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Earth's pollution is destroying its twin realm, Alpha. It may already be too late. TJ, Andréa, & Cora are unaware that they carry the indigo gene and are key players in an ancient prophecy. To get back home, they have to acquire a rare seed. How high a cost will each pay to get back home? The journey is just beginning.
Pepper Lewis is a natural intuitive, a gifted full-body channel and a recognized writer, speaker and teacher of metaphysics, who travels the world sharing Gaia's wisdom at conferences, seminars, and in personal sessions. The unique and distinctive channeled messages brought forth by Pepper have become favorites of readers all over the world. Most popular are the featured articles authored by the sentience of our planet, Mother Earth, affectionately known as Gaia, which also appear in the pages of the monthly Sedona Journal of Emergence and in these books. "Gaia has always been animated, engaging and even humorous. That being said, she is also very direct and does not diminish her words to suit a guest. She aims directly for our hearts and rarely misses. Her energy is just as you might imagine the Earth to be: youthful and ancient, strong and elemental, soft, innocent and pristine, refined but a little rough around the edges. Gaia's voice is different than my own, and her use of language is altogether her own. Most people hear a dialect but cannot place it. Everyone seems to experience her in unique and different ways---which, not surprisingly, is her intention."--- Pepper Lewis "These days there are lots of channelers around, but only one Pepper Lewis. Her process with Gaia is unique, and the profundity of her messages rings with truth and the wisdom of the ages."--- Lee Carroll, channel for Kryon The book you now hold is like a mystery that will unfold as you read it. More than a collection of pages, you will find that it is one part textbook and one part oracle. You might even wonder if it is biographical or autobiographical in nature, as the coincidental references to your own life will seem almost uncanny. How can that be? Gaia is a living/learning/teaching library of everything that is, was or might be related to the Earth. Because you are Gaian, you are also'a part of the great living library that is. Gaia; you are a library within Gaia,' one whose contents are a collection of ever-unfolding experiences. You are a lifetimes-old master storyteller, unraveling each tantalizing chapter. That ts why you cannot help but find yourself within these pages. Your purposes are made of multidimensional similes and metaphors designed to stimulate, encourage, create and resolve. As Gaia tells it, you have at least seven purposes or reasons for being. You instinctively (consciously or unconsciously) know one or more of these, but others may remain hidden for many years or even throughout your entire lives. Given this expanded view of what you are and why you are here, you can begin to see how this book might be of use to you.
Awakening to the Earth's Wisdom: Embracing Gaia's Teachings for Spiritual Evolution In a world filled with noise, chaos, and disconnect, it's time to realign with the Earth's inherent wisdom. Dive deep into the heart of Gaia and unearth teachings that have been waiting for you since the beginning of time. This book is not just a read; it's a transformative journey that bridges the gap between your soul and the sacred pulse of the planet. Discover the subtle energies and rhythms of nature. Reconnect with the elemental forces that shape our existence. Embrace the lessons from towering trees and the whispers of ancient mountains. Let the moonlight guide your path, and let the sun's radiant embrace illuminate your spiritual growth. Every page is infused with insights that will challenge, uplift, and transform you. Re-wild your soul, tune into nature's symphony, and understand the profound messages of the dream world. Whether you're seeking peace, purpose, or a deeper connection to the cosmos, "Awakening to the Earth's Wisdom" is the key to unlocking a world of spiritual evolution. Are you ready to walk hand in hand with Gaia? Open this book, and let your journey begin.
Fred's first book, Spiritual Genomics explored how we can heal ourselves through mindfulness, sound healing, plant medicine and other modailities. In this lastest book published in December 2019, Fred takes you on a journey of planetary shamanism as he taps into higher-dimensional insights and flows with magical synchronicities to place lemurian crystals and sacred geometric forms around the world. These include the sacred ancient sites of Palenque, Rapa Nui, Chaco Canyon, and many others. His ultimate goal is to counter the darkness in our world by re-activating, re-connecting and radiating ancient healing energies and grids of the Native Americans, Maya, Incas, Egyptians, Polynesians and even more ancient civilizations. He invites you to resonate with this expanding field of energy, and encourages everyone to illuminate Gaia with their own light and love for their own health, and the sustainability of our planet.
An Ancient Wisdom Text Revealed . . . Both an ancient, "found" wisdom text and a sumptuous, epic novel, Gaia Codex reveals the hidden histories of a world long forgotten, the secret wisdom of an ancient lineage of women, the Priestesses of Astera. Set in a near future of impending societal and environmental collapse, the novel is a tale of hope and remembrance, as well as an inspired vision of humanity's origins and of the potential we hold for conscious evolution.
This handbook is for those who want to delve deeper into healing, spirituality, spiritual awakening and oneself, who YOU ARE, where you come from, what soul essence YOU ARE and what you have to do on this planet. For human beings and souls of divine light who want to know who they are on earth. For souls who want to learn about the planet, who want to know the depth of Mother Earth that they walk on and with every day. For those of you who feel called as well as for those of you who are curious. And for those of you who believe that they have already recognized a lot and have come a long way, especially for spiritual coaches and companions, this book is an ideal extension, as it contains revelations of the spiritual world, which clears up misunderstandings and completes the previous spiritual picture on earth. This handbook is, as the name suggests, a compact reference work that focuses on the essentials. All the necessary information at one glance, in one book. There is an explanation for every stage of development and there is a possible solution for every challenge. Here everyone will find what they need on their spiritual path. The handbook of spiritual awakening in the new era leads step by step with theoretical basics and practical meditation exercises from your own energy and chakra system, the explanation of duality and polarity of the earth and human beings, to protection and cleaning techniques of your own system, the inner child of light, Mother Earth and her elements, towards a divine existence on earth. The spiritual world of divine light serves as a spiritual dance partner and companion to yourself on earth. Every soul in a human vehicle is allowed to discover itself, develop, and take responsibility for its life, actions and thoughts. Most effective in harmony with heaven and earth. This book explains the background and connections of the ascension process of Mother Earth and human beings. It shows why things on earth are currently happening the way they are happening. And it explains how this ascension process occurs globally. Let's create a new earth! BE YOURSELF!
Solara An-Ra narrates her fascinating life story in which, aged four, she makes a contract to be a "Pleiadian Emissary to Gaia." This soul agreement brings great challenges in her early years as she, like so many humans, struggles to remember and fulfil her mission in this incarnation. This frank, unabashed, and at times hilarious account of the highs and lows of Solara's path of spiritual awakening makes for a joyful and compelling read, even more captivating because of many photos accompanying the journey. The fact that there is immense spiritual power woven throughout her chronicle can almost be forgotten in the pleasure of the ride. We are invited to voyage alongside her as she yoyo's between her everyday existence and the captivating world that opens as she becomes a channel for the star people. More than a book, this is a portal into the invisible dimensions that are as much a part of your reality as the world you see around you. Immersing yourself in this "journey between worlds" necessitates that your way of perceiving Earth life expands past the limiting confines of what you have been taught. The story Solara shares here, with her characteristic sense of humour and honesty, is a reminder to all of us that the universe has a few tricks up its sleeve when it comes to waking us up. It will invariably shake us out of our complacency by landing us in the eye of the hurricane - and just when we think all is lost, we find a way into the peace and power which is our birth-right. The Time Is Now!
Gaia, in which James Lovelock puts forward his inspirational and controversial idea that the Earth functions as a single organism, with life influencing planetary processes to form a self-regulating system aiding its own survival, is now a classic work that continues to provoke heated scientific debate.
A personal journey of discovery finding elements to shift one's DNA to a healthier state via mediation, mindfulness, nature, sacred geometry, sacred places, and plant medicine.
DIARY OF A YOGI – A BOOK OF AWAKENING Based on the life of Altair Shyam A mystical tale of revelations and transformation. A book of beauty and presence that transforms the way you love and opens your heart to the miracles of this precious lifetime through the power of pure intention. “This is it. Diary of a Yogi – a True Story is more than a book. It is a journey you take that will profoundly impact your life. This is your chance to go into the forest and emerge transformed.” Jane Tara