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Takes readers on a journey through the free-energy research underground and the secret traditions of Occult Technology, focusing on the inventions of John Worrell Keely, the world's free-energy pioneer.
The story of Free Frank is not only a testament to human courage and resourcefulness but affords new insight into the American frontier. Born a slave in the South Carolina piedmont in 1777, Frank died a free man in 1854 in a town he had founded in western Illinois. His accomplishments, creditable for any frontiersman, were for a black man extraordinary. We first learn details of Frank's life when in 1795 his owner moved to Pulaski County, Kentucky. We know that he married Lucy, a slave on a neighboring farm, in 1799. Later he was allowed to hire out his time, and when his owner moved to Tennessee, Frank was left in charge of the Kentucky farm. During the War of 1812, he set up his own saltpeter works, an enterprise he maintained until he left Kentucky. In 1817 he purchased his wife's freedom for $800; two years later he bought his own liberty for the same price. Now free, he expanded his activities, purchasing land and dealing in livestock. With his wife and four of his children, Free Frank left Kentucky in 1830 to settle on a new frontier. In Pike County, Illinois, he purchased a farm and later, in 1836, platted and successfully promoted the town of New Philadelphia. The desire for freedom was an obvious spur to his commercial efforts. Through his lifetime of work he purchased the liberty of sixteen members of his family at a cost of nearly $14,000. Goods and services commanded a premium in the life of the frontier. Free Frank's career shows what an exceptional man, through working against great odds, could accomplish through industry, acumen, and aggressiveness. His story suggests a great deal about business activity and legal practices, as well as racial conditions, on the frontier. Juliet Walker has performed a task of historical detection in recreating the life of Free Frank from family traditions, limited personal papers, public documents, and secondary sources. In doing so, she has added a significant chapter to the history of African Americans.
New and suppressed breakthroughs in energy medicine, ways to combat toxins and electromagnetic fields, and the importance of non-GMO foods • Explores the use of microcrystals, ozone and hydrogen peroxide therapy, and how to tap in to healing antioxidant electrons from the Earth • Reveals the scientifically proven health risks of genetically modified foods • Examines the suppressed cancer-curing electromedicine of Royal Raymond Rife and Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgi Natural, nontoxic, inexpensive, and effective alternatives to conventional medicine exist, yet they have been suppressed by the profit-driven medical-pharmaceutical complex. Presenting a compendium of some of the most revolutionary yet still widely unknown discoveries in health and energy medicine, this book edited by Finley Eversole, Ph.D., explores the use of microcrystals to harmonize the energies of body, mind, and environment; the healing effects of ozone and hydrogen peroxide therapy; ways to combat electromagnetic fields and environmental toxins; sources of disruptive energy that cause stress and health problems, including other people’s negative emotions; and how to tap in to healing antioxidant electrons from the Earth. The book reveals the scientifically proven health risks of genetically modified foods--the first irreversible technology in human history with still unknown consequences. It looks at the link between industrial farming and the precipitous rise in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s over the past 100 years, providing a 10-point Low-Toxin Program to reduce your risk. It explores the cancer-curing electromedicine of Royal Raymond Rife and its suppression by the medical establishment as well as Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgi’s follow-up discovery of Frequency Therapy. Offering a window into the holistic future of medicine, the book shows the body not simply as a biological machine to be patched and repaired but as a living organism made up of cells dynamically linked to their inner and outer environments.
The gripping history of electricity and how the fateful collision of Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse left the world utterly transformed. In the final decades of the nineteenth century, three brilliant and visionary titans of America’s Gilded Age—Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse—battled bitterly as each vied to create a vast and powerful electrical empire. In Empires of Light, historian Jill Jonnes portrays this extraordinary trio and their riveting and ruthless world of cutting-edge science, invention, intrigue, money, death, and hard-eyed Wall Street millionaires. At the heart of the story are Thomas Alva Edison, the nation’s most famous and folksy inventor, creator of the incandescent light bulb and mastermind of the world’s first direct current electrical light networks; the Serbian wizard of invention Nikola Tesla, elegant, highly eccentric, a dreamer who revolutionized the generation and delivery of electricity; and the charismatic George Westinghouse, Pittsburgh inventor and tough corporate entrepreneur, an industrial idealist who in the era of gaslight imagined a world powered by cheap and plentiful electricity and worked heart and soul to create it. Edison struggled to introduce his radical new direct current (DC) technology into the hurly-burly of New York City as Tesla and Westinghouse challenged his dominance with their alternating current (AC), thus setting the stage for one of the eeriest feuds in American corporate history, the War of the Electric Currents. The battlegrounds: Wall Street, the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, Niagara Falls, and, finally, the death chamber—Jonnes takes us on the tense walk down a prison hallway and into the sunlit room where William Kemmler, convicted ax murderer, became the first man to die in the electric chair.
10 years ago the idea that solar and wind energy in desert areas could become a major source of energy for the world sounded like crazy. The German industry and a German NGO launched in those days a Desertec1.0 plan to bring electrical power from the North African deserts to Europe, even to Germany. A long journey of studies, regional and international stakeholder discussions and many trials and errors have followed. Desertec1.0 became Desertec2.0 in 2015 when the industry initiative Dii relocated from Munich to Dubai focusing on developments and benefits in the MENA region. Today all desert countries have adopted the basic Desertec idea, which is swiftly migrating to Desertec3.0: MENA countries to become an emission free power house for green electrons and green molecules (such as hydrogen) for their own people and for the world markets. The exciting story of Dii Desert Energy and emission free energy perspectives for all are smartly presented and discussed in this book by Paul van Son and Thomas Isenburg....
Clean, sustainable energy solutions from the geniuses of our past and the visionaries of our future • Explores five great but nearly forgotten minds of the past--John Worrell Keely, Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, Royal Raymond Rife, and T. Townsend Brown--and their revolutionary discoveries • Reveals information from leading experts on cold fusion, zero-point energy, power from water, antigravity, and the free-energy potential of the Searl Effect Generator As the global need for clean, renewable energy grows and the shortage of viable large-scale solutions continues, it is time to look to the geniuses of our past and the visionaries of our future for answers. Taking inspiration from Albert Einstein’s statement that “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them,” Finley Eversole explains that the key to a pollution- and poverty-free future of infinite energy lies not in pursuing one single method, but in investigating all the possibilities--in uniting as a world in creative pursuit of global transformation. Exploring five nearly unknown geniuses of our past--John Worrell Keely, Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, Royal Raymond Rife, and T. Townsend Brown--and their revolutionary discoveries about free energy, electricity, water vortex motion, electric ray and super-microscope technology, and antigravity, this book helps to restore their long-suppressed scientific legacies and bring us one step closer to the destiny they foresaw. Eversole has gathered research from leading experts on cold fusion, zero-point energy, power from water, and the free-energy potential of the Searl Effect Generator to reveal technologies that work with Nature’s laws and that, if fully implemented, could establish sustainable energy systems in a single generation.
The Leo Baeck Institute, to whose late president this book is dedicated, has three branches, located in Jerusalem, London, and New York. Its chief aim is the collection of documents describing the history of Jews in German-speaking countries, the manifold aspects of the association of the two ethnic groups, over a period of about 150 years; that is, from the time of the Enlightenment until the rise to power of the Nazi regime. Twenty-three Year Books (1956-1978) so far and many additional vol umes about special fields have been published by the institute. They offer an impressive documentation of the role Jews played in Germany, some of their great achievements, the difficulties they encountered in their struggle for equal rights, as well as its slow but seemingly success ful progress. A wealth of interesting material describes the mutual stimu lation of the creative forces of the two ethnic groups in a great variety of fields-literature, music, the performing arts, philosophy, humanities, the shaping of public opinion, economy, commerce, and industry. Since the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans, there have been only a few periods during which Jews played such an eminent role in the history of their host nation. As was forcefully emphasized by Gerson D.
This Worldwide List of Alternative Theories and Critics (only avalailable in english language) includes scientists involved in scientific fields. The 2023 issue of this directory includes the scientists found in the Internet. The scientists of the directory are only those involved in physics (natural philosophy). The list includes 9700 names of scientists (doctors or diplome engineers for more than 70%). Their position is shortly presented together with their proposed alternative theory when applicable. There are nearly 3500 authors of such theories, all amazingly very different from one another. The main categories of theories are presented in an other book of Jean de Climont THE ALTERNATIVE THEORIES
Free Play is about the inner sources of spontaneous creation. It is about why we create and what we learn when we do. It is about the flow of unhindered creative energy: the joy of making art in all its varied forms. An international bestseller and beloved classic, Free Play is an inspiring and provocative book, directed toward people in any field who want to contact, honor, and strengthen their own creative powers. It reveals how inspiration arises within us, how that inspiration may be blocked, derailed or obscured, and how finally it can be liberated—how we can be liberated—to speak or sing, write or paint, dance or play, with our own authentic voice. Stephen Nachmanovitch, a pioneer in free improvisation, integrates material from a wide variety of sources among the arts, sciences, and spiritual traditions of humanity, drawing on unusual quotes, amusing and illuminating anecdotes, and original metaphors. The whole enterprise of improvisation in life and art, of recovering free play and awakening creativity, is about being true to ourselves and our visions. Free Play brings us into direct, active contact with boundless creative energies that we may not even know we had.
Elizabeth Blackwell, though born in England, was reared in the United States and was the first woman to receive a medical degree here, obtaining it from the Geneva Medical College, Geneva, New York, in 1849. A pioneer in opening the medical profession to women, she founded hospitals and medical schools for women in both the United States and England. She was a lecturer and writer as well as an able physician and organizer. -- H.W. Orr.