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All Praise be to Allah Ta'ala, The Master of the worlds. May Allah Ta'ala's special blessings, mercies and salawaat descend upon our beloved master Sayyidina, Rasulullah PBUH forever and ever. The Basic 'ilm (knowledge of Deen) is the weapon of every believer. Without knowing what is right from wrong, man will never be able to save himself from evil and sin. Without the knowledge of Deen, man is a vulnerable victim of shaytaan. The primary maktab system is designed to equip the children of the Ummah, with the basic knowledge of Deen, which will carry them along for the rest of their lives in the obedience of Allah Ta'ala and in following the sunnah of Rasulullah PBUH. This book titled 'Basic Fiqh' is designed to teach little children the basic Islamic laws according to the teachings and the Fiqh of Hadhrat Imaam Abu Hanifah RA. An attempt has been made to cover the basic but very important aspects of Fiqh in this little booklet (Insha Allah). Though many books of Fiqh are currently available, the intention in preparing this little booklet was to present some basic rules of fundamental importance making it easier for children to learn. The Ta'limi Board (KZN) has officially introduced this booklet into the maktab curriculum. Part One of this book is taught in Grade 6 and Part two in Grade 7. May Allah Ta'ala accept this little publication and make it a means of attaining His pleasure and may He make this book a means of great benefit for the Ummah. Aameen. Note: All Masael is realted to Hanafi Madhahab
Cleanliness is half of imaan, and prayer is what makes a Muslim. This book offers a comprehensive look at both topics - salah and tahara - in a way that's easy for anyone to understand. Learn the strongest opinions for all matters related to worship and purification, while also getting an overview of related rulings from all four Islamic schools of thought. From the basics of prayer, to the steps of wudhu, to the more complex questions of ghusul and combining prayers, Fiqh Made Easy is full of must-know knowledge for any Muslim who wants to perfect his/her worship of Allah.
Social media and digital technologies have changed our lives and there is no indication that things will slow down. As Muslims, we believe that Islam contains the most perfect guidance for all of mankind to follow. How do we implement that timeless advice in our unprecedented times? That is the focus of the Fiqh of Social Media. "I am grateful and appreciative of my friend, Omar Usman, for exhausting available resources; Islamic, psychological, secular, and business, to develop the work you see before you. We have had long discussions pertaining to many of the topics covered in this book. I am confident that you will find this book to be beneficial, and I pray that it inspires more contributions on this topic." -Shaykh AbdulNasir Jangda, Qalam Institute "With the time we spend on social media, being mindful of how we use it is crucial. This is a wonderful resource based in prophetic guidance on how to practically use social media in wise and beneficial ways." -Dr. Omar Suleiman, Yaqeen Institute "Reading Fiqh of Social Media is like sitting with your best friend from Sunday school and having an intellectual & spiritual conversation about the impact of social media on your life. Omar distills years of research, experience, and thought leadership in an easily digestible book that you can enjoy with a good cup of coffee (and your phone off!)" -Mohammed Faris, The Productive Muslim Company "The Prophet (s) said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should say something good or keep silent." The ability to control our tongues, how we communicate with others, is an expression of our faith. Communication has evolved and changed so much that one of the primary ways many of us communicate with others is through social media; hashtags and 280 characters. This is a long-awaited work from my good friend and Hajj companion Omar Usman who has been writing, tweeting, speaking, and teaching about the Fiqh of Social Media for years. This is a valuable work providing guidance on how to use and benefit from social media in a way that conforms to our principles and values." -Shaykh Furhan Zubairi, Institute of Knowledge "Ulama of the past have written on the adaab of speech and social interaction. Connecting those guidelines with the modern world of social media has been the need of our time. May Allah reward Omar for taking this task on!" -Mufti Hussain Kamani, Qalam Institute "This is a must-read for Muslims around the globe. I can't thank Omar enough for this work which forces Muslims to look in the mirror and answer tough questions about how social media has impacted our lives. It questions why we desire to share the most intimate aspects of our lives with strangers from around the world and provides action items to implement. These discussions need to be had within the Muslim community. We have to question how our quality of life has been impacted by the age of hyper-connectivity. Due to the fact that Social Media is the tool for creating social capital, we need to realize that speaking about the harms of constant connectivity takes a lot of courage. Thank you, Omar, for this work." -Shaykh Mikaeel Smith, Qalam Institute
This short book will provide a brief history of the development and codification of Uṣūl al-Fiqh. It will examine the primary and secondary sources of Islamic Law, legal rulings, how they are derived and function, as well as a brief overview of the rules of interpretation. The main objective of this booklet is to introduce readers to the study of Uṣūl as well as create a deeper sense of appreciation for fiqh.
Due to the intellectual decline that befell the Muslim Ummah during the last few centuries various confusions exist today regarding Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh). Most of these relate to misunderstanding subjects related to the principles and foundations of jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh). Different extremes exist today where some Muslims look at evidences from the Qur'an and Sunnah and attempt to interpret them without having the necessary framework to extract the correct meanings. Whilst others disregard the Shari'ah evidences altogether, utilising their own logic rather than the revelation and some who believe that the doors of Ijtihad are closed.This book aims to clarify key subjects that establish the framework of Islamic juristic thinking such as: - Understanding the key terminology of Usul including Daleel, Shari'ah and Fiqh.- The definitive sources of Shari'ah - the Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijma' as-Sahabah & Qiyas.- Sources of Shari'ah not agreed upon by all Ulema (scholars) - Ijma' al-Ummah, Maslaha al Mursalah, Istihsan, laws revealed before Islam and others.- Ijtihad, the Mujtahid & Taqleed.- An overview of the Islamic schools of thought.Most of the books written on this subject in English have been written for academic purposes and rather than for the normal reader. This 243 page paperback book has been written in a clear simple style understandable to the average reader. Abu Ismael al-Beirawi has ammended the original book 'Studies in Usul al-Fiqh' written by Abu Tariq Hilal. He slightly restructured the book so that the definitive sources of law are discussed before those upon which there is disagreement amongst the scholars. The chapters on the Quran, Qiyas, Ijtihad and Taqleed were brief in the original. He has added to these and in some cases rewritten sections where elaboration was required. In this age of doubt and scepticism Abu Ismael felt it necessary to add some textual evidences and much needed references for some definitions and Ahadith. To distinguish this amended version from the original a new title has been given that keeps to the simplicity of the original.It is clear that in writing the original, Abu Tariq referred to Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani's (ra) masterpiece 'Shaksiyyah Islamiyyah' (The Islamic Personality). He has done the same, as well as referring to the excellent book 'Teyseer al wusool Ila al-Usul' (To make understanding Usul easy) by Sheikh Ata ibn Khalil Abu al-Rishta (May Allah protect him).
For centuries, Abu Shuja al-Asfahani's legal primer "Matn al-Ghayat wa-l-Taqrib" ("The Ultimate Conspectus") has been a standard text for introducing students of the Shafii school of Islamic law to the full range of basic legal issues. Students will often start their studies by reading it from a basic commentary with their instructor. Many students will read it again from more advanced commentaries as they progress in their mastery of the subject. This volume presents an amiable commentary that makes Abu Shuja's primer accessible to new students. It uses contemporary language and examples to help readers build a sound foundation in Islamic law. "The Accessible Conspectus" is a perfect companion to "The Ultimate Conspectus."