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A must-read! Dr. Budwig is considered to be the foremost authority on the role of fats in healing. Translated for the first time in English these lectures by Dr. Budwig, have brought about scientific revolution. Dr. Budwig shows the relationship between cancer and fat metabolism.
The statements about essential fats or the life threatening effects of certain fats and their significance for the cancer problem lead to a collision with prevailing opinion. Convinced of her scientific findings on the natural science level, Dr. Johanna Budwig devoted her life to the realization of the validity of her research results for sustaining human life in medicine, and in the process bring about a change in the direction of cancer research and therapy.
A healthy and imaginative food preparation guide by a seven-time Nobel Prize nominee and Europe's foremost authority on cancer and nutrition - Dr. Johanna Budwig.
In this revolutionary diet the German researcher who discovered Omega-3 fatty acids explains to readers how to use healing essential fatty acids, the good fats, to cure themselves of cancer, heart disease, and other chronic ailments. Includes more than 150 exciting recipes and meal plans.
Both nutrition deficiency and overnutrition can have a significant effect on the risk of infection. Nutrition, Immunity, and Infection focuses on the influence of diet on the immune system and how altering one’s diet helps prevent and treat infections and chronic diseases. This book reviews basic immunology and discusses changes in immune function throughout the life course. It features comprehensive chapters on obesity and the role of immune cells in adipose tissue; undernutrition and malnutrition; infant immune maturation; pre- and probiotics; mechanisms of immune regulation by various vitamins and minerals; nutrition and the aging immune system; nutrition interactions with environmental stress; and immunity in the global health arena. Nutrition, Immunity, and Infection describes the various roles of nutrients and other food constituents on immune function, host defense, and resistance to infection. It describes the impact of infection on nutritional status through a translational approach. Chapters bring together molecular, cellular, and experimental studies alongside human trials so that readers can assess both the evidence for the effects of the food component being discussed and the mechanisms underlying those effects. The impact of specific conditions including obesity, anorexia nervosa, and HIV infection is also considered. Chapter authors are experts in nutrition, immunity, and infection from all around the globe, including Europe, Australia, Brazil, India, and the United States. This book is a valuable resource for nutrition scientists, food scientists, dietitians, health practitioners, and students interested in nutrition and immunity.
This book summarizes the latest findings about the role of cancer stem cells (CSCs) in cancer biology and how this knowledge could be used for novel anticancer therapies. It provides an overview of CSCs in selected malignancies with particular emphasis on hematopoietic neoplasias. It then reviews the role of CSCs in metastasis formation and initiat
The present book contains concise information on major disease management through applied poultry vaccination and also practical knowledge in the field. The book is immensely helpful in understanding the formulation of vaccination schedules for broilers, layers and breeders. The present book not only covers the preventive aspects of diseases but also contains the detailed information on theoretical and applied practical aspects of poultry immunology and vaccination. Language of the book is simple, presentation is lucid and unambiguous for easy understanding. This book will definitely play a critical role in imparting knowledge in poultry egg and poultry meat industry in terms of disease free maximum/optimum production of good quality eggs and meat from poultry for human consumption. It is hoped that the book is quite useful for students, teachers and researchers of Poultry and Veterinary Science. This book is also a valuable reference source for poultry disease investigator, practicing veterinarian and poultry inspector.
**** A must have book for every cancer patient ****THIRD REVISED EDITION NEW CHAPTERS ADDED**** This book provides both an introduction of Dr. Budwig's cancer research and treatment. Johanna Budwig (1908-2003) who was nominated for the Nobel Prize seven times was one of Germany's leading scientists of the 20th Century, a biochemist and Cancer specialist with a special interest in essential fats.Otto Warburg proved that prime cause of cancer oxygen-deficiency in the cells. In absence of oxygen cells ferment glucose to produce energy, lactic acid is formed as a byproduct of fermentation. He postulated that sulfur containing protein and some unknown fat is required to attract oxygen in the cell.In 1951 Dr. Budwig developed Paper Chromatography to identify fats. With this technique she proved that electron rich highly unsaturated Linoleic and Linolenic fatty acids were the undiscovered mysterious decisive fats in respiratory enzyme function that Otto Warburg had been unable to find. She studied the electromagnetic function of pi-electrons of the linolenic acid in the membranes of the microstructure of protoplasm, for all nerve function, secretions, mitosis, as well as cell break-down. This immediately caused lot of excitement in the scientific community. New doors could open in Cancer research. Hydrogenated fats, including all Trans fatty acids were proved as respiratory poisons.Then Budwig decided to have human trials and gave flaxseed oil and quark to cancer patients. After three months, the patients began to improve in health and strength, the yellow green substance in their blood began to disappear, tumors gradually receded and at the same time the nutrients began to rise. This way Dr. Budwig had found a cure for cancer. It was a great victory and first milestone in the battle against cancer. Her treatment protocol is based on the consumption of flax seed oil with low fat cottage cheese, raw organic diet, mild exercise, and the healing powers of the sun. She treated approx. 2500 cancer patients during a 50 year period with this protocol till her death with over 90% documented success.She was nominated 7 times for Nobel Prize but with a condition that she will use chemotherapy and radiotherapy with her protocol. They did not want to collapse the 200 billion business over night. She always refused to support the damaging chemo and radio for the sake of humanity.Lothar Hirneise - Great supporter of Budwig ProtocolLothar Hirneise is founder and President of People Against Cancer, Germany. He travels a lot in search of finding most successful alternative cancer therapies. He has been student of Dr. Johanna Budwig. He is a great researcher and writer on alternative healing. He is successfully treating thousands of cancer patients at his 3-E center in Germany. In the last few years he has interviewed several hundred final stage so-called survivors, meaning patients who were in the final stage of cancer and who are all healthy again today. Based on his findings he proposed a 3 E Program - The Mnemonic of Cancer Treatment.1) Eat well2) Eliminate3) EnergyHe noticed that 100% of all survivors, did the energy work. In approximately - say 80% of all patients, He found a change in diet. And in at least 60% of all patients, took intensive detoxification rituals. This is the basis of his, so much talked about 3E Program for healing cancer.Lothar strongly supports holistic and spiritual approach and includes Visualization, Tumor Contract, Meditation, mild Yoga, Emotional Freesom Technique EFT, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's New German Medicine (Connection of unresolved stress and cancer), Detoxification techniques (Soda Bicarb bath, Epsom bath, Colon Hydrotherapy, Coffee Enema etc.) in his so much talked about 3 E Program.The book also, describes about rare and miraculous herbs used in the treatment of Cancer like Turmeric, Black seed, Ginger, Mistle Toe, Aloe vera, Echinecea, Lobelia, Essiac Tea, Pau d'arco Tea, Dandelion, Milk Thistle.
Flaxseed- Miraculous Anti-ageing Divine Food What is Flaxseed and how can it benefit me? I was faced with this question when I started hearing about Flaxseed not long ago. It became a 'buzz word' in society and seems to be making great role in increased health for many. I wanted to join that wagon of wellness and so I researched until I felt satisfied that it could help me, too. Here are my findings. Flaxseeds are the hard, tiny seeds of Linum usitatissimum, the flax plant, which has been widely used for thousands of years as a source of food and clothing. Flaxseeds have become very popular recently, because they are a richest source of the Omega 3 essential fatty acid; also known as Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) and lignans. People in the new millennium may see flaxseed as an important new FOOD SUPER STAR. In fact, there's nobody who won't benefit by adding flaxseed to his or her diet. Even Gandhi wrote: "Wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health." Flaxseed contains 30-40% oil (including 36-50% alpha linolenic acid, 23-24% linoleic acid- Omega-6 fatty acids and oleic acids), mucilage (6%), protein (25%), Vitamin B group, lecithin, selenium, calcium, folate, magnesium, zinc, iron, carotene, sulfur, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, silicon, copper, nickel, molybdenum, chromium, and cobalt, vitamins A and E and all essential amino acids. Other fatty acids, omega-6's, is abundant in vegetable oils such as corn, soybean, safflower, and sunflower oils as well as in the many processed foods made from these oils. Omega-6 fatty acids have stimulating, irritating and inflammatory effect while omega-3 fatty acids have calming and soothing effect on our body. Our bodies function best when our diets contain a well-balanced ratio of these fatty acids, meaning 1:1 to 4:1 of omega-6 and omega-3. But we typically eat 10 to 30 times more omega-6's than omega-3's, which is a prescription for trouble. This imbalance puts us at greater risk for a number of serious illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and arthritis. As the most abundant plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed helps restore balance and lets omega-3's do what they're best at: balancing the immune system, decreasing inflammation, and lowering some of the risk factors for heart disease. One way that Omega 3 essential fatty acid known as Alpha Linolenic Acid ALA helps the heart is by decreasing the ability of platelets to clump together. Flax seed helps to lower high blood pressure, clears clogged coronaries, lowers high blood cholesterol, bad LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels and raises good HDL cholesterol. It can relieve the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus. It lowers blood sugar level. Flaxseed help fight obesity. Adding flaxseed to foods creates a feeling of satiation. Furthermore, flaxseed stokes the metabolic processes in our cells. Much like a furnace, once stoked, the cells generate more heat and burn calories. Flaxseeds are the most abundant source of lignans. Lignans are plant-based compounds that can block estrogen activity in cells, reducing the risk of Breast, Uterus, Colon and Prostate cancers. According to the US Department of Agriculture, flaxseed contains 27 identifiable cancer preventative compounds. Lignans in flaxseeds are 200 to 800 times more than any other lignan source. Lignans are phytoestrogens, meaning that they are similar to but weaker than the estrogen that a woman's body produces naturally. Therefore, they may also help alleviate menopausal discomforts such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. They are also antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. Because they are high in dietary fiber, ground flaxseeds can help ease the passage of stools and thus relieve constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticular disease. Taken for inflammatory bowel disease, flaxseed can help to calm inflammation and repair any intestinal tract damage.
This "big book" is meant for natural physicians as their desktop reference. A second smaller Users Guide is available for those who just want to grow Sida and benefit personally from it. It is based on the "big books" proven research, and written for the general public. What Sidas Do for You Nearly everything in this book is from peer-review research, with some expert testimony. Sidas are consumed by millions of people every day all over the world for their health, and people have been healing themselves with Sidas for thousands of years. Sidas control or kill 27 pathogenic bacteria, including many resistant strains, including MRSA. Sidas have shown excellent effect against malaria and other parasites. Sidas have tested well against 16 pathogenic fungi, including 15 strains of candida. Worldwide there have only been 40 studies where Sidas have been tested against cancer. Every one of them has had significant benefits. Many were cytotoxic, apoptotic, etc. Sidas protect your liver, kidney & brain (and more). They are blood cleansing and help to balance your fats/lipids. They are adaptogenic, tonic, aphrodisiac, beneficial to digestion, and much more. This book lists 160 ways that Sida can benefit you! At least 10 Sidas are top Ayurvedic herbs, including the famous Bala. Several Sidas are Rasayana rejuvenating tonics as well. Sida acuta can be grown in temperate climates as an annual. I grow it in Zone 8 outdoors. If you can grow tomatoes, you can probably grow Sida. I expect to have an index and Sida photo page on my website, available for download, by mid-year 2018 ( This book is a complete reference on the known properties of the genus Sida. It is meant to be the "physician's desk reference" for Sida. This is an information-dense book and the information is presented as clearly as possible in 568 pages and about 800 peer-review references. Sidas are arguably the most powerful herbal antibiotics in the world. They are non-toxic and universally beneficial. More so, they are anti-pathogens since they work against fungi, mold, malaria, cancer, viruses, etc. I have successfully grown Sida acuta as an annual outside in our Northern California mountain climate for the past four years. I personally get adequate medicinal results from growing it as an annual, and processing it as a vodka extract. This is "a game changer" in our fight against resistant pathogens in our temperate world. Sidas work against something like 65 pathogens. This includes: Staph (18 specific strains of Staph, including several multi-drug resistant strains), Candida (including at least 6 resistant strains), some cancers, gonorrhea, typhoid, Aspergilus mold, E. coli, Herpes simplex and other viruses, Kebsiella (pneumonia and hospital infections), Malaria, Mycobacterium, Salmonella (both food poisoning and typhoid), Shigella (diarrhea and dysentery), Strep (cavities, pneumonia), and kills internal worms. There are 160 or so other benefits from taking Sida including: adaptogenic; anti-oxidant; analgesic; kidney, liver, heart and brain protective; a dozen benefits for human reproduction; chemoprotective; mineral accumulator; fiber and fuel source.. The Sidas are excellent fiber plants. The leaves have at least 20% good protein (mine have over 30%) and Sida is considered a survival food. Traditional Uses of Sida chapter is for information purposes only and not to be construed as medical advice. Uses are drawn from around the world.