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Essential Microbiology and Hygiene for Food Professionals is an accessible and practical introduction, providing the basic science relating to microorganisms in food. Assuming no prior knowledge of microbiology, chapters take a fresh and modern approach in helping students appreciate the importance of microbiology and hygiene in assuring
The aims of this book remain the same, that is, that it should be of in terest to all those people concerned with, or about, food hygiene in the broadest sense. There was clearly a need for a book of this sort and its success has necessitated a second edition. It will, I hope, answer criticisms that were justifiably made about certain omissions and shortcomings levelled at the earlier edition. The whole book has been thoroughly revised with the introduction of several new sections to various chapters. During the time that has elapsed since the earlier edition appeared there has been much publicity about newer forms of 'food poisoning'. Thus listeriosis is discussed in some detail whilst the problems of salmonellas in eggs and BSE are also considered. Interest in irradiated foods has waxed and waned but it is rightly included in the relevant chapter. There has been much progress in methodology with the advent of advanced molecular techniques such as gene probes and that of PCR; these are discussed briefly. I have included sections on HACCP which has come into great prominence in recent years thus answering a specific criticism made of the earlier edition. The chapter on water and waste disposal contains material on Legionnaires' disease and cryptosporidiosis, infections of much concern at the present time. Finally, the chapter on legislation has undergone a major revision with far greater emphasis being placed on EC food hygiene legislation.
Food microbiology is a fascinating and challenging science. It is also very demanding with a constantly changing sea of guidelines, regulations and equip ment. Public concerns over food safety issues can overemphasize certain risks and detract from the normal hygienic practice of food manufacturers. This new edition aims to update anyone concerned with the hygienic production of food on key issues of HACCP, food microbiology and the methods of microbe detection. I have taken a 'crystal ball' approach to certain topics. The use of rapid techniques such as lux gene technology and polymerase chain reaction (DNA probes) are progressing so rapidly in the research laboratory that when this book is in print the techniques may be more readily available. New methods for investigating viral gastroenteritis due to small round structured viruses (SRSV) have been developed past the 'research' stage and may become more standard in the next few years. Undoubtedly this will alter our understanding of the prevalence of viral food poisoning. I have also included issues such as new variant CJD (associated with BSE infected cattle) which at the time of writing has only caused the deaths of 20 people, but due to the uncertain incubation time could be a far more serious problem. In the UK there has been a much publicised outbreak of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 which has resulted in a government inquiry and the recommenda tion of the generic HACCP approach. Hence this approach to HACCP imple mentation has been included.
A broad overview of foodborne infectious diseases, this book covers recent outbreaks, highlighting the food sources and pathogens involved. It also examines foodborne infectious diseases in travelers that are not commonly seen in the United States, outbreak investigation, sources and vehicles of foodborne pathogens as well as diagnosis, treatment,
This book, Microbiology for Food and Health: Technological Developments and Advances, highlights the innovative microbiological approaches and advances made in the field of microbial food industries. The volume covers the most recent progress in the field of dairy and food microbiology, emphasizing the current progress, actual challenges, and successes of the latest technologies. This book looks at technological advances in starter cultures, prospective applications of food-grade microorganisms for food preservation and food safety, and innovative microbiological approaches and technologies in the food industry. The first series of chapters discuss the types, classification, and systematic uses of various starter cultures in addition to probiotics for various commercial fermentation processes. The book goes on to covers recent breakthroughs in microbial bioprocessing that can be employed in the food and health industry, such as, for an example, prospective antimicrobial applications of inherently present fermentative microflora against spoilage and pathogenic type microorganisms; the use of potential probiotic LAB biofilms for the control of formation of pathogenic biofilms by exclusion mechanisms, and more.
The book demonstrates that food safety is a multidisciplinary scientific discipline that is specifically designed to prevent foodborne illness to consumers. It is generally assumed to be an axiom by both nonprofessionals and professionals alike, that the most developed countries, through their intricate and complex standards, formal trainings and inspections, are always capable of providing much safer food items and beverages to consumers as opposed to the lesser developed countries and regions of the world. Clearly, the available data regarding the morbidity and the mortality in different areas of the world confirms that in developing countries, the prevalence and the incidence of presumptive foodborne illness is much greater. However, other factors need to be taken into consideration in this overall picture: First of all, one of the key issues in developing countries appears to be the availability of safe drinking water, a key element in any food safety strategy. Second, the availability of healthcare facilities, care providers, and medicines in different parts of the world makes the consequences of foodborne illness much more important and life threatening in lesser developed countries than in most developed countries. It would be therefore ethnocentric and rather simplistic to state that the margin of improvement in food safety is only directly proportional to the level of development of the society or to the level of complexity of any given national or international standard. Besides standards and regulations, humans as a whole have evolved and adapted different strategies to provide and to ensure food and water safety according to their cultural and historical backgrounds. Our goal is to discuss and to compare these strategies in a cross-cultural and technical approach, according to the realities of different socio-economic, ethnical and social heritages.
The goal of this book is to show how to build and manage a food safety department that is tasked with ensuring food safety within a food retail business. The experiences of the author as the head of Food and Product Safety at Chick-fil-A will be used as the model. Specifically, the book will discuss the specific components of a food safety program, the tactics needed to establish these components (forming the majority of the chapters), how to measure the success of each component, and how to influence the organization to ensure resources to support the program. The book will also focus on how to choose and work with the appropriate partners, validate the value to the business, and initiate the new component throughout the organization, including how to sustain the component within the program. Five features of this book that make it distinctive are: Most current “How to” book on leading a food safety department from the perspective of a respected national brand Provides the proper organization and methods to manage the work necessary to ensure food safety within the organization Provides the means to utilize risk-based decisions linked to business practices that accommodate a business analysis model Demonstrates step-by-step examples that can be used for continuous improvement in sustaining food safety responsibilities Provides examples on how to gain influence and obtain resources to support food safety responsibilities
This unique book covers the key issues relating to the control and management of the most commonly occurring food borne bacteria which compromise the safety and quality of food. The 21 case studies, drawn from a wide range of sources, present real life situations in which the management of food borne pathogens failed or was at risk of failure. Each chapter contains a case study which is supported by relevant background information (such as diagrams, tables of data, etc), study questions and a subsequent feedback commentary, all of which encourage the reader to apply their knowledge. With reference to specific organisms such as E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and so on, the chapters move the reader progressively from strategies for control of food borne organisms, techniques for their control, appreciating risk, through sampling criteria and acceptance, to managing risk. With the provision of real-life problems to explore, along with the opportunity to propose and justify approaches to managing food safety, this book will be welcomed as a new approach to learning not only by students and their teachers, but also by food professionals in policy-making and enforcement and the many within the food industry who are involved with the management of food safety.
This book helps in Achieving food safety success which requires going beyond traditional training, testing, and inspectional approaches to managing risks. It requires a better understanding of the human dimensions of food safety. In the field of food safety today, much is documented about specific microbes, time/temperature processes, post-process contamination, and HACCP–things often called the hard sciences. There is not much published or discussed related to human behavior–often referred to as the “soft stuff.” However, looking at foodborne disease trends over the past few decades and published regulatory out-of-compliance rates of food safety risk factors, it’s clear that the soft stuff is still the hard stuff. Despite the fact that thousands of employees have been trained in food safety around the world, millions have been spent globally on food safety research, and countless inspections and tests have been performed at home and abroad, food safety remains a significant public health challenge. Why is that? Because to improve food safety, we must realize that it’s more than just food science; it’s the behavioral sciences, too. In fact, simply put, food safety equals behavior. This is the fundamental principle of this book. If you are trying to improve the food safety performance of a retail or food service establishment, an organization with thousands of employees, or a local community, what you are really trying to do is change people’s behavior. The ability to influence human behavior is well documented in the behavioral and social sciences. However, significant contributions to the scientific literature in the field of food safety are noticeably absent. This book will help advance the science by being the first significant collection of 50 proven behavioral science techniques, and be the first to show how these techniques can be applied to enhance employee compliance with desired food safety behaviors and make food safety the social norm in any organization.