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The success of the book Soils and the Environment imagination in the applications of soil surveys, illustrates the need for further, more detailed toward the end of improving productivity and information about soil survey interpretations (uses efficiency in the use of soils and the environment. of soil surveys), especially for laypersons, teachers, Although laypersons, teachers, and students are the and students. Much information about soils and primary groups addressed by this Field Guide, the environment is secluded in offices of various other people involved with using soil surveys are agencies and institutions and thus is not readily (or will be) agriculturalists, agronomists, assessors, available to the people who need it. Techniques for botanists, conservationists, contractors, ecologists, finding and using the information are also not well economists, engineers, extension workers, fores known, so there is great need for this Field Guide ters, geologists, groundwater experts, planners, to Soils and the Environment to provide teachers politicians, public health officials, range managers, and learners with exercises that will give them recreationists, soil scientists, wildlife specialists, and many others. This Field Guide complements practice leading to confidence in the manipulation and enhances the book Soils and the Environment and utilization of soil survey data. In a sense, all published in 1981. of us are (or should be) learners and teachers in the use of soil survey information. This Field Guide DONALD R.
Gen Z's first "existential toolkit" for combating eco-guilt and burnout while advocating for climate justice. A youth movement is reenergizing global environmental activism. The “climate generation”—late millennials and iGen, or Generation Z—is demanding that policy makers and government leaders take immediate action to address the dire outcomes predicted by climate science. Those inheriting our planet’s environmental problems expect to encounter challenges, but they may not have the skills to grapple with the feelings of powerlessness and despair that may arise when they confront this seemingly intractable situation. Drawing on a decade of experience leading and teaching in college environmental studies programs, Sarah Jaquette Ray has created an “existential tool kit” for the climate generation. Combining insights from psychology, sociology, social movements, mindfulness, and the environmental humanities, Ray explains why and how we need to let go of eco-guilt, resist burnout, and cultivate resilience while advocating for climate justice. A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety is the essential guidebook for the climate generation—and perhaps the rest of us—as we confront the greatest environmental threat of our time.