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Mathematical Perspectives: Essays on Mathematics and its Historical Development is a collection of 13 biographical essays on the historical advances of science. This collection is originally meant to comprise an issue of the journal Historia Mathematica in honor of Professor Kurt R. Biermann's 60th birthday. This 12-chapter text includes essays on studies and commentaries on the problem of "figures of equal perimeter by various authors in antiquity, including Zenodorus, Theon, and Pappus. Other essays explore the comparison of the areas of polygons with equal perimeter; the concept of function; history of mathematics; the development of mathematical physics in France; and the history of Logicism and Formalism. The remaining chapters deal with essays on an early version of Gauss' Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, ideal numbers, a mathematical-philosophilica theory of probability, and historical examples of problem of number sequence interpolation. This book will be of value to mathematicians, historians, and researchers.
This book gathers six trenchant new analyses of the idea of the person as raised by the German philosopher and social theorist Max Scheler (1874–1928). The issues raised in the volume are both timely and perennial, from considerations of postmodernity, phenomenology, and metaphysics, to sharp-edged comparisons with other thinkers, including Immanuel Kant, Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Levinas, Eric Voegelin, Richard Rorty, and Hannah Arendt.
This anthology reviews the programmes in the foundations of mathematics from the classical period and assesses their possible relevance for contemporary philosophy of mathematics. A special section is concerned with constructive mathematics.
Als Schiiler Ernst Mallys hatte ich das Gluck, mitzuerleben, wie sich urn 1930 die Philosophie Mallys von der reichen Vielfalt der Meinongschen Lehre zu eigenen geschlosseneren Konturen wandelte. Es folgten Jahre intensiven Weiterbaus bis zum Todesjahr 1944. Durch widrige Um sHinde, Krankheit und Krieg, kamen Mallys Erkenntnisse nicht zu brei terer Wirkung. Urn so erfreulicher ist es, daB im Jahre des 25. Todestages und 90. Geburtstages ein Kreis Interessierter zusammenfand, urn ein Opus postumum MalIys, ein groBes logisches Fragment, von Mally einmal Schwanberger Logik genannt, herauszugeben, das in den letzten Lebens jahren des Philosophen entstand. Auf Anregung von Professor Dr. Roderick M. Chisholm (Brown University, Rhode Island) wird gleich zeitig auch ein 'basic work' der Deontik, Mallys Grundgesetze des Sol/ens aus dem Jahr 1926, im Neudruck publiziert. Damit ist auch Gelegenheit gegeben, eine erste zusammenfassende Darstellung uber die Philosophie Mallys mit Schriftenverzeichnis etc. zu veroffentlichen, so daB diese Edition auch als Gedenkschrift fUr Mally gelten kann.
Included are essays in epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophical psychology by one of the most important twentieth-century continental philosophers.
In English-speaking countries Victor Kraft is known principally for his account of the Vienna Circle. ! That group of thinkers has exercised in recent decades a significant influence not only on the philosophy of the western world, but also, at least indirectly, on that of the East, where there is now taking place a slow but clearly irresistible erosion of dogmatic Marxism by ways of think ing derived from a modem scientific conception of the world. Kraft's work as historian of the Vienna Circle has led to his being classed, without further qua1ification, as a neo-positivist philosopher. It is, however, only partially correct to count him as such. To be sure, he belonged to the group named, he took part in its meetings, and he drew from it suggestions central to his own work; but he did not belong to the hard core of the Circle and was a con scious opponent of certain radical tendencies espoused, at least from time to time, by some of its members. Evidence of this is provided by the theory of value now presented in English translation, since no less a thinker than Rudolf Carnap had, originally at any rate, obeyed a very narrowly conceived criterion of sense and declared value judgements to be senseless.