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This thesis describes the structures of six-dimensional (6d) superconformal field theories and its torus compactifications. The first half summarizes various aspects of 6d field theories, while the latter half investigates torus compactifications of these theories, and relates them to four-dimensional superconformal field theories in the class, called class S. It is known that compactifications of 6d conformal field theories with maximal supersymmetries provide numerous insights into four-dimensional superconformal field theories. This thesis generalizes the story to the theories with smaller supersymmetry, constructing those six-dimensional theories as brane configurations in the M-theory, and highlighting the importance of fractionalization of M5-branes. This result establishes new dualities between the theories with eight supercharges.
This is a set of lecture notes given by the author at the Universities of G”ttingen and Wroclaw. The text presents the axiomatic approach to field theory and studies in depth the concepts of symmetry and supersymmetry and their associated generators, currents and charges. It is intended as a one-semester course for graduate students in the field of mathematical physics and high energy physics.
The author introduces the supersymmetric localization technique, a new approach for computing path integrals in quantum field theory on curved space (time) defined with interacting Lagrangian. The author focuses on a particular quantity called the superconformal index (SCI), which is defined by considering the theories on the product space of two spheres and circles, in order to clarify the validity of so-called three-dimensional mirror symmetry, one of the famous duality proposals. In addition to a review of known results, the author presents a new definition of SCI by considering theories on the product space of real-projective space and circles. In this book, he explains the concept of SCI from the point of view of quantum mechanics and gives localization computations by reducing field theoretical computations to many-body quantum mechanics. He applies his new results of SCI with real-projective space to test three-dimensional mirror symmetry, one of the dualities of quantum field theory. Real-projective space is known to be an unorientable surface like the Mobius strip, and there are many exotic effects resulting from Z2 holonomy of the surface. Thanks to these exotic structures, his results provide completely new evidence of three-dimensional mirror symmetry. The equivalence expected from three-dimensional mirror symmetry is transformed into a conjectural non-trivial mathematical identity through the new SCI, and he performs the proof of the identity using a q-binomial formula.
These volumes, a collection of a series of articles with commentary notes by the editor, describe supersymmetric theories for particle interactions from the earliest developments to the latest advancements. The book, divided into two volumes, will mainly focus its attention on subjects related to the application of N = 1 supersymmetry and supergravity to unified theories, encompassing all fundamental forces of nature. Particular emphasis is given to the ultraviolet cancellations in supersymmetric field theories, naturalness and hierarchy of scales, spontaneous symmetry breaking, super-Higgs effect and its applications to high energy physics. Both perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of supersymmetric field theories are covered. Over a hundred seminar papers are reprinted in these volumes.
The story of the discovery of supersymmetry is a fascinating one, unlike that of any other major development in the history of science. This engaging book presents a view of the process, mainly in the words of people who participated. It combines anecdotal descriptions and personal reminiscences with more technical accounts of the trailblazers, covering the birth of the theory and its first years — the origin of the idea, four-dimensional field theory realization, and supergravity. The eyewitnesses convey to us the drama of one of the deepest discoveries in theoretical physics in the 20th century. This book will be equally interesting and useful to young researchers in high energy physics and to mature scholars — physicists and historians of science.
The publication of the first edition of "Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity" was a remarkable success. This second edition contains a substantial amount of new material especially on two-dimensional supersymmetry algebras, their irreducible representations as well as rigid and local (i.e. supergravity) theories of 2-dimensional supersymmetry both in x-space and superspace. These theories include the actions for the superstring and the heterotic string. In addition, a chapter is devoted to a discussion on superconformal algebras in two dimensions and contains an account of super operator product expansion.
We discuss classifications of UV complete supersymmetric theories in six dimensions, and (spin-)topological field theories admitting a finite global symmetry and possibly time-reversal symmetry in three dimensions. We also discuss a generalization of finite global symmetries and their gauging in two dimensions. First, we start with LSTs which are UV complete non-local 6D theories decoupled from gravity in which there is an intrinsic string scale. We present a systematic approach to the construction of supersymmetric LSTs via the geometric phases of F-theory. Our central result is that all LSTs with more than one tensor multiplet are obtained by a mild extension of 6D superconformal field theories (SCFTs) in which the theory is supplemented by an additional, non-dynamical tensor multiplet, analogous to adding an affine node to an ADE quiver, resulting in a negative semidefinite Dirac pairing. We also show that all 6D SCFTs naturally embed in an LST. Motivated by physical considerations, we show that in geometries where we can verify the presence of two elliptic fibrations, exchanging the roles of these fibrations amounts to T-duality in the 6D theory compactified on a circle. Second, we study the interpretation of O7$_+$-planes in F-theory, mainly in the context of the six dimensional models. In particular, we study how to assign gauge algebras and matter contents to seven-branes and their intersections, and the implication of anomaly cancellation in our construction, generalizing earlier analyses without any O7$_+$-planes. By including O7$_+$-planes we can realize 6d superconformal field theories hitherto unobtainable in F-theory, such as those with hypermultiplets in the symmetric representation of special unitary gauge algebra. We also examine a couple of compact models. These reproduce some famous perturbative models, and in some cases enhance their gauge symmetries non-perturbatively. Third, we argue that it is possible to describe fermionic phases of matter and spin-topological field theories in 2+1d in terms of bosonic "shadow" theories, which are obtained from the original theory by "gauging fermionic parity". The fermionic/spin theories are recovered from their shadow by a process of fermionic anyon condensation: gauging a one-form symmetry generated by quasi-particles with fermionic statistics. We apply the formalism to theories which admit gapped boundary conditions. We obtain Turaev-Viro-like and Levin-Wen-like constructions of fermionic phases of matter. We describe the group structure of fermionic SPT phases protected by the product of fermion parity and internal symmetry G. The quaternion group makes a surprise appearance. Fourth, we generalize two facts about oriented 3d TFTs to the unoriented case. On one hand, it is known that oriented 3d TFTs having a topological boundary condition admit a state-sum construction known as the Turaev-Viro construction. This is related to the string-net construction of fermionic phases of matter. We show how Turaev-Viro construction can be generalized to unoriented 3d TFTs. On the other hand, it is known that the "fermionic" versions of oriented TFTs, known as Spin-TFTs, can be constructed in terms of "shadow" TFTs which are ordinary oriented TFTs with an anomalous $\mathbb{Z}_2$ 1-form symmetry. We generalize this correspondence to Pin$^+$-TFTs by showing that they can be constructed in terms of ordinary unoriented TFTs with anomalous $\mathbb{Z}_2$ 1-form symmetry having a mixed anomaly with time-reversal symmetry. The corresponding Pin$^+$-TFT does not have any anomaly for time-reversal symmetry however and hence it can be unambiguously defined on a non-orientable manifold. In case a Pin$^+$-TFT admits a topological boundary condition, one can combine the above two statements to obtain a Turaev-Viro-like construction of Pin$^+$-TFTs. As an application of these ideas, we construct a large class of Pin$^+$-SPT phases. Finally, we recall that it is well-known that if we gauge a $\mathbb{Z}_n$ symmetry in two dimensions, a dual $\mathbb{Z}_n$ symmetry appears, such that re-gauging this dual $\mathbb{Z}_n$ symmetry leads back to the original theory. We describe how this can be generalized to non-Abelian groups, by enlarging the concept of symmetries from those defined by groups to those defined by unitary fusion categories. We will see that this generalization is also useful when studying what happens when a non-anomalous subgroup of an anomalous finite group is gauged: for example, the gauged theory can have non-Abelian group symmetry even when the original symmetry is an Abelian group. We then discuss the axiomatization of two-dimensional topological quantum field theories whose symmetry is given by a category. We see explicitly that the gauged version is a topological quantum field theory with a new symmetry given by a dual category.