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"Na atual realidade brasileira e latino-americana, está em curso um projeto político, ideológico e econômico – determinado a restringir direitos políticos, sociais, civis e fazer avançar formas de capitalismo concentrador de riqueza que aumentam velozmente o fosso entre ricos e pobres. Sinais desse processo ganham visibilidade nas privatizações dos serviços públicos, nos cortes profundos no investimento em saúde e em educação e na tentativa de desapropriação docente do exercício autônomo de sua profissão. Esta coletânea, escrita a muitas mãos, na perspectiva da educação, tem o objetivo de fomentar um debate necessário entre os educadores acerca dessas questões candentes em toda a América Latina. Seu eixo central é a formação de professores. Surge da reunião de esforços empreendidos por pesquisadores brasileiros e estrangeiros consorciados ao Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão Vozes da Educação (CNPq), vinculado à Faculdade de Formação de Professores da UERJ, em São Gonçalo/RJ. Em 2018, o Núcleo Vozes completou 22 anos de existência, e ampliou a sua capacidade de atuação e de análise da sociedade e da educação, a partir de diálogos com outras vozes geográficas mais distantes. Esses diálogos nos aproximam, cada vez mais, de outros pesquisadores, especialmente latino-americanos, e constituem um caminho consequente à sinergia de forças para pensar e transformar a realidade, por meio da nossa atuação no campo da educação e da formação de professores no Brasil e na América-Latina."
This new and expanded edition collects the best articles dealing with race and culture in the classroom that have appeared in Rethinking Schools magazine. With more than 100 pages of new materials, Rethinking Multicultural Education demonstrates a powerful vision of anti-racist, social justice education. Practical, rich in story, and analytically sharp! Book Review 1: “If you are an educator, student, activist, or parent striving for educational equality and liberation, Rethinking Multicultural Education: Teaching for Racial and Cultural Justice will empower and inspire you to make a positive change in your community.” -- Curtis Acosta, Former teacher, Tucson Mexican American Studies Program; Founder, Acosta Latino Learning Partnership Book Review 2: “Rethinking Multicultural Education is both thoughtful and timely. As the nation and our schools become more complex on every dimension–race, ethnicity, class, gender, ability, sexuality, immigrant status–teachers need theory and practice to help guide and inform their curriculum and their pedagogy. This is the resource teachers at every level have been looking for.” -- Gloria Ladson-Billings, Professor & Dept. Chair, Kellner Family Chair in Urban Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison and author of Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children Book Review 3: “Rethinking Multicultural Education is an essential text as we name the schools we deserve, and struggle to bring them to life in classrooms across the land.” -- William Ayers, teacher, activist, award-winning education writer, and Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago (retired)
"... Clear, articulate, and cogent....[Zeichner] exhibits a commitment to a vision of social justice that rightly demands the very best both from society and from those of us who work in schools, communities, and teacher education institutions." -- Michael W. Apple, From the Foreword In this selection of his work from 1991-2008, Kenneth M. Zeichner examines the relationships between various aspects of teacher education, teacher development, and their contributions to the achievement of greater justice in schooling and in the broader society. A major theme that comes up in different ways across the chapters is Zeichner’s belief that the mission of teacher education programs is to prepare teachers in ways that enable them to successfully educate everyone’s children. A second theme is an argument for a view of democratic deliberation in schooling, teacher education, and educational research where members of various constituent groups have genuine input into the educational process. Teacher Education and the Struggle for Social Justice is directed to teacher educators and to policy makers who see teacher education as a critical element in maintaining a strong public education system in a democratic society.
By using this book, practitioners can explore the different ways in which marginalisation is experienced by pupils and, in so doing, create a classroom that is all the more inclusive.
Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977), nicknamed Bitita, was a destitute black Brazilian woman born in the rural interior who migrated to the industrial city of Sao Paulo. This is her autobiography, which includes details about her experiences of race relations and sexual intimidation.
The Trials of Evidence-based Education explores the promise, limitations and achievements of evidence-based policy and practice, as the attention of funders moves from a sole focus on attainment outcomes to political concern about character-building and wider educational impacts. Providing a detailed look at the pros, cons and areas for improvement in evidence-based policy and practice, this book includes consideration of the following: What is involved in a robust evaluation for education. The issues in conducting trials and how to assess the trustworthiness of research findings. New methods for the design, conduct, analysis and use of evidence from trials and examining their implications. What policy-makers, head teachers and practitioners can learn from the evidence to inform practice. In this well-structured and thoughtful text, the results and implications of over 20 studies conducted by the authors are combined with a much larger number of studies from their systematic reviews, and the implications are spelled out for the research community, policy-makers, schools wanting to run their own evaluations, and for practitioners using evidence.
Rethinking Citizenship Education presents a fundamental reassessment of the field. Drawing on empirical research, the book argues that attempting to transmit preconceived notions of citizenship through schools is both unviable and undesirable. The notion of 'curricular transposition' is introduced, a framework for understanding the changes undergone in the passage between the ideals of citizenship, the curricular programmes designed to achieve them, their implementation in practice and the effects on students. The 'leaps' between these different stages make the project of forming students in a mould of predefined citizenship highly problematic. Case studies are presented of contrasting initiatives in Brazil, a country with high levels of political marginalisation, but also significant experiences of participatory democracy. These studies indicate that effective citizenship education depends on a harmonisation or 'seamless enactment' of the stages outlined above. In contrast, provision in countries such as the UK and USA is characterised by disjunctures, showing insufficient involvement of teachers in programme design, and a lack of space for the construction of students' own political understandings. Some more promising directions for citizenship education are proposed, therefore, ones which acknowledge the significance of pedagogical relations and school democratisation, and allow students to develop as political agents in their own right.
Student Writing presents an accessible and thought-provoking study of academic writing practices. Informed by 'composition' research from the US and 'academic literacies studies' from the UK, the book challenges current official discourse on writing as a 'skill'. Lillis argues for an approach which sees student writing as social practice. The book draws extensively on a three-year study with ten non-traditional students in higher education and their experience of academic writing. Using case study material - including literacy history interviews, extended discussions with students about their writing of discipline specific essays, and extracts from essays - Lillis identifies the following as three significant dimensions to academic writing: * Access to higher education and to its language and literacy representational resources * Regulation of meaning making in academic writing * Desire for participation in higher education and for choices over ways of meaning in academic writing. Student Writing: access, regulation, desire raises questions about why academics write as they do, who benefits from such writing, which meanings are valued and how, on what terms 'outsiders' get to be 'insiders' and at what costs.
This book supplies both empirical evidence and scholarly analysis that exemplify successful innovation in South America in the field of sustainability education. Examining the issues from a three-fold perspective, of national policy, regional planning and grassroots projects in schools and communities, the volume offers a comprehensive overview of the contemporary situation in Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina and Venezuela. It provides case studies as detailed illustrations of the recipe for success as well as to inform researchers and practitioners of the kinds of obstacles and challenges they might face in seeking to manifest sustainability. A good deal of the research and scholarly studies in the field of education for sustainability and sustainable development is underpinned by ‘Western’ norms and culture. This book draws on that literature, yet also teases out features in the case studies that are particular to the region. South America itself encompasses a rich variety of natural and cultural environments—within individual nations as much as continent-wide. This diversity is a recurring theme in the book. The volume’s three sections provide first a general survey, enriched with material from studies conducted in a number of different polities. The second section covers developments in Brazil, South America’s largest nation and one that exhibits many of the features of education for sustainability found across the continent. Part three sets out and explores future trends. As with other books in the Schooling for Sustainable Development series, this volume will add impetus to scholarly exchange as well as contributing insights on education policy and curriculum changes across South American communities that exist in an increasingly globalized world.