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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Louise's mission begins with a true interest in being of service to others and teaching people how to live to their highest potential through holistic means. This was learned through her experience of being the Living Related Donor for her child's liver transplant. With the attaining and sharing of all that she learned throughout this process, she is able to offer her clients her best in preventative healthcare practices and some of the most effective, safe and natural skin and cosmetics products available to help de-stress the body. Her vision about Natural Health Care is that her clients will learn to become active participants in maintaining their health through preventative means by educating themselves on how to manage the cause of an illness or moment of disease and not necessarily by treating the symptoms alone. When it comes to Natural Wellness she hopes that her clients will seek out the tools to assist themselves on the path of well-being, mentally, physically and spiritually before reaching for chemical substances that may have long term side effects. With regard to Natural Beauty her clients will learn that they do have a choice when it comes to purchasing healthy, non-toxic body, skin care and cosmetics products. What goes on the skin goes into the skin and how one feeds the skin will feed the body and ultimately affect the health, well being and beauty of it. For more information about The Conscious Living Lifestyle program or Louise Camilleri Natural Health & Beauty visit and
From Transplant to Transformation is the personal journey that I took from 2 weeks after my son was born to the day I created a program to help myself deal with the stress of that overwhelming situation and eventually save my life. I was well enough to donate part of my liver to my son but the stress of going through that process set me a little bit off balance mentally, physically and spiritually. The body is an amazing machine, and like any machine you’ve got to put the right stuff into it to get the most efficiency out of it. When you treat it properly you get the results that were intended. It’s usually after it breaks down, due to some form of stress, that we finally take a peek inside (or get someone else to do so) and begin asking questions. The body, like a machine, works at its best when everything is in balance. It knows what to do and how to operate at the highest level in a stress free environment, this balanced physical state is what I consider to be an individuals "perfect state of health and wellness”. The place I needed to get back to and the reason for the creation of my program. The body is superbly equipped to expel stresses that are “anti-body” on the inside with the aid of our fabulous liver and on the outside with the aid of our remarkable skin. Both of these organs are greatly affected by the toxins we expose them to daily and both, when not functioning at their highest potential, give us signs that the organism (our being) is at risk for an illness due to this dis-ease. My son Andrew is now a thriving young man entering his teens. You will learn quite a bit from his story and from my journey along side him. The 9 Principles of The Conscious Living Lifestyle are the end result of a blessing received by a mother and her little boy. This inspired the desire to help others learn how to create balance in the body by de-stressing it and maintaining that state of wellbeing with love and joy. This leads to an individually unique yet perfect state of health, wellness and beauty that I wish you to have at all times especially if you are going through a very stressful time in hospital yourself or with someone you are caring for. For more information about The Conscious Living Lifestyle program or Louise Camilleri Natural Health & Beauty visit and
Canadian Actress's Emotive New Book Chronicles Story of Son's Near-Death Liver Disease, Transplant, Her PTSD and Self-Created 'Conscious Living Lifestyle' Program for Recovery.
Book Description: In "Gift of Life: Transforming Destinies through Organ Transplants," you'll travel on a remarkable journey of hope, bravery, and the astonishing power of human generosity. The amazing tales of people whose lives have been profoundly altered by the gift of a second chance--the gift of life itself--are revealed in this captivating book. You'll find a tapestry of stories that reinforce the profound worth of life by inspiring, challenging, and concluding. This wonderful book is a celebration of interpersonal relationships, an ode to the unbreakable human spirit, and a testimonial to the amazing ability of organ transplantation to give people and families new leases on life. You will read about the adventures of unsung heroes--both donors and recipients--in the pages of this stirring book. Their experiences serve as a living example of the strong ties that bind the world community together. The universal need to live, to heal, and to show compassion to one another is revealed by these stories, which cut beyond cultural, regional, and societal borders. You'll meet inspiring people on these pages who, despite all odds, overcame the verge of hopelessness to find new purpose and energy via organ transplantation. The fundamental human desire for a chance to live brings these tales of resiliency and triumph--of regular individuals thrown into extraordinary situations--together. Explore the touching tales of organ donors who, in their final moments, decided to leave a legacy of kindness and life. Find out about the brave receivers who received the priceless gift of time thanks to the incredible kindness of strangers. Experience the intense feelings that come with the transplant journey, including the dread of waiting, the joy of receiving a call that saves your life, and the subsequent healing. The documentary "Gift of Life" takes you inside the scientific breakthroughs that make transplantation feasible. Investigate the complex procedures involved in organ donation, the tireless efforts of healthcare experts, and the cutting-edge technology that is advancing this sector. Discover the moral conundrums and agonizing choices that families and medical teams must make. The unbreakable relationships formed between donors, beneficiaries, and their loved ones are what "Gift of Life" is most notable for. It's a celebration of the amazing empathy, selflessness, and transformation that may take place when one life is transplanted into another. You'll be reminded that there is hope even in the face of difficulty as you turn the pages of this motivational book. "Gift of Life" serves as a sad reminder that people can reinvent their destinies and transcend the limitations of mortality via the altruism of organ donation. In the end, "Gift of Life" is a sincere celebration of the capacity of humanity for generosity and change. It serves as a reminder that every donor is a ray of hope and that every recipient is proof of the remarkable resiliency of the human body and spirit. They shed light on the way to a time when the gift of life is treasured, honored, and distributed with steadfast compassion. Get ready to be affected, informed, and inspired as you travel on this incredible adventure with "Gift of Life: Transforming Destinies through Organ Transplants." This book is a celebration of the human spirit's tenacity and a monument to the incredible capacity for change that lives within every one of us.
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Told in their separate voices, sixteen-year-old Prince Oliver, who wants to break free of his fairy-tale existence, and fifteen-year-old Delilah, a loner obsessed with Prince Oliver and the book in which he exists, work together to seek his freedom.
Antonia "Toni" Caldwell is making the move of all moves. Her career as a paralegal is taking her to new heights beginning with a new life in Houston, Texas. Although, she's going to miss everything she has to leave behind like old loves, family and friends, she's is eagerly anticipating a new start. At first step onto Houston's grounds, Toni makes the acquaintance of her new next door neighbor and instant friend, Rhodesia Spencer. Houston is everything Toni could have imagined and much, much more! So far away from everything that's she's so accustomed to, it's the perfect opportunity for Toni to find herself but will she like what she finds? Toni's self-discovery provokes a battle within to conceal what no one must ever know, only she finds that that the hardest secrets to keep are those that have no intention of being kept. ~R. Janel
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Book Description: In "Gift of Life: Transforming Destinies through Organ Transplants," you'll travel on a remarkable journey of hope, bravery, and the astonishing power of human generosity. The amazing tales of people whose lives have been profoundly altered by the gift of a second chance--the gift of life itself--are revealed in this captivating book. You'll find a tapestry of stories that reinforce the profound worth of life by inspiring, challenging, and concluding. This wonderful book is a celebration of interpersonal relationships, an ode to the unbreakable human spirit, and a testimonial to the amazing ability of organ transplantation to give people and families new leases on life. You will read about the adventures of unsung heroes--both donors and recipients--in the pages of this stirring book. Their experiences serve as a living example of the strong ties that bind the world community together. The universal need to live, to heal, and to show compassion to one another is revealed by these stories, which cut beyond cultural, regional, and societal borders. You'll meet inspiring people on these pages who, despite all odds, overcame the verge of hopelessness to find new purpose and energy via organ transplantation. The fundamental human desire for a chance to live brings these tales of resiliency and triumph--of regular individuals thrown into extraordinary situations--together. Explore the touching tales of organ donors who, in their final moments, decided to leave a legacy of kindness and life. Find out about the brave receivers who received the priceless gift of time thanks to the incredible kindness of strangers. Experience the intense feelings that come with the transplant journey, including the dread of waiting, the joy of receiving a call that saves your life, and the subsequent healing. The documentary "Gift of Life" takes you inside the scientific breakthroughs that make transplantation feasible. Investigate the complex procedures involved in organ donation, the tireless efforts of healthcare experts, and the cutting-edge technology that is advancing this sector. Discover the moral conundrums and agonizing choices that families and medical teams must make. The unbreakable relationships formed between donors, beneficiaries, and their loved ones are what "Gift of Life" is most notable for. It's a celebration of the amazing empathy, selflessness, and transformation that may take place when one life is transplanted into another. You'll be reminded that there is hope even in the face of difficulty as you turn the pages of this motivational book. "Gift of Life" serves as a sad reminder that people can reinvent their destinies and transcend the limitations of mortality via the altruism of organ donation. In the end, "Gift of Life" is a sincere celebration of the capacity of humanity for generosity and change. It serves as a reminder that every donor is a ray of hope and that every recipient is proof of the remarkable resiliency of the human body and spirit. They shed light on the way to a time when the gift of life is treasured, honored, and distributed with steadfast compassion. Get ready to be affected, informed, and inspired as you travel on this incredible adventure with "Gift of Life: Transforming Destinies through Organ Transplants." This book is a celebration of the human spirit's tenacity and a monument to the incredible capacity for change that lives within every one of us.
This New York Times–bestselling book upends conventional thinking about autism and suggests a broader model for acceptance, understanding, and full participation in society for people who think differently. What is autism? A lifelong disability, or a naturally occurring form of cognitive difference akin to certain forms of genius? In truth, it is all of these things and more—and the future of our society depends on our understanding it. Wired reporter Steve Silberman unearths the secret history of autism, long suppressed by the same clinicians who became famous for discovering it, and finds surprising answers to the crucial question of why the number of diagnoses has soared in recent years. Going back to the earliest days of autism research, Silberman offers a gripping narrative of Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger, the research pioneers who defined the scope of autism in profoundly different ways; he then goes on to explore the game-changing concept of neurodiversity. NeuroTribes considers the idea that neurological differences such as autism, dyslexia, and ADHD are not errors of nature or products of the toxic modern world, but the result of natural variations in the human genome. This groundbreaking book will reshape our understanding of the history, meaning, function, and implications of neurodiversity in our world.