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This compelling historical novel set during the Second World War shows that sometimes falling apart is only steps away from falling in love.
The division of Korea in August 1945 was one of the most consequential foreign policy decisions of the twentieth century. Despite the enormous impact this split has had on international relations from the Cold War to the present, comparatively little has been done to explain the decision. In Foreign Friends: Syngman Rhee, American Exceptionalism, and the Division of Korea, author David P. Fields argues that the division resulted not from a snap decision made by US military officers at the end of World War II but from a forty-year lobbying campaign spearheaded by Korean nationalist Syngman Rhee. Educated in an American missionary school in Seoul, Rhee understood the importance of exceptionalism in American society. Alleging that the US turned its back on the most rapidly Christianizing nation in the world when it acquiesced to Japan's annexation of Korea in 1905, Rhee constructed a coalition of American supporters to pressure policymakers to right these historical wrongs by supporting Korea's independence. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, Rhee and his Korean supporters reasoned that the American abandonment of Korea had given the Japanese a foothold in Asia, tarnishing the US claim to leadership in the opinion of millions of Asians. By transforming Korea into a moralist tale of the failures of American foreign policy in Asia, Rhee and his camp turned the country into a test case of American exceptionalism in the postwar era. Division was not the outcome they sought, but their lobbying was a crucial yet overlooked piece that contributed to this final resolution. Through its systematic use of the personal papers and diary of Syngman Rhee, as well as its serious examination of American exceptionalism, Foreign Friends synthesizes religious, intellectual, and diplomatic history to offer a new interpretation of US-Korean relations.
This one volume contains all 12 volumes (90) essays of the original work. There is a linked table of contents to each of them. The Fundamentals: A Testimony To The Truth is a set of 90 essays published from 1910 to 1915 by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The essays were designed to affirm, among other things, conservative Protestant beliefs, especially those of the Reformed tradition, and defend against ideas deemed inimical to them. They are widely considered to be the foundation of modern Christian fundamentalism. The essays set out what was believed to be the fundamentals of Christian faith.The volumes defended orthodox Protestant beliefs and attacked higher criticism, liberal theology, Catholicism socialism, Modernism,atheism, Christian Science, Mormonism, Millennial Dawn, Spiritualism, and evolutionism. Listed here is just some of the essay. The Virgin Birth of Christ - James Orr The Deity of Christ - Benjamin B. Warfield The Purposes of the Incarnation - G. Campbell Morgan The Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit - R. A. Torrey The Proof of the Living God - Arthur T. Pierson History of the Higher Criticism - Dyson Hague A Personal Testimony - Howard A. Kelly The Testimony of the Monuments to the Truth of the Scriptures - George Frederick Wright The Recent Testimony of Archaeology to the Scriptures - M. G. Kyle Fallacies of the Higher Criticism - Franklin Johnson Christ and Criticism - Robert Anderson Modern Philosophy - Philip Mauro Justification by Faith - H. C. G. Moule Tributes to Christ and the Bible by Brainy Men not Known as Active Christians Inspiration of the Bible—Definition, Extent, and Proof - James M. Gray The Moral Glory of Jesus Christ a Proof of Inspiration - William G. Moorehead God in Christ the Only Revelation of the Fatherhood of God - Robert E. Speer The Testimony of Christian Experience - E. Y. Mullins Christianity No Fable - Thomas Whitelaw My Personal Experience with the Higher Criticism - J. J. Reeve The Personal Testimony of Charles T. Studd The Tabernacle in the Wilderness: Did it Exist? - David Heagle The Testimony of Christ to the Old Testament - William Caven The Bible and Modern Criticism - F. Bettex Science and Christian Faith - James Orr A Personal Testimony - Philip Mauro Life in the Word - Philip Mauro The Scriptures - A. C. Dixon The Certainty and Importance of the Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Dead - R. A. Torrey Observations of the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul - Lord Lyttleton A Personal Testimony - H. W. Webb-Peploe The Testimony of Foreign Missions to the Superintending Providence of God - Arthur T. Pierson. Is There a God? - Thomas Whitelaw Sin and Judgment to Come - Robert Anderson The Atonement - Franklin Johnson The God-Man - John Stock The Early Narratives of Genesis - James Orr The Person and Work of Jesus Christ - John L. Nuelsen The Hope of the Church - John McNicol The Passing of Evolution - George Frederick Wright Inspiration - L. W. Munhall The Testimony of the Scriptures to Themselves - George S. Bishop Testimony of the Organic Unity of the Bible to its Inspiration - Arthur T. Pierson One Isaiah - George L. Robinson The Book of Daniel - Joseph D. Wilson Three Peculiarities of the Pentateuch - Andrew Craig Robinson Millennial Dawn: A Counterfeit of Christianity - William G. Moorehead Old Testament Criticism and New Testament Christianity - W. H. Griffith Thomas Evolutionism in the Pulpit - Anonymous Decadence of Darwinism - Henry H. Beach Paul's Testimony to the Doctrine of Sin - Charles B. Williams The Science of Conversion - H. M. Sydenstricker The Doctrinal Value of the First Chapters of Genesis - Dyson Hague The Knowledge of God - James Burrell "Preach the Word" - Howard Crosby Mormonism: Its Origin, Characteristics, and Doctrines - R. G. McNiece The True Church - Bishop Ryle The Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch - George Frederick Wright The Wisdom of this World - A. W