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The GAAP Handbook of Policies and Procedures offers comprehensive coverage of all important, authoritative pronouncements-FASB Statements, Interpretations, Technical Bulletins and Concepts, as well as the generally accepted accounting practices of the AICPA. It also includes coverage of specialized industry principles, and future developments. This one-volume reference contains accounting principles, financial reporting presentation requirements, required and recommended disclosures, and specialized accounting topics. It provides guidance in the resolution of any issues and questions you may be faced with day-to-day in applying GAAP.
Now fully updated and at your fingertips the most practical, authoritative guide to implementing GAAP Get the answers you need to prepare financial statements and keep up to date on the latest FASB requirements. Now fully revised and updated, Wiley GAAP Policies and Procedures, Second Edition is an ideal companion to the Wiley GAAP guide and provides the practical application information essential to ensuring that a company's accounting systems are fully capable of incorporating the most recent GAAP. A concise version of the more detailed GAAP found in the Wiley GAAP guides, Wiley GAAP Policies and Procedures, Second Edition features handy, illustrative decision trees showing how to determine which GAAP ruling to use in a variety of situations, eliminating hours of time wading through detailed GAAP rulings and presents: * New chapters on interim reporting, segment reporting, and accounting changes and correction of errors * Updated content on FAS No. 151, Inventory Costs, FAS No. 153, Exchanges of Non-monetary Assets, FAS No. 154, Accounting Changes and Error Correction, FAS No. 156, Servicing of Financial Assets * Implementation on nineteen newly issued EITFs * Specific accounting policies that comply with GAAP, especially in terms of creating controls that mesh with GAAP * The most common accounting transactions modified to work within GAAP restrictions * Specific controls that allow the maximum level of control over accounting systems while remaining in compliance with GAAP * Templates for forms and reports that can be used in a GAAP-compliant accounting system * Numerous examples of footnotes that can be used to describe GAAP-mandated financial disclosures * Hundreds of GAAP-compliant journal entries for most accounting transactions Wiley GAAP Policies and Procedures, Second Edition is a valuable tool for CFOs, controllers, accounting managers, and general ledger accountants who need to ensure that their company properly treats all types of accounting transactions in accordance with GAAP.
What questions do you ask in a job interview to effectively understand your candidate? How do you motivate a team? And, it's time for performance reviews! Sometimes it seems like being a manager can be a sea of unanswered questions--how to calculate Return on Investment or manage your stress level? Every Manager's Desk Reference comes to the rescue! Packed with self-contained sections of how-to's, this book can help you with everything from a business presentation to running an effective meeting.
This guide provides advice to corporate accountants on certified public accountants on generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), integrating the statements and concepts of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, as well as those of the superseded American Institute of CPAs. Procedures and requirements necessary for the preparation of finan
This handbook offers comprehensive coverage of all important, authoritative pronouncements--FASB Statements, Interpretations, Technical Bulletins and Concepts, as well as the Generally Accepted Accounting Practices of the AICPA.
"International Accounting + Finance Handbook" - Jetzt neu in der 3. aktualisierten Auflage. Ein ausgezeichnetes Nachschlagewerk für alle, die mit Rechnungslegung, Finanzberichterstattung, Controlling und Finanzen im internationalen Umfeld zu tun haben. Es vermittelt Managern die notwendigen Tools, um die Unterschiede bei Bilanzierungsgrundsätzen, Finanzberichterstattung und Buchprüfungsverfahren in der internationalen Finanzarena in den Griff zu bekommen. Der Band gibt einen Überblick über internationale Rechnungslegungs- und Finanzfragen und weist auf wichtige Trends in der internationalen Rechnungslegung und Finanzwirtschaft hin. Mit Beiträgen von Vertretern der "Großen 5" amerikanischen Anwalts- und Finanzfirmen sowie von bekannten Akademikern. Mit ausführlichem Beispielmaterial aus der Praxis sowie zahlreichen Fallstudien. Autor Frederick Choi ist ein führender Experte auf dem Gebiet der internationalen Rechnungslegung und Finanzwirtschaft und verfügt über umfangreiche praktische Consulting-Erfahrung.
Now in a second edition, Federal Accounting Handbook is the handbook that every financial federal employee can use, covering all of the recent revisions including new FASAB standards and how Congress wants the intent and objectives of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to be implemented by federal departments and agencies. Written for both the professional and the non-professional, this handbook equips you with the what, why, when, and how of federal financial management,
The professional publication for California CPAs.