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Uncircumcised messianic Galatians are no longer enslaved to those who by nature are not gods (Gal 4:8), but have become known by God and one with Israel, included as sons of Abraham without the need for circumcision, representing the eschatological movement of the nations turning to God, the beginning of a new creation triggered by the resurrection of God's crucified Son. Only if they keep their foreskins are they truly "nations." Only if they worship God alone, uncircumcised as they are, do they testify to the new creation that has started to transform the world. Their circumcision would not be a return to Jewish orthodoxy (for they have never been Jews) but, on the contrary, a concession to imperial idolatry, that compromises with a world ordered in the image of Caesar.
Grace is supposed to be amazing, but all too often the Christian life can be more about keeping stuffy rules than enjoying a relationship with Christ. The tendency to add works to salvation has been a thorny problem since the gospel was first preached. Legalism--the doctrine of salvation by works--robs the Christian of the grace-filled life. The book of Galatians is like an emancipation proclamation that says, "If the Son has set you free, then you are free at last!" The liberating message of Galatians says believers are free from sin, regulations, and guilt. Free from the need to measure up. Free to be loved by Christ and changed by his grace. Galatians is a guide for recovering Pharisees, and in Free at Last , Derrick McCarson takes us on a verse-by-verse journey through Paul's bondage-busting manifesto. You may be surprised to learn that Paul's message of grace is still as relevant today as it was centuries ago. While the culture has changed much in those intervening years, mankind's inherent desire for performance-based religion has not. This book is a timely reminder to Christians everywhere that if we aren't living by grace, then we have succumbed to spiritual slavery.
Oakes and Boakye rethink Galatians by examining the text as a vision for the lives of its hearers. They show how, in tackling the difficulties that he faces in Galatia, Paul offers a vision of what the Galatians are in their relationship with the living Christ. This offers a new understanding of the concept of unity in diversity expressed in Gal 3:28. The authors develop their views over six chapters. First, Oakes maps a route from the letter to a focus on its Galatian hearers and on Paul's vision for their identity and existence. In the next chapter, Oakes uses the Christology of Galatians as a way to support the idea of pistis as current relationship with the living Christ. Boakye then offers three chapters analysing the letter's scriptural quotations and ideas about salvation and law. Boakye sees a key dynamic at work in Galatians as being a movement from death to life, as prophesied metaphorically by Ezekiel and as made literal for Paul in his encounter with the resurrected Christ, trust in whom becomes the route to life. Life becomes a key category for evaluating law. Boakye also draws Galatians close to Romans 4 in seeing in both texts the promise of the birth of Isaac, with Paul closely tying that to the resurrection of Jesus. Oakes then argues that the letter has a thematic concern for unity in diversity. In the first instance this is between Jews and gentiles but, in principle, it is between any other socially significant pair of groups.
Paul's letter to the Galatians stands as a key book in the Bible, especially as it relates to the Old Testament Law and to the Christian's "freedom in Christ." Paul's emphasis on Jesus's substitutionary death, justification by faith, and the work of the Spirit makes the letter crucial for a complete understanding of the New Testament's teaching on salvation through faith in Christ. Combining scholarly depth with practical wisdom, pastor Todd Wilson has written a commentary based on years of ministry experience and biblical reflection, resulting in a resource that is exegetically engaged, theologically informed, and pastorally relevant. Paul's passionate exhortation for the Galatians to return and cling to the gospel that saved them remains relevant today, reminding modern readers of the importance of God's grace for all of life. Part of the Preaching the Word series.
Galatians has often been read from a rhetorical perspective, with an emphasis on justification by faith, Paul's autobiographical experience, proofs of the gospel, and exhortations to the Galatians. However, it can be read as a "letter" of which the main theme is the gospel--an umbrella term that covers many other topics, including faith, righteousness, freedom, and new creation. Paul writes Galatians not to argue for an individual justification by faith (understood from a forensic salvation perspective), but to make explicit his gospel that all can become children of God through faith. In Paul's logic, what comes first is God's promise, faith is a response to it through Christ, and the law can be fulfilled through faith. The gospel that Paul proclaimed to the Galatians is based on God, who called them in the grace of Christ (1:6). Kim challenges the traditional reading of Galatians, exploring different dimensions of the gospel: (1) God as the origin and root of the gospel; (2) Christ as the exemplifier of God's gospel through faithfulness; (3) the followers of Jesus as the children of God who participate in Christ's faithfulness and continue to proclaim the good news of God through Jesus.
This new commentary in the New Testament Library series is not a systematic study of Pauline theology; rather, the aim of this study is to trace Paul's theology as it unfolds in his letter to the church at Galatia, and to attempt to illuminate, as far as possible, how the Galatians likely comprehended it, at the time they received it. The author asks readers to imagine themselves as silent witnesses to Paul's dictation of the letter and to observe, through a historical perspective, how the Galatian Christians might have understood Paul's words.
An extremely pertinent commentary on Galatians for both minister and student. As the Galatians were unsettled by the opinions of false teachers, so many Christians today are uneasy--thanks to the treacherous utterances of some contemporary theologians. Clark Pinnock delves into the central thought of the letter that "Salvation is a matter of believing, not achieving," clearly stressing faith in Christ as Savior and his belief in the Bible as God's inerrant Word.
It’s tempting for Christians to think they can experience God’s life and power through church attendance, religious symbols and rituals, and good deeds. But as the book of Galatians makes clear, religion means nothing unless believers are connected to the source of God’s life and power. In Leading the Way Through Galatians, Michael Youssef applies Paul’s message to the churches in Galatia to the challenge of living as authentic Christians in the twenty-first century. The message of the Gospel is a message of freedom from the law, freedom from bondage to sin, freedom from fear, freedom from judgment, and freedom from the need to perform and please others. Through stories and contemporary insights, the timeless truths of Galatians will take on a new and powerful meaning as today’s readers learn to apply this liberating message to everyday life and everyday situations.
"John Phillips writes with enthusiasm and clarity, . . . cutting through the confusion and heretical dangers associated with Bible interpretation." --Moody Magazine