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This is the inspiring story of the famous Father Miguel Pro who was executed in Mexico in 1927 for the crime of being a Catholic priest. This young Jesuit spent most of his short life in the priesthood dodging the Mexican police as he ministered to the underground Church during the Mexican Revolution. Fr Pro's quick wit and keen sense of humor were put to good use as he pedaled around Mexico City on his bicycle in various disguises, en route to administering the Sacraments, giving spiritual talks or begging food and money for the poor. But behind the disguises beat the heart of a Saint - as the Mexican people testified by turning out in throngs to pay their last respects after his martyrdom. Fr Pro offered his life for the Catholic Faith and his last words on this earth were: "Viva Cristo Rey" - Long live Christ the King! Blessed Miguel Pro makes history come alive and highlights the dramatic conflict between the Church and her enemies that continues even to this day. Every member of the family will be delighted by this fast-paced true story of a modern Catholic hero who proclaimed both in life and death the reign of Christ the King.
There are two doorways into the life of the gallant Mexican priest Padre Pro. One doorway begins at the end, during an intense period of anti-Catholicism in Mexico, in the high public drama of a daring young priest’s use of disguises and audacious risks to secretly carry communion to the faithful, with his subsequent capture and courageous death. The other doorway starts in the heart of Miguel’s closely knit, devout family. Born in 1891, by fifteen, Miguel is at once a beloved son and a mischievous rascal. Rather than attending school far away from the affectionate society of his sisters and brothers, he assists his father, an agent assigned to a remote mining camp in Zacatecas. His family begins to worry when at twenty the generous, yet often moody, young man still has no idea about the direction his future should take. Then he knows. Miguel’s journey to the priesthood is plagued by difficulties and setbacks that temper and transform the mischievous youth into Padre Pro, a man ready to lay down his life for Christ his King. Blessed Miguel Pro dies before a firing squad in Mexico City in 1927, this last unforgettable triumph-in-death photographed for posterity by his very enemies. Padre Miguel Pro was beatified in 1988 by Pope John Paul II. Historical Insight article by Daria Sockey Revised edition Ages 9-14; about 189 pages
One chilly November morning in 1927, a slender young priest stood before a firing squad in Mexico City. Five shots cracked through the air, and he fell lifeless on the ground. The man was Miguel Agustin Pro, S.J. His crime? Being a Catholic priest. As a member of the Society of Jesus, Father Pro had worked hard and patiently to bring bread to the poor and the Holy Eucharist to the faithful. Like all Catholic priests in his day, he was deeply hated and viciously hunted by the secret police and the army of the anti-clerical government of Mexico. After Father Pro eluded them many times with disguises and hiding places, when he was finally captured, he was promptly executed without a trial. Father Pro's generous love for the poor, the young, the sick, the tempted, and the spiritually weak attracted many hearts to him, and through him to Christ. In addition to his charity, his wit and courage make him a model for all Christians, especially those being persecuted for their faith and young people, who are inspired by his heroism.
This provocative account of the persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico in the 1920s and 1930s tells the stories of eight pivotal players. The saints are now honored as martyrs by the Catholic Church, and the sinners were political and military leaders who were accomplices in the persecution. The saintly standouts are Anacleto González Flores, whose non-violent demonstrations ended with his death after a day of brutal torture; Archbishop Francisco Orozco y Jiménez, who ran his vast archdiocese from hiding while on the run from the Mexican government; Fr. Toribio Romo González, who was shot in his bed one morning simply for being a Catholic priest; and Fr. Miguel Pro, the famous Jesuit who kept slipping through the hands of the military police in Mexico City despite being on the "most wanted" list for sixteen months. The four sinners are Melchor Ocampo, the powerful politician who believed that Catholicism was the cause of Mexico's problems; President Plutarco Elías Calles, the fanatical atheist who brutally persecuted the Church; José Reyes Vega, the priest who ignored the orders of his archbishop and became a general in the Cristero army; and Tomás Garrido Canabal, a farmer-turned-politician who became known as the "Scourge of Tabasco". This cast of characters is presented in a compelling narrative of the Cristero War that engages the reader like a gripping novel while it unfolds a largely unknown chapter in the history of America.
From the Catholic martyrs at Auschwitz and Dachau to Oscar Romero in El Salvador; from Ita Ford and her murdered companions to the recent killings of Christians in India, Pakistan, and Sudan, it is estimated that more than one million Christian have died for their faith in the twentieth century. Because the Catholic Church is the largest single denomination in the world a substantial portion of those martyrs has been Catholic. In his encyclical anticipating the Third Millennium, Pope John Paul II has reminded the world that the century's religious victims-Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and others-are a special witness for our time that "must not be forgotten." The twentieth century made great strides in science and technology, and spread the notion of basic human rights to all parts of the globe. But alongside these solid achievements, it was also a period of unprecedented religious persecution that surpassed even the early years of the Church. Most accounts of the modern age document how ideological movements and brutal dictatorships killed millions around the world for political, social, racial, and ethnic reasons. Almost no attention has been paid, however, to the specifically anti-religious nature of many of these same modern regimes. Robert Royal presents the first comprehensive history of the twentieth-century martyrs. Religious persecution and martyrdom touched virtually every continent during this century. In addition to the massive slaughters of believers under Nazism and Communism, this volume traces specific situations in Africa, Mexico, Central America, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, which produced a large harvest of heroic witnesses to the faith. It offers detailed accounts of how martyrdoms occurred, and studies the political system and other factors that contributed to various confrontations over religion. A rich collection of individual biographies, ranging from bishops and clergy to the bloody fates of ordinary lay people, is woven into the text.
Well-known author, psychologist ; and priest Fr. Benedict ; Groeschel draws on his own years of personal experiences in ; dealing with people's problems, tragedies and "darkness" as ; he offers help and guidance for any Christian troubled or ; burdened by life. If you are struggling with fear, anxiety, ; grief, loss of loved ones, hurt, anger or anything that ; makes life difficult or the road through it dark, then this ; book was written for you. Fr. Benedict offers practical ; suggestions on how to keep going and even grow with the ; help of God's grace, even when this help seems remote. ; The Christian response to the problem of evil and ; suffering began with the cross of Christ. Our answer is ; inseparable from the cross-from Jesus' own encounter with ; evil and his triumph over it. In this light, Fr. Benedict ; recalls some of our most frequently encountered sorrows and ; griefs: the failure of friends, financial and personal ; insecurity, the failure of some in the Church, our own ; inconsistent behaviors and weaknesses, and the death of ; loved ones. As we examine these painful experiences, he ; shows that we can find solutions in the Gospel and in the ; lives of saints, heroes, and very brave ordinary people. ; "Many guides have been written for people struggling with ; the mystery of evil. But each generation, each age has its ; own dark background in front of which the struggle to keep ; going must be worked out. In every age, men ask 'how am I ; going to go on to arise from darkness?' It is that which my ; book will address." Fr. Benedict Groeschel, ; CFR
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