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This book explores the formation and development of the cross-national patterns of adult learning systems between 1989 and 2019 in four Central European countries: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. Drawing on the approach of the political economy of adult education and historical institutionalism, the book closely examines (1) how the institutional settings in these countries have formed, evolved and contributed to overall participation in adult education and training, (2) how they have shaped patterns of participation and unequal chances to be involved in this social activity, as well as (3) perceived barriers to access organized learning and related governmental policies. This book offers a contemporary overview of key findings regarding adult learning systems. It delves into the factors that influence participation in adult education and training. Through the utilization of the novel framework, GALS (Global Adult Learning Space), the book not only highlights a crucial distinction among adult learning systems within the region but also presents in-depth case studies of these systems in Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia spanning a 30-year period. Despite these countries sharing similar institutional backgrounds and societal challenges, the book reveals that their adult learning systems have undergone divergent trajectories over the past three decades. This book will be useful to researchers and scholars in the fields of adult education, comparative education, welfare policy, sociology of education, and European studies.
The book represents several contributions that guide the readers in the comprehension of the paradigmatic shift from adult/lifelong education, to adult/lifelong learning. At the same time it presents the contexts where adults learn: the organized contexts, such as the institutions and services, and the informal contexts. The book is one of a series dedicated to adult learning and education developed under the auspices of ESRALE (European Studies and Research in Adult Learning and Education) an EU supported project. Its companion books are Maria Slowey (ed.) Comparative Adult Education and Learning. Authors and Texts and Vanna Boffo, Paolo Federighi, Ekkehard Nuissl, Empirical Research Methodology in Adult Learning and Education. Authors and Texts.
This volume comprises an edited selection of papers which were originally presented at the 9th International Conference of the History of Adult Education that was held in Leiden in September 2002. The theme of that conference and this volume addresses the key dynamics associated with the impact of globalisation upon both the historical and contemporary development of the organisation of adult learning. Following a general introduction to the key themes by the chief editor, the first section of the volume comprises a number of papers of a distinctly historical nature. The focus in this section is upon the development of organised adult learning as a major component of the European modernisation project from the Enlightenment period in the eighteenth century to the twentieth century. The second section examines contemporary developments and the emergence of new forms for the organisation of adult learning in the learning society. The emphasis here is upon those societal developments that contribute to the centrality of lifelong learning in current education and training policies. The third section comprises a number of country studies focused upon the dilemmas associated with the restructuring of national education and training policies. Issues of social inclusion and the risk of exclusion form the recurring theme of these country studies.
Contemporary adult education policy development and lifelong learning practice are experiencing an autonomy loss imposed by the dominant neoliberal economic paradigm. As a consequence, in many countries, especially those that depend economically from supranational organizations and donors, the critical approach and its adjunct idea of emancipation have been sacrificed in favour of ambiguous developmental goals like employability, flexibility and adaptability. On the other hand, in many countries, adult education as a social movement is deeply rooted in the conviction that learning is an essential process related to personal transformation and social change. The result of this conflict between the external pressure for policies in favour of the labour market and the internal assumption about the value of emancipation has led to interesting insights that have produced policies and practices that attempt to reconcile these two forces of development. In this volume, we offer a consideration of the above paradoxical situation, and the critical view of adult education policy and practice in the region of Southeastern Europe. Some chapters in this volume present also positive lifelong learning practices, policy development analyses and conceptual understandings that highlight the efforts to develop adult education within a framework of the dominant neoliberal forces that shape European and international adult education policy.
Can adult education and learning be understood without reference to community and people’s daily lives? The response to be found in the chapters of this volume say emphatically no, they cannot. Adult learning can be best understood if we look at the social life of people in communities, and this book is an attempt to recover this view. The chapters of this volume reflect ongoing research in the field of adult education and learning in and with communities. At the same time the work of the authors presented here offers a very vital reflection of the work of the ESREA research network Between Local and Global – Adult Learning and Communities. The chapters showcase the broad range of professional practice, the variety in both methodology and theoretical background, as well as the impressive scope of field research experience the authors bring to bear in their papers. The first section provides the broad view of research into adult learning and community development emphasising how social movements are at the heart of local and global change and that they are critically important sources of power. The second section focuses in on the practice of educators/mediators working in local and regional contexts in which the tensions of the wider policy and discourse environment impact on adult learners. The third section privileges the view at the close level of research inside local communities in the field. International researchers and practitioners, particularly young researchers, who are active in adult learning and in local/global communities will be interested in this book. The emphasis of the chapters is on participatory and emancipatory social research. Empowerment of women in rural communities, involvement of communities in social and environmental movements, power-sharing in community research projects and the exposure of hegemonic, globalising forces at work in ethnic communities are among the themes developed in this volume.
Lifelong learning and education is a key concept for the development of adult education as an area of practice and theoretical consideration. In recent decades, meanwhile, the idea of lifelong education and learning has been central to the guidance of various international organisations of many countries.
Der Band präsentiert Ergebnisse des europäischen Projekts "Comparative Analysis of Regional Policies for Adult Learning" (REGIONAL) das die Konzipierung, Durchführung und Finanzierung der Erwachsenenbildungspolitik auf regionaler Ebene in sechs europäischen Ländern untersucht hat. Hierzu wurden Prozesse auf der Politik- und Praxisebene betrachtet, die für alle Stakeholder der öffentlich finanzierten Erwachsenenbildung von großem Interesse sind. In Form von Länderprofilen werden anhand der 21 untersuchten Regionen aus Deutschland, Italien, Irland, Serbien, Ungarn und der Slowakei die individuellen wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und kulturellen Länderstrukturen und -kontexte sichtbar, die Einfluss auf den politischen Entscheidungsprozess nehmen. Abschließend folgen ein Vergleich der Situationen der einzelnen Länder und eine kritische Reflektion der Projektergebnisse.
Through a comprehensive overview of policies and data related to the renewed European agenda for adult learning, this Eurydice report aims to support the exchange of policy and practice between countries. The report concentrates on measures to ensure that the most vulnerable groups of adult learners, in particular those with low basic skills or insufficient qualifications, have appropriate access to lifelong learning opportunities. The report's six chapters cover background statistical data on adult education and training, national policy commitments to adult learning, main types of publicly subsidised programmes, learning flexibility and progression pathways, outreach initiatives and guidance services as well as targeted financial support. The report is mainly based on information gathered through the Eurydice Network in 2014 and covers 35 national education systems located in 32 European countries (all EU Member States as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey). Alongside Eurydice information, it also includes data from a range of research projects and statistical data from international surveys.