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Birgit, eine junge Juristin, kommt regelmäßig in ihrer Mittagspause ins nahegelegene Lokal, weil das Tagesmenü gut, ausgiebig und preiswert ist. Aber Felix, der neue junge Kellner auch in ihrem Alter, der Birgit bedient, ist alles andere als ein geschickter Kellner: Er vergisst ihre Bestellung, bringt oft die falsche Bestellung oder bringt sie überhaupt mit großer Verspätung. Was Birgit natürlich verärgert, weil ihre Pause kurz ist. Aber aus anfänglichem Zanken und geladener Spannung entwickelt sich bald etwas Unerwartetes. – Die zweite Kurzgeschichte von Klara Wimmer, die die Handlung jetzt in Wien angesiedelt hat. Und zur Kurzgeschichte gibt es noch ein nettes Extra: die Liste der österreichischen Kaffeespezialitäten, die man in einem traditionellen Wiener Kaffeehaus bestellen kann. Birgit, a young lawyer, regularly comes to the nearby restaurant during her lunch break because the daily menu is good, extensive and inexpensive. But Felix, the new young waiter even at her age, who serves Birgit, is anything but a skilful waiter: he forgets her order, often brings the wrong order, or even brings it late. Which of course annoys Birgit, because her break is short. But from initial quarrelling and charged tension, something unexpected soon develops. - The second short story by Klara Wimmer, who has now set the plot in Vienna. And there is another nice extra to the short story: the list of Austrian coffee specialities that can be ordered in a traditional Viennese coffee house. Introducing a new addition to the "GERMAN-READER" Series Explore the latest illustrated short story in the esteemed "GERMAN-READER" series, an essential part of our extensive collection designed for learners of German as a foreign language. This series is not just about reading; it provides a multifaceted approach to language acquisition, incorporating textbooks, reading materials, audiobooks, interactive e-books, videos, and other engaging media resources. Each component is thoughtfully crafted to enhance your learning experience, making German language mastery accessible and enjoyable. Whether you're a beginner or advancing your skills, our resources are designed to cater to all levels of proficiency. For more information about the "GERMAN-READER" series and other resources, including materials dedicated to mastering the German language, please visit our homepage:
Jens ist ein 10-jähriger aufgeschlossener und gesprächiger Bub. In seiner Nachbarschaft zieht ein alter Pensionär ein, der Kinder nicht besonders mag. Aber für Jens ist das kein Problem – auf seine kindhafte, ehrliche und charmante Art und Weise gewinnt er auch die Sympathie seines neuen Nachbarn. Jens is a 10 year old open-minded and sociable boy. In his neighbourhood an old pensioner moves in who doesn't like children very much. But that's no problem for Jens - in his childish, honest and charming way he also wins the sympathy of his new neighbour. Introducing a new addition to the "GERMAN-READER" Series Explore the latest illustrated short story in the esteemed "GERMAN-READER" series, an essential part of our extensive collection designed for learners of German as a foreign language. This series is not just about reading; it provides a multifaceted approach to language acquisition, incorporating textbooks, reading materials, audiobooks, interactive e-books, videos, and other engaging media resources. Each component is thoughtfully crafted to enhance your learning experience, making German language mastery accessible and enjoyable. Whether you're a beginner or advancing your skills, our resources are designed to cater to all levels of proficiency. For more information about the "GERMAN-READER" series and other resources, including materials dedicated to mastering the German language, please visit our homepage:
Sophie, eine geschwätzige und lebensfreudige Kindergärtnerin aus Frankfurt am Main, will ihre Freundin in Luzern besuchen. Im Zug begegnet Sophie Lukas, einen introvertierten Bankangestellten aus Zürich. Sophie entwaffnet ihn und seine höfliche Distanz mit ihrer Offenheit und Ehrlichkeit. Das anfänglich angenehme Plaudern zwischen zwei Fremden entwickelt sich zur Vertrautheit, die wiederum auch auf die Grenzen der beiden stößt. - Eine spannende Geschichte mit dem Happy End. Sophie, a talkative and fun-loving kindergarten teacher from Frankfurt am Main, wants to visit her friend in Lucerne. On the train Sophie meets Lukas, an introverted bank employee from Zurich. Sophie disarms him and his polite distance with her openness and honesty. The initially pleasant chat between two strangers develops into familiarity, which in turn also encounters the limits of the two. - An exciting story with a happy ending. Introducing a new addition to the "GERMAN-READER" Series Explore the latest short story in the esteemed "GERMAN-READER" series, an essential part of our extensive collection designed for learners of German as a foreign language. This series is not just about reading; it provides a multifaceted approach to language acquisition, incorporating textbooks, reading materials, audiobooks, interactive e-books, videos, and other engaging media resources. Each component is thoughtfully crafted to enhance your learning experience, making German language mastery accessible and enjoyable. Whether you're a beginner or advancing your skills, our resources are designed to cater to all levels of proficiency. For more information about the "GERMAN-READER" series and other resources, including materials dedicated to mastering the German language, please visit our homepage:
Marco ist Italiener, 32 Jahre alt und lebt in Wien seit neun Jahren. Die anfängliche Begeisterung übers neue Leben ist mit den Jahren nachgelassen: Obwohl er eine verständnisvolle Freundin und auch den langersehnten Job in einer guten Anwaltskanzlei hat, ist er generell nicht zufrieden. Liegt das Problem beim Arbeitskollegen Schmidt? Oder beim Vermieter und zugleich seinem Nachbar Bozek? Oder sind die Dreißiger im Leben eines jeden Menschen so unangenehm? Marco stellt sich Fragen und denkt laut nach – versucht seinen Unmut auf ehrliche und auch amüsante Art zu lösen. „Mein Leben in Wien – 1. Teil“ ist der erste Teil von 3 Teilen einer Geschichte. Marco is Italian, 32 years old he has been living in Vienna since nine years. His initial enthusiasm about his new life has waned over the years: Although he has an understanding girlfriend and also the long-awaited job in a good law firm, he is generally not satisfied. Does the problem lie with his work colleague Schmidt? Or with the landlord and at the same time his neighbour Bozek? Or are the thirties so unpleasant in everyone's life? Marco asks himself questions and thinks out loud - tries to solve his resentment in an honest and also amusing way. "My Life in Vienna - Part 1" is the first part of 3 parts of a story. Introducing a new addition to the "GERMAN-READER" Series Explore the latest short story in the esteemed "GERMAN-READER" series, an essential part of our extensive collection designed for learners of German as a foreign language. This series is not just about reading; it provides a multifaceted approach to language acquisition, incorporating textbooks, reading materials, audiobooks, interactive e-books, videos, and other engaging media resources. Each component is thoughtfully crafted to enhance your learning experience, making German language mastery accessible and enjoyable. Whether you're a beginner or advancing your skills, our resources are designed to cater to all levels of proficiency. For more information about the "GERMAN-READER" series and other resources, including materials dedicated to mastering the German language, please visit our homepage:
Marco, ein Italiener in Wien, erzählt im zweiten Band mehr über seine Kindheit und seine Eltern, über den Streit mit seinem Vermieter Bozek, über seine spannende Arbeit in der Anwaltskanzlei, über den Streit mit Marina, über ein Geheimnis aus seinem Eheleben, das er zufällig entdeckt hat und über interessante Begegnungen, die er in Wiener Lokalen erlebt. „Mein Leben in Wien – 2. Teil“ ist der zweite Teil von drei Teilen einer Geschichte. Marco, an Italian in Vienna, tells in the second volume of the story more about his childhood and his parents, about the quarrel with his landlord Bozek, about his exciting work in the law office, about the quarrel with Marina, about a secret from his married life that he discovered by coincidence and about interesting encounters that he experiences in Viennese pubs. "My Life in Vienna - Part 2" is the second of three parts of a story. Introducing a new addition to the "GERMAN-READER" Series Explore the latest short story in the esteemed "GERMAN-READER" series, an essential part of our extensive collection designed for learners of German as a foreign language. This series is not just about reading; it provides a multifaceted approach to language acquisition, incorporating textbooks, reading materials, audiobooks, interactive e-books, videos, and other engaging media resources. Each component is thoughtfully crafted to enhance your learning experience, making German language mastery accessible and enjoyable. Whether you're a beginner or advancing your skills, our resources are designed to cater to all levels of proficiency. For more information about the "GERMAN-READER" series and other resources, including materials dedicated to mastering the German language, please visit our homepage:
Birgit, eine junge Juristin, kommt regelmäßig in ihrer Mittagspause ins nahegelegene Lokal, weil das Tagesmenü gut, ausgiebig und preiswert ist. Aber Felix, der neue junge Kellner auch in ihrem Alter, der Birgit bedient, ist alles andere als ein geschickter Kellner: Er vergisst ihre Bestellung, bringt oft die falsche Bestellung oder bringt sie überhaupt mit großer Verspätung. Was Birgit natürlich verärgert, weil ihre Pause kurz ist. Aber aus anfänglichem Zanken und geladener Spannung entwickelt sich bald etwas Unerwartetes. - Die zweite Kurzgeschichte von Klara Wimmer, die die Handlung jetzt in Wien angesiedelt hat. Und zur Kurzgeschichte gibt es noch ein nettes Extra: die Liste der österreichischen Kaffeespezialitäten, die man in einem traditionellen Wiener Kaffeehaus bestellen kann. Birgit, a young lawyer, regularly comes to the nearby restaurant during her lunch break because the daily menu is good, extensive and inexpensive. But Felix, the new young waiter even at her age, who serves Birgit, is anything but a skilful waiter: he forgets her order, often brings the wrong order, or even brings it late. Which of course annoys Birgit, because her break is short. But from initial quarrelling and charged tension, something unexpected soon develops. - The second short story by Klara Wimmer, who has now set the plot in Vienna. And there is another nice extra to the short story: the list of Austrian coffee specialities that can be ordered in a traditional Viennese coffee house. Introducing a new addition to the "GERMAN-READER" Series Explore the latest short story in the esteemed "GERMAN-READER" series, an essential part of our extensive collection designed for learners of German as a foreign language. This series is not just about reading; it provides a multifaceted approach to language acquisition, incorporating textbooks, reading materials, audiobooks, interactive e-books, videos, and other engaging media resources. Each component is thoughtfully crafted to enhance your learning experience, making German language mastery accessible and enjoyable. Whether you're a beginner or advancing your skills, our resources are designed to cater to all levels of proficiency. For more information about the "GERMAN-READER" series and other resources, including materials dedicated to mastering the German language, please visit our homepage.
This American underground classic is a rollicking cosmic mystery featuring Albert Einstein and James Joyce as the ultimate space/time detectives. One fateful evening in a suitably dark, beer-soaked Swiss rathskeller, a wild and obscure Irishman named James Joyce would become the drinking partner of an unknown physics professor called Albert Einstein. And on that same momentous night, Sir John Babcock, a terror-stricken young Englishman, would rush through the tavern door bringing a mystery that only the two most brilliant minds of the century could solve . . . or perhaps bringing only a figment of his imagination born of the paranoia of our times. An outrageous, raunchy ride through the twists and turns of mind and space, Masks of the Illuminati runs amok with all our fondest conspiracy theories to show us the truth behind the laughter . . . and the laughter in the truth. Praise for Masks of the Illuminati “I was astonished and delighted . . . Robert Anton Wilson managed to reverse every mental polarity in me, as if I had been pulled through infinity.”—Philip K. Dick “[Wilson is] erudite, witty, and genuinely scary.”—Publishers Weekly “A dazzling barker hawking tickets to the most thrilling tilt-a-whirls and daring loop-o-planes on the midway to a higher consciousness.”—Tom Robbins “Wilson is one of the most profound, important, scientific philosophers of this century—scholarly, witty, hip, and hopeful.”—Timothy Leary
Modern German Grammar: A Practical Guide, Third Edition is an innovative reference guide to German, combining traditional and function-based grammar in a single volume. The Grammar is divided into two parts. Part A covers grammatical categories such as word order, nouns, verbs and adjectives. Part B is organised according to language functions and notions such as: making introductions asking for something to be done delivering a speech possibility satisfaction. The book addresses learners’ practical needs and presents grammar in both a traditional and a communicative setting. New to this edition, and building on feedback from the previous edition: The rules of the latest (and so far final) spelling reform have been implemented throughout. Examples of usage have been updated and consideration given to Swiss and Austrian variants. The chapter on register has been expanded and now includes youth language and frequently used Anglicisms in German. The Index now has even more key words; it has also been redesigned to differentiate between German words, grammar terms, and functions, thus making it more user-friendly. The Grammar assumes no previous grammatical training and is intended for all those who have a basic knowledge of German, from intermediate learners in schools and adult education to undergraduates taking German as a major or minor part of their studies. The Grammar is accompanied by a third edition of Modern German Grammar Workbook (ISBN 978-0-415-56725-1) which features exercises and activities directly linked to the Grammar. Ruth Whittle is Lecturer, John Klapper is Professor of Foreign Language Pedagogy, Katharina Glöckel is the Austrian Lektorin and Bill Dodd is Professor of Modern German Studies – all at the University of Birmingham. Christine Eckhard-Black is Tutor and Advisor in German at the Oxford University Language Centre.
Intended for upper elementary and secondary teachers in all subject areas, this guide provides practical advice on determining the appropriate application of computer technology and on the selection of specific, subject-related computer-based instruction units. Under the heading of hardware and software, topics discussed include communicating with a computer, computer size, getting and using user's programs, translators and programming languages, and the elements of a program. The computer is analyzed in terms of its uses as instructor, laboratory, calculator, object of instruction, and instructor's aide. The selection of computer-based instructional units is described from the beginning of the selection process through final decision making. Individual papers then focus on uses of the computer in the following specific areas: art education, business education, instruction for the deaf and hard of hearing, elementary school, language arts, mathematics curriculum and instruction, music education, physical education, secondary science, natural science, and the social sciences. "Keys to Recognizing General Purpose Languages," and some primary sources of computer-based instructional units, are appended. (LMM)