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Young adults often encounter mixed messages about vocation from their families, friends, and churches. On the one hand, they are encouraged to look at their gifts and passions to discern their particular calling; on the other hand, they are told that God may ask something of them that they don t want to do or aren t prepared for. The discontinuity between these messages has led to frustration for many. Seeking to ease that frustration with this book, Doug Koskela carefully distinguishes between missional calling, direct calling, and general calling. Koskela clarifies the relationship between gifts, passions, and vocation even as he offers practical guidance for the process of vocational discernment. This is a book for those who want to use their time, energy, and abilities faithfully as they move with purpose toward the future. Watch a 2015 interview here:
We pray that in the pages of this book God's people may again hear the gospel message, the good news that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. We are convinced that the most important question that a person can ask is, how can a sinner be in right relationship with a holy and just God? Indeed, we are convinced that this is the central theme of the Bible. Our prayer is that the teaching of God's Word and the truth of salvation and justification in Christ come alive in new and exciting ways, and that instead of confusion God's people may be have clarity, confidence, hope and assurance. The apostle Paul said it best: "Since we have been justified by faith...we rejoice in hope of the glory of God" (Romans 5:1-2).
Robert Nash tackles one of today's most difficult and controversial topics, religion in American schools. Nash deftly employs his own classroom experience to achieve a balanced presentation and comprehensive analysis of four different religious perspectives: fundamentalist, prophetic, alternative spiritualities, and post-atheist. This ground-breaking volume is a practical pedagogical tool for teachers who want to deal intelligently and responsibly with religion in the classroom.
Welcome to Your Place in a Worldview Minority In an increasingly secular society, those who have a biblical worldview are now a shrinking minority. As mainstream culture grows more hostile toward the Bible’s truths and those who embrace them, you’ll face mounting pressures—from family, friends, media, academia, and government—to change and even abandon your beliefs. But these challenges also create abundant opportunities to stand strong for Christ and shine light to those hurt by the darkness of our day. In Faithfully Different, author and apologist Natasha Crain shares how you can live out your faith with conviction, discernment, and courage. You’ll be equipped to identify and respond to today’s most significant worldview pressures, such as cancel culture, secular social justice, progressive Christianity, deconstruction, virtue signaling, and more engage effectively with a world that ridicules biblical truths defend your faith from misguided influences and live as a bold witness for the Lord As the standards of our day mutate and devolve, Faithfully Different will give you the insight and encouragement you need to believe, think, and live biblically no matter what you face in these turbulent times.
In Holy Clarity, Sarah Drummond explores the most basic reason leaders of religious organizations conduct evaluations: To find and create God-pleasing clarity regarding the organization's purpose and the impact of its activities. Leadership and evaluation are not separate disciplines, she argues. Effective leaders evaluate because they need to know what is happening in their organizations and how those activities are effecting change. Drummond first describes the way in which our postmodern culture makes clarity difficult to obtain. She then looks at holy clarity from a biblical and theological perspective and make the case that it is a spiritual discipline that can stand on its own theological merits. She presents four approaches to evaluation that can help a leader to guide a community toward greater clarity, both when evaluating or analyzing programs and when planning and starting programs. Finally, she considers the work of clarification as a faith practice, one that can make a pastor or layperson not just a better leader, but a better Christian who is more firmly grounded in God. Each chapter concludes with a fictional case study that provides a jumping-off point for discussion and helps bring her theory to life. Holy Clarity provides an accessible resource as an entry point for those who are eager to learn the best practices of this crucial discipline.
A lack of confidence in the clarity or perspicuity of Scripture is apparent in Western Christianity. In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Mark Thompson restates the doctrine of the clarity of Scripture. He surveys past and present objections, engages with contemporary hermeneutical challenges, and expounds the living God as the Guarantor of his accessible, written Word.
In his sequel to The Ragamuffin Gospel bestselling author Brennan Manning shows how true and radical trust in God can transform our lives. Manning, beloved author and spiritual teacher, shows us how trust in God can transform our lives and open us up to deeper experiences of grace and love. In Ruthless Trust, he turns his focus from furious love to radical trust, revealing the ways in which trust renews our faith and help us grow.
Learn from the book of Daniel how to live confidently for Christ today. What does it look like to live with joy in a society that does not like what Christians believe, say or do? It’s tempting to grow angry, keep our heads down, retreat or just give up altogether. But this isn’t the first time that God’s people have had to learn how to live in a pagan world that opposes God’s rule. In this realistic yet positive book, renowned Bible teacher Alistair Begg examines the first seven chapters of Daniel to show us how to live bravely, confidently and obediently in an increasingly secular society. Readers will see that God is powerful and God is sovereign, and even in the face of circumstances that appear to be prevailing against his people, we may trust him entirely. We can be as brave as Daniel if we have faith in Daniel’s God! "The message of Daniel is incredibly relevant for us in our generation. Not because it maps out a strategy for how to deal with our new lack of status ... or because Daniel was a great man and we need to follow his example. The reason is that it will help us to believe in Daniel’s God." Alistair Begg, author.
How can Christians defend truth and clarity to a world that rejects both? Increasingly, Western culture embraces confusion as a virtue and decries certainty as a sin. Those who are confused about sexuality and identity are viewed as heroes. Those who are confused about morality are progressive pioneers. Those who are confused about spirituality are praised as tolerant. Conversely, those who express certainty about any of these issues are seen as bigoted, oppressive, arrogant, or intolerant. This cultural phenomenon led the compilers of the Oxford English Dictionary to name "post-truth" their word of the year in 2016. It's popularity and relevance has only increased since then. By accurately describing the Culture of Confusion and how it has affected our society, author Abdu Murray seeks to awaken Westerners to the plight we find ourselves in. He also challenges Christians to consider how they have played a part in fostering the Culture of Confusion through bad arguments, unwise labeling, and emotional attacks. Ultimately, Saving Truth provides arguments from a Christian perspective for the foundations of truth and how those foundations impart clarity to the biggest topics of human existence: Freedom. Human dignity. Sexuality, Gender, and Identity. Science and Faith. Religious pluralism and Morality. For those enmeshed in the culture of confusion, Saving Truth offers a way to untangle oneself and find hope in the clarity that Christ offers.