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The book begins with a description of commercial agriculture in West Africa and penetration by an agribusiness firm. The author then draws on data from a case study from Senegal to examine various impacts of the firm's intervention - gains and losses to the farmers and wage workers and detailed changes in gender and class relations which constitute a transition in class structure. The book concludes with the assertion that projects are not successful when they ignore the important role of the small farmers and their food production system
The book begins with a description of commercial agriculture in West Africa and penetration by an agribusiness firm. The author then draws on data from a case study from Senegal to examine various impacts of the firm's intervention - gains and losses to the farmers and wage workers and detailed changes in gender and class relations which constitute a transition in class structure. The book concludes with the assertion that projects are not successful when they ignore the important role of the small farmers and their food production system
Gender equality is gaining global recognition as a catalyst for sustainable development, and a proven stratagem for alleviating poverty and enhancing food security in developing countries of Africa, where agriculture is the main economic stay. The book Gender and Rural Development: Volume 1 introduces gender discussions into key topics in the curriculum for Nigerian university agricultural undergraduate studies, with the purpose of enhancing gender responsive agricultural and rural development programs, projects, policies and budgets required for sustainable development. (Series: Spektrum. Berliner Reihe zu Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik in Entwicklungsl�¤ndern/Berlin Series on Society, Economy and Politics in Developing Countries - Vol. 106)
This book aims to unravel how rural gender regimes are constituted, enforced, made sense of and resisted, and how struggles of resistance lead to empowerment and change in various countries in the four corners of Europe as well as Australia and India. The book focuses on the intricate relationship between laws and institutions and everyday life. It analyzes on the one hand how laws and institutions are constituted and on the other hand how gender regimes are built at the local rural level, sometimes in compliance with these frames and sometimes contesting them. The articles, in diverse ways, give voice both to women's struggles for recognition and men's voices in gendered rural societies. Through applying the concepts of the welfare state and gender regimes within rural research, this book contributes to the further development of a comparative theoretical framework for rural gender studies. The importance of integrating rural gender studies into both the mainstreams of rural and feminist research has been emphasized in previous research, as has that of developing comparative analytical frameworks. The conceptual framework adopted in this volume sets out to meet this challenge by approaching rural gender relations as the meeting point of two core research areas: gender regimes and rural transformative processes. Research into gender regimes offers a promising analytical framework for comparing gender relations in diverse rural settings. At the same time, by addressing rural concerns deriving from the specificity of rural transition processes and gender regimes, the approach also contributes to an elucidation of the complexity of citizenship. Book jacket.
Leach and Pini bring together empirical and theoretical studies that consider the intersections of class, gender and rurality. Each chapter engages with current debates on these concepts to explore them in the context of contemporary social and economic transformations in which global processes that reconstitute gender and class interconnect with and take shape in a particular form of locality - the rural. The book is innovative in that it: - responds to calls for more critical work on the rural 'other' - contributes to scholarship on gender and rurality, but does so through the lens of class. This book places the question of gender, rurality and difference at its centre through its focus on class - addresses the urban bias of much class scholarship as well as the lack of gender analysis in much rural and class academic work - focuses on the ways that class mediates the construction and practices of rural men/masculinities and rural women/femininities - challenges prevalent (and divergent) assumptions with chapters utilising contemporary theorisations of class With the empirical strongly grounded in theory, this book will appeal to scholars working in the fields of gender, rurality, identity, and class studies.
Rural transformation is central to the broader structural transformation process taking place in developing countries — fueled by the globalization of value chains, changing food systems, new technologies, conflict and displacement, and climate change, among other factors. Rural transformation refers to the process whereby rural economies diversify into nonfarm activities, agriculture becomes more capital-intensive and commercially oriented, and linkages with neighboring towns and cities grow and deepen (Berdegué, Rosada, and Bebbington 2014). It can bring about fundamental changes in the way businesses and households organize, such as the commercialization and diversification of agricultural production; increased agricultural productivity; migration; and the emergence of a broader set of rural livelihood activities.
This book advances contemporary debates on the evolution of patriarchal institutions in agrarian transitions and the struggles for women's liberation today. It focuses on the complexities of agrarian transitions in the Global South and the crisis of social reproduction especially under neoliberalism. It sheds new light on feminist struggles over land, labour, and social reproduction, and enriches our understanding of popular movements and women's struggles for emancipation across the rural-urban divide. The chapters offer empirical and theoretical contributions on gender relations in class formation in combination with race, caste and other contradictions. They critically examine the participation of women and the role of women's leadership in historical and contemporary struggles, including anti-racist, anti-caste, and anti-imperialist struggles.
Leach and Pini bring together empirical and theoretical studies that consider the intersections of class, gender and rurality. Each chapter engages with current debates on these concepts to explore them in the context of contemporary social and economic transformations in which global processes that reconstitute gender and class interconnect with and take shape in a particular form of locality - the rural. The book is innovative in that it: - responds to calls for more critical work on the rural 'other' - contributes to scholarship on gender and rurality, but does so through the lens of class. This book places the question of gender, rurality and difference at its centre through its focus on class - addresses the urban bias of much class scholarship as well as the lack of gender analysis in much rural and class academic work - focuses on the ways that class mediates the construction and practices of rural men/masculinities and rural women/femininities - challenges prevalent (and divergent) assumptions with chapters utilising contemporary theorisations of class With the empirical strongly grounded in theory, this book will appeal to scholars working in the fields of gender, rurality, identity, and class studies.
The study of gender in rural spaces is still in its infancy. Thus far, there has been little exploration of the constitution of the varied and differing ways that gender is constituted in rural settings. This book will place the question of gender, rurality and difference at its center. The authors examine theoretical constructions of gender and explore the relationship between these and rural spaces. While there have been extensive debates in the feminist literature about gender and the intersection of multiple social categories, rural feminist social scientists have yet to theorize what gender means in a rural context and how gender blurs and intersects with other social categories such as sexuality, ethnicity, class and (dis)ability. This book will use empirical examples from a range of research projects undertaken by the authors as well as illustrations from work in the Australasia region, Europe, and the United States to explore gender and rurality and their relation to sexuality, ethnicity, class and (dis)ability.
Focussing on a Fieldwork study of the West Usambaras in Tanzania, this study, first published in 1990, deals with processes of class formation and capitalist accumulation, and the dynamics of rural poverty and gender relations. Arguing that rural differentiation is systematically reinforced by the socialist state, the authors offer a critique of government intervention and discuss alternative, more effective forms of policy.