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FM 3-0 Operations, dated February 2008, gives the U.S. Army's view of how to conduct prompt and sustained land operations. The manual draws on learned lessons from the last 6 years of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. "FM 3-0 is the blueprint for an uncertain future," says GEN William S. Wallace, Commanding General (CG), U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. "The Army must prepare for a full-spectrum conflict -- not just major combat operations. Preparation for full-spectrum conflict and organizational change begins with doctrine. FM 3-0 presents doctrine that will become a driver for change in the Army."
FM 3-0 establishes the United States Army's keystone doctrine for full spectrum operations. The doctrine holds warfighting as the Army's primary focus and recognizes that the ability of Army forces to dominate land warfare also provides the ability to dominate any situation in military operations other than war. The foundation of FM 3-0 is built upon global strategic responsiveness for prompt, sustained Army force operations on land as a member of a joint or multinational force. FM 3-0 is compatible with joint doctrine. It provides overarching doctrinal direction for the conduct of full spectrum operations detailed in other Army manuals. As the Army's principal tool for professional education in the art and the science of war, FM 3-0 presents a stable body of operational doctrine rooted in actual military experience. FM 3-0 provides a foundation for the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures. SCOPE: FM 3-0 is divided into four parts. Part One (Chapters 1-3) discusses the Army's role in peace, conflict, and war. Part Two (Chapters 4-6) discusses the fundamentals of full spectrum operations, battle command, and the operations process. Part Three (Chapters 7-10) discusses the four types of Army operations: offensive, defensive, stability, and support. Part Four (Chapters 11 and 12) discusses information superiority and combat service support as enabling operations. APPLICABILITY: FM 3-0 provides operational guidance for commanders and trainers at all echelons and forms the foundation for curricula within the Army Education System. Its audience is broad, from battalion through corps to other operational-level organizations. Officers and senior non-commissioned officers must read and understand FM 3-0.
FM 3-0 is one of the Army's two capstone doctrinal publications; the other is FM 1, The Army. FM 3-0 presents overarching doctrinal guidance and direction for conducting operations. The eight chapters that make up this edition of Operations constitute the Army's view of how it conducts prompt and sustained operations on land and sets the foundation for developing the other fundamentals and tactics, techniques, and procedures detailed in subordinate field manuals. FM 3-0 also provides operational guidance for commanders and trainers at all echelons and forms the foundation for Army Education System curricula:• Chapter 1 establishes the context of land operations in terms of a global environment of persistent conflict, the operational environment, and unified action. It discusses the Army's expeditionary and campaign capabilities while emphasizing that it is Soldiers and leaders who remain the Army's most important advantage.• Chapter 2 describes a spectrum of conflict extending from stable peace to general war. From that spectrum, it establishes five operational themes into which various joint operations fit. This chapter helps Army leaders to understand and differentiate between the requirements of diverse joint operations such as peacekeeping and counterinsurgency. It shapes supporting doctrine for each operational theme.• Chapter 3 is the most important chapter in the book; it describes the Army's operational concept— full spectrum operations. Full spectrum operations seize, retain, and exploit the initiative and achieve decisive results through combinations of four elements: offense, defense, and stability or civil support operations. It establishes mission command as the preferred method of exercising battle command.• Chapter 4 addresses combat power, the means by which Army forces conduct full spectrum operations. It replaces the older battlefield operating systems (“BOS”) with six warfighting functions, bound by leadership and employing information as the elements of combat power. Combined arms and mutual support are the payoff.• Chapter 5 reviews the principles of command and control and how they affect the operations process—plan, prepare, execute, and assess. The emphasis is on commanders and the central role that they have in battle command. Commanders understand, visualize, describe, direct, lead, and continually assess.• Chapter 6 discusses operational art, offering Army commanders a bridge between military theory and practice.• Chapter 7 is about information superiority, particularly the five Army information tasks, purpose, and staff responsibility.• Chapter 8 discusses the requirement for Army forces in joint campaigns conducted across intercontinental distances. It frames the challenges created by the requirement for Army forces in terms of strategic and operational reach.Four appendixes complement the body of the manual. The principles of war and operations are in appendix A. Command and support relationships are in appendix B. A brief description of modular force is in appendix C. And a discussion of the purpose of doctrine in the Army is in appendix D. This appendix includes a chapter-by-chapter summary of the important changes made in this edition of FM 3-0. It also includes tables listing new, modified, and rescinded terms for which this manual is the proponent.Army doctrine is consistent and compatible with joint doctrine. FM 3-0 links landpower doctrine to joint operations doctrine as expressed in joint doctrinal publications, specifically, JP 3-0, Doctrine for Joint Operations. FM 3-0 also uses text and concepts developed with North Atlantic Treaty Organization partners. When published, Allied Joint Publication 3.2, Doctrine for Land Operations, will contain this material.The principal audience for FM 3-0 is the middle and senior leadership of the Army.
FM 3-0 is one of the Army's two capstone doctrinal publications; the other is FM 1, The Army. FM 3-0 presents overarching doctrinal guidance and direction for conducting operations. The eight chapters that make up this edition of Operations constitute the Army's view of how it conducts prompt and sustainedoperations on land and sets the foundation for developing the other fundamentals and tactics, techniques, and procedures detailed in subordinate field manuals. FM 3-0 also provides operational guidance for commanders and trainers at all echelons and forms the foundation for Army Education System curricula: Chapter 1 establishes the context of land operations in terms of a global environment of persistent conflict, the operational environment, and unified action. It discusses the Army's expeditionary and campaign capabilities while emphasizing that it is Soldiers and leaders who remain the Army's most important advantage. Chapter 2 describes a spectrum of conflict extending from stable peace to general war. From that spectrum, it establishes five operational themes into which various joint operations fit. This chapter helps Army leaders to understand and differentiate between the requirements of diverse joint operations such as peacekeeping and counterinsurgency. It shapes supporting doctrine for each operational theme. Chapter 3 is the most important chapter in the book; it describes the Army's operational concept - full spectrum operations. Full spectrum operations seize, retain, and exploit the initiativeand achieve decisive results through combinations of four elements: offense, defense, and stability or civil support operations. It establishes mission command as the preferred method of exercising battle command. Chapter 4 addresses combat power, the means by which Army forces conduct full spectrum operations. It replaces the older battlefield operating systems ("BOS") with six warfighting functions, bound by leadership and employing information as the elements of combat power. Combined arms and mutual support are the payoff. Chapter 5 reviews the principles of command and control and how they affect the operations process-plan, prepare, execute, and assess. The emphasis is on commanders and the central role that they have in battle command. Commanders understand, visualize, describe, direct, lead, and continually assess. Chapter 6 discusses operational art, offering Army commanders a bridge between military theory and practice. Chapter 7 is about information superiority, particularly the five Army information tasks, purpose, and staff responsibility. Chapter 8 discusses the requirement for Army forces in joint campaigns conducted across intercontinental distances. It frames the challenges created by the requirement for Army forces in terms of strategic and operational reach. Four appendixes complement the body of the manual. The principles of war and operations are in appendix A. Command and support relationships are in appendix B. A brief description of modular force is in appendix C. A discussion of the purpose of doctrine in the Army is in appendix D. This appendix includes a chapter-by-chapter summary of the important changes made in this edition of FM 3-0. It also includes tables listing new, modified, and rescinded terms for which this manual is the proponent.
The Operations Field Manual (FM 3-0) establishes the Army's keystone doctrine for full spectrum operations. The doctrine holds warfighting as the Army's primary focus and recognizes that the ability of Army forces to dominate land warfare also provides the ability to dominate any situation in military operations other than war. The foundation of FM 3-0 is built upon global strategic responsiveness for prompt, sustained Army force operations on land as a member of a joint or multinational force. FM 3-0 is compatible with joint doctrine. It provides overarching doctrinal direction for the conduct of full spectrum operations detailed in other Army manuals. As the Army's principal tool for professional education in the art and the science of war, FM 3-0 presents a stable body of operational doctrine rooted in actual military experience. FM 3-0 provides a foundation for the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures. FM 3-0 is divided into four parts. Part One (Chapters 1-3) discusses the Army's role in peace, conflict, and war. Part Two (Chapters 4-6) discusses the fundamentals of full spectrum operations, battle command, and the operations process. Part Three (Chapters 7-10) discusses the four types of Army operations: offensive, defensive, stability, and support. Part Four (Chapters 11 and 12) discusses information superiority and combat service support as enabling operations. FM 3-0 provides operational guidance for commanders and trainers at all echelons and forms the foundation for curricula within the Army Education System. Its audience is broad, from battalion through corps to other operational-level organizations. Officers and senior noncommissioned officers must read and understand FM 3-0. This field manual has been converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction. As a bonus, this reproduction includes FM-1, The Army Field Manual, a capstone manual containing the vision for the Army - sold separately for $5.99. FM 1 establishes the fundamental principles for employing Landpower. The most important of these are the Army's operational concept and the fundamentals that support it. They form the foundation for all Army doctrine. All Soldiers should understand and internalize them. FM 1 describes the American profession of arms, the Army's place in it, and what it means to be a professional Soldier. This is a privately authored news service and educational publication of Progressive Management.
The Army believes that the U.S. will continue to be engaged in an era of ¿persistent conflict¿ -- a period of protracted confrontation among states, non-state, and individual actors increasingly willing to use violence to achieve their political and ideological ends. This manual is a revolutionary departure from past doctrine. Commanders will employ offensive, defensive, and civil support operations simultaneously as part of an interdependent joint force to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative, accepting prudent risk to create opportunities to achieve decisive results. This ed. will take us into the 21st century urban battlefields among the people without losing our capabilities to dominate the higher conventional end of the spectrum of conflict.
This publication, Field Manual FM 3-0 Operations Change 1 6 December 2017, describes how Army forces, as part of a joint team, shape operational environments (OEs), prevent conflict, conduct large-scale ground combat, and consolidate gains against a peer threat. This manual provides a foundation for how Army forces conduct prompt and sustained large-scale combat operations. FM 3-0 is applicable to all members of the Army Profession: leaders, Soldiers, and Army Civilians. The principle audience for FM 3-0 is commanders, staffs, and leaders. This manual also provides the foundation for training and Army education system curricula and future capabilities development. FM 3-0 contains fundamentals, tactics, and techniques focused on fighting and winning large-scale combat operations. This manual uses historical vignettes, quotes, and graphics to reinforce the doctrine within. FM 3-0 contains 8 chapters and 2 appendixes: Chapter 1 describes large-scale combat operations and associated challenges Army forces face today. It addresses anticipated OEs, threats, joint operations, and the Army's strategic roles in support of joint operations. The chapter then discusses unified land operations and associated topics, including decisive action, operational art, and the operational framework. Chapter 2 is divided into four sections. Section I provides an overview of Army echelons, capabilities, and training. Section II provides a general discussion of Army forces in a theater. Section III describes Army capabilities by warfighting function. Section IV addresses training for large-scale ground combat. Chapter 3 provides an overview of operations to shape the OE. It discusses operation assessments and describes threat activities prior to armed conflict. A discussion of shaping activities performed by Army forces follows. The chapter then describes Army organizations and their roles as they shape the OE. Chapter 4 provides an overview of operations to prevent conflict. It addresses assessing OEs in which Army forces conduct activities to prevent war during crisis action, and it provides a description of threats. The chapter continues with a discussion of the major activities within operations to prevent. The chapter concludes with the roles of the theater army, corps, divisions, and brigades. Chapter 5 is divided into four sections. Section I provides an overview of large-scale combat operations. Section II addresses tactical enabling tasks that apply to both the defense and the offense. Section III provides a discussion of forcible entry operations from which Army forces may defend or continue the offense. Section IV discusses the transition to consolidation of gains. Chapter 6 begins with a general discussion of the defense, followed by a discussion of how an enemy may attack. It continues with sections on planning and preparing corps and division defenses. It then addresses the three primary defensive tasks. Chapter 7 begins with a general discussion of the offense, followed by a discussion of how an enemy may defend. It continues with a section on how corps and divisions plan for the offense. This chapter then provides +a discussion of forms of maneuver and the four offensive tasks. The chapter concludes with a discussion on the subordinate forms of attack. Chapter 8 expands upon operations to consolidate gains discussed in previous chapters. It describes how Army forces transition from large-scale ground combat operations to operations that translate tactical and operational success into lasting gains. An expanded description of the operational framework and the consolidation area follows. The chapter concludes with a description of consolidation activities. Appendix A provides doctrine on command and support relationships that form the basis for unity of command and unity of effort. Appendix B provides commanders with a listing of risk considerations for the planning of large-scale ground combat.
Will help develop an Army experienced enough to be comfortable with operating anywhere, in any type of operation, under any conditions. Its principles and concepts are intended to produce agile leaders, who can rapidly and easily adapt to changing, ambiguous situations. The manual's 4 chapters address the breadth and depth of Army training concepts. FM 7-0 sets out to change the Army mindset. The Army cannot return to its pre-9-11 focus of training for offensive and defensive operations in major combat operations. Army leaders must think differently about training and leader development in an Army that must be capable of conducting simultaneous offense, defense, and stability or civil support operations in any of the 5 operational themes. Illus.
Army forces are the decisive component of land warfare in joint and multinational operations. Army forces aggressively gain the initiative, build and maintain momentum, and exploit success to control the nature, scope, and tempo of full spectrum operations in war and military operations other than war. Execution of this doctrine requires well-trained soldiers and units fueled with the warrior ethos, the best weapons and equipment available, and the solid leadership of officers and noncommissioned officers of character and competence. PURPOSE: FM 3-0 establishes the Army's keystone doctrine for full spectrum operations. The doctrine holds warfighting as the Army's primary focus and recognizes that the ability of Army forces to dominate land warfare also provides the ability to dominate any situation in military operations other than war. The foundation of FM 3-0 is built upon global strategic responsiveness for prompt, sustained Army force operations on land as a member of a joint or multinational force. FM 3-0 is compatible with joint doctrine. It provides overarching doctrinal direction for the conduct of full spectrum operations detailed in other Army manuals. As the Army's principal tool for professional education in the art and the science of war, FM 3-0 presents a stable body of operational doctrine rooted in actual military experience. FM 3-0 provides a foundation for the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures. SCOPE: FM 3-0 is divided into four parts. Part One (Chapters 1-3) discusses the Army's role in peace, conflict, and war. Part Two (Chapters 4-6) discusses the fundamentals of full spectrum operations, battle command, and the operations process. Part Three (Chapters 7-10) discusses the four types of Army operations: offensive, defensive, stability, and support. Part Four (Chapters 11 and 12) discusses information superiority and combat service support as enabling operations. APPLICABILITY: FM 3-0 provides operational guidance for commanders and trainers at all echelons and forms the foundation for curricula within the Army Education System. Its audience is broad, from battalion through corps to other operational-level organizations. Officers and senior noncommissioned officers must read and understand FM 3-0.
Field Manual (FM) 7-0, Training Units and Developing Leaders for Full Spectrum Operations, establishes the Army's keystone doctrine for training units and developing leaders for full spectrum operations, on a rotational cycle using Army force generation (ARFORGEN). FM 7-0 addresses the fundamentals of training modular, expeditionary Army forces and developing leaders to conduct full spectrum operations in an era of persistent conflict. To emphasize that the unit mission-essential task list (METL) must reflect full spectrum operations, this manual uses the phrase "full spectrum operations METL." Conducting effective training for full spectrum operations must be a top priority of senior leaders during ARFORGEN and during operational deployments. FM 7-0 does not answer every training challenge of today's complex operational environments. It should, however, generate introspection on how Soldiers and units train for full spectrum operations as part of an expeditionary Army. FM 7-0 provides just enough guidance to facilitate flexibility and innovative approaches to unit training and leader development. Chapter 1 discusses operational environments in which training, operations, and leader development occur. It stresses the need for the Army to prepare for full spectrum operations through unit training and leader development. Chapter 2 focuses on the Army's principles of training units and developing leaders that apply at all organizational levels and across all components. Chapter 3 describes Army training management. It focuses on using the Army training management model to plan, prepare, execute, and assess training for units in ARFORGEN force pools. FM 7-0 applies to all leaders at all organizational levels. All leaders are trainers. Leaders include officers, warrant officers, noncommissioned officers, and Army civilians in leadership positions. FM 7-0 applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard (ARNG)/Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS), and the United States Army Reserve (USAR) unless otherwise stated.