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This book is an inspiration for getting through life's valley with self-determination, faith, and joy and ultimately reaching one's pinnacle achievements and goals. In this story our writer Dr. Reeves, shows how Melissa maintains her vision, hope and faith as she strives to climb out of the valley to reach her mountain top. Through the academic lens of Black Feminist Thought, Womanism, Self-Determination, and Spirituality, Dr. Reeves includes relevant scriptures to uplift and guide you through the difficult times of life helping you to find stability and fulfillment.
Yes, you can experience Freedom! Joy, Hope, and Peace can become your reality. Are you bound by the chains of your past? Does negative self-talk consume your mind? Are you easily triggered into unhealthy or destructive behavior patterns? You do not have to continue to live in bondage to the chains of the past. You can embrace your future with positive expectations and healthy thought patterns. The past does not need to define your future. Developed from the author's own experiences and the successes that her clients have achieved, she gets right to the point, providing you with practical and doable steps that you can immediately implement to break free. Whether you're struggling in one area or many, this Guide to Freedom has a tool that will help you push past the resistance from the wounds in your past and the lies you believe to gain the victory. Don't waste one more day in the prison of triggers and destructive thoughts or behaviors. Used as a self-help tool or in conjunction with ongoing counseling, life coaching or similar assistance and/or treatment, this book will give you the tools you need to get to a place of joy, hope, and peace faster.
In Power, Freedom, and Grace, Deepak Chopra considers the mystery of our existence and its significance in our eternal quest for happiness. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where do I go when I die? Chopra draws upon the ancient philosophy of Vedanta and the findings of modern science to help us understand and experience our true nature, which is a field of pure consciousness. When we understand our true nature, we begin to live from the source of lasting happiness, which is not mere happiness for this or that reason, but true inner joy. By knowing who we are, we no longer interfere with the innate intelligence of the cosmos. Instead, we allow the universe to flow through us with effortless ease, and our lives are infused with power, freedom, and grace. “This book captures the essence of all of my talks over the last 20 years. It is the distillation of almost everything I have taught up to now.” — Deepak Chopra
God made your heart for love, joy, peace, and wholeness. But pastors say that more than 90% of their congregations struggle with unforgiveness - and unforgiveness can make us forget what we were made for. What if the most pervasive sin of our day is invisible, hidden deep inside our hearts? What if it affects every aspect of our lives and relationships so quietly and insidiously that most of us miss it altogether? Bruce Wilkinson believes unforgiveness is that sin. Through the teachings of Jesus, The Freedom Factor reveals the link between our suffering and our unforgiveness. But it also shows how to forgive - for real and forever. The story doesn't have to end with the pain of our wounds. Whatever happened to us happened. But the God who made your heart has shown a way past the wounds, back to the life and love that we were made for - a path toward freedom.
These poems are about times that were difficult to comprehend, to bear and very painful. These poems are of a race only wanting freedom and peace. A people that were proud, but never able to display it. Had eyes that were never able to look up. A voice that could never speak what they wanted to say. A people strong as wind, but gentle and soft as a snowflake at heart. Only wanting to be left alone to be what God made them to be…His children and free.
Interior Freedom leads one to discover that even in the most unfavorable outward circumstances we possess within ourselves a space of freedom that nobody can take away, because God is its source and guarantee. Without this discovery we will always be restricted in some way and will never taste true happiness. Author Jacques Philippe develops a simple but important theme: we gain possession of our interior freedom in exact proportion to our growth in faith, hope, and love. He explains that the dynamism between these three theological virtues is the heart of the spiritual life, and he underlines the key role of the virtue of hope in our inner growth. Written in a simple and inviting style, Interior Freedom seeks to liberate the heart and mind to live the true freedom to which God calls each one.
Fear was not part of God's original agenda for his creation. It slithered onto the scene when Adam and Eve sinned, causing a tear in their relationship with God. And even though fear touches every life and can still debilitate people today, the news isn't all bad. Popular speaker and author Grace Fox demonstrates how believers can face their fear and actually let it be a catalyst for change. Readers will learn how to stop hiding from God and instead develop a deeper relationship with Him. This is what she calls "the upside of fear": When we cry out to God for help, He answers, and we experience Him in new ways. Each chapter highlights a particular area where readers can begin to experience freedom from fears about their personal identity, their finances, their kids, the future, and more.
Channeled Transmissions from Yeshua offering evolved, authentic, and original wisdom for the deepest realization of truth, love, and peace through balance, liberation, and transcendence from the burdens that anchor us to suffering and fear. As a child, Carissa Schumacher was told by an angelic presence that she would be a channel for Yeshua of Nazareth. She did not know what that meant at the time nor the impact it would eventually have on her life and countless others. After devoting much of her life to service as an intuitive guide and spirit medium, in late 2019, Yeshua's Divine Presence suddenly came through her channel for the first time. Over the next months, Yeshua shared his timely, universal, and revelatory messages. The Freedom Transmissions is the result. This singular book offers a pathway to peace by following the Four Elements of Balance: Simplicity, Stability, Surrender, and Stillness. When we embody these four energies, we create and attract the most abundance, nourishment, joy, and flow to our lives. The Freedom Transmissions unburdens us from unnecessary suffering, strengthens our faith and sense of wholeness, and restores balance and peace, reminding us that we are One with the Divine. The joy of these Transmissions is that they are for all people and not just some people on the basis of beliefs or dogma. Yeshua welcomes in all people who come in humility and a genuine desire to find and know self as One with God. This essential text encourages us to choose Faith over Fear, Forgiveness over Blame, Freedom over Suppression, and ushers us from the era of division and polarity to an era of co-creation, transparency, compassion, and equality.
You can be set free from the spirit of fear right now! The Bible tells us that as Spirit-filled believers in Jesus, we are not called to operate under the bondage or oppression of a spirit of fear. Rather, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can walk in the love, power, and sound mind of Heaven, even when the world is going crazy around you. Fear is not something to idly brush off; it is a demonic spirit that wars against the people of God fulfilling their destinies on Earth. When we give place to the spirit of fear, we make decisions and begin to build our lives around what fear says, not what the Word of God says. We listen to fear, instead of God. This demands deliverance! Emma Stark is a powerful global prophet and has seen thousands of people supernaturally delivered from a spirit of fear. In this easy-to-use and interactive book, you will: Identify the spirit of fear that is warring against your life and destiny. Repent for partnering with fear and break its power in your life. Receive self-deliverance as you renounce and reject the spirit of fear. Experience spiritual, mental, and emotional freedom, plus peace and joy like never before. The spirit of fear comes against every single Christian. Learn how to have the upper hand over the powers of darkness as you learn to recognize, repent for, and renounce any partnership with fear. You can stop fear in its tracks!