self. This is where you discover that there is nothing you cannot be, for you are everything.This is when you will discover not only how amazing you are, but how amazing this whole reality system is and how incredible it is that you are here." - Story Waters This is the follow up to Story Waters' first book "The Messiah Seed."
Many things have competed for the attention of the Beloved of the Lord. Religion is ever waving its tentacles, trying to detain her. The Spirit of this age assaults her defenses with ever increasing ferocity. At times, it has seemed like her attention has been completely captured by inferior suitors. Now, God's patience is exhausted. And many can hear His Roar reverberating in the heavenlies. And it is not the sound of an approaching storm front... although it may be accompanied by one, both in the natural and spiritual realm! It's a demand, a shout of ownership that cannot be silenced. It is not a request, nor a gentle suggestion. It is the righteous demand of the Conqueror; the Lion of Judah Bridegroom King; Who comes to claim the one who is rightfully His. He doesn't beat around the bush or employ diplomatic negotiating strategies! The Bridegroom WILL have what He purchased with the Bridal Price of His precious Blood! And so, with a bone-rattling, earth-shattering roar, He bellows: "GIVE ME BACK MY WIFE!"
Everyone has a story. Some stories may not impact our lives to any great degree. Others might alter our direction in unimaginable ways. Our stories are not for comparison or competition but can be extremely impactful and relevant to us. Sharing these stories can bring others insight and revelation into their own lives. Helping us to feel a part of the bigger picture, more hopeful and purposeful on our daily walk. In truth, we are never alone; God, who is all powerful is always on the journey with us. While Satan uses fear and lies trying to convince us that we are alone and abandoned, God says differently: Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." In faith, our fears, loneliness and insecurities can be given to God. We do this with faith in Him alone. Only He can drive away the lies, attacks, and discouragements that come our way. This helps secure safety in our storms. This is a story of God's power, God's abundant love for us and how He fiercely clings to us unconditionally. Blessings Always!
Is there meaning to life? Is history just random? Where does my life fit in? These are topical questions in any age, but particularly so in our postmodern era. Vaughan Roberts addresses these questions and others by examining what the Bible presents as the "turning points" in history, from creation to the end of time.This does not read like a normal history book. It does something far more important, to help you see history as God does, so that you might fit in with His plans for the world.
Is Christ going to return to the earth physically? Will the Rapture of the church occur? The Bible answers these questions in the affirmative. So when will these things take place? After years of studying this, I am convinced that not only will the Lord Jesus be coming to reign on this earth from Jerusalem but He will be doing so very shortly. I believe that the Bible in fact tells us the exact date of His return! Not only that, it also tells us the exact date of the Rapture, or at least the time in which it will occur. Even more, it tells us when the final seven-year period will begin and when the Antichrist will reveal himself—to the day! I know that many might express incredulity at such claims and even shock at the utter audacity to proclaim something so preposterous, and I do not blame you if you do feel this way. I only ask that you read and consider for yourself. The prophetic time line laid out in this book is absolute and can be overlaid onto the Gregorian calendar. I encourage you to read and discover for yourself why I am so confident in my declarations and how those prophetic time stamps align on our modern calendar. When done and when applied to what Scripture says and the history of the church age, it tells us the physical return of Christ to the earth could very well take place on April 9, 2033. Get ready to be shocked as the book of Revelation will be unfolded to you in a way you have probably never seen before.