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While we acknowledge that all expressions of liberation theology are not identical, we must protest very strongly against the false divisions that some make: between black theology in South Africa and black theology in the United States, between black theology and African theology, and between black theology and Latin American liberation theology. But moving away from the illusioned universality of western theology to the contextuality of liberation theology is a risky business; one that cannot be done innocently. In the search for theological and human authenticity in its own situation, black theology does not stand alone. It is but one expression of this search going on within many different contexts. Until now, the Christian church had chosen to move through history with a bland kind of innocence, hiding the painful truths of oppression behind a facade of myths and real or imagined anxieties. This is no longer possible. The oppressed who believe in God, the Father of Jesus Christ, no longer want to believe in the myths created to subjugate them. It is no longer possible to innocently accept history "as it happens," silently hoping that God would take the responsibility for human failure. The theology of liberation spells out this realization. For the Christian church it constitutes, in no uncertain terms, farewell to innocence.
"The introduction to this edition by Cornel West was originally published in Dwight N. Hopkins, ed., Black Faith and Public Talk: Critical Essays on James H. Cone's Black Theology & Black Power (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1999; reprinted 2007 by Baylor University Press)."
Follownig an introduction that charts the growth and development of African theology, Parratt examines the differing theological assumptions and methodologies throughout the continent. He also shows how Africans are rethinking the central dogmas of the Christian faith - Scripture, God, christology, the church, and eschatology - and evaluates Africa's political theologies, giving special attention to theological approaches to African socialism and to South African black theology.
El creixement dels moviments sociopolítics entre els anys seixanta i noranta als Estats Units i a Sud-àfrica va establir els ferms fonaments sobre els quals, amb una força i ímpetu sense precedents, es va forjar el teatre negre d'aquests anys. Forma i contingut van sorgir a l'una del compromís polític i artístic adoptat per aquests artistes contra l'imperialisme, el colonialisme i el racisme occidentals. Per primera vegada en la història, el teatre negre dels Estats Units i de Sud-àfrica analitzava i valorava les arrels negres per a poder il·luminar la recerca d'un futur de llibertat. No obstant això, el context sociopolític i les circumstàncies específiques de cada país han generat igualment els trets distintius del teatre afronord-americà i negre sud-africà (incloses les diferències de gènere) manifestos en ramificacions artístiques totalment heterogènies i úniques.
Knowledge transmission and generation belong to the core mission of the public university. In democratic South Africa, the transformation of these processes and practices in higher education has become an urgent and contested task. The Faculty of Theology at the University of the Free State has already done some original work on the implications of these for theology. One area of investigation that has not yet received due attention concerns the role of theological disciplines, and especially the relation between academic disciplines and societal dynamics. This research project addresses the challenge and this volume reflects the intellectual endeavour of lectures, research fellows and a post-graduate student associated with the faculty. Each theological discipline has its own history and has already experienced reconstruction, both globally and in South Africa. Some of these genealogical developments and re-envisioning are mapped by the contributions in this volume. The critical questions addressed are: what are the contours of the (post)apartheid condition and what are the implications for responsible disciplinary practices in theology? The chapters convey an impression of the vitality of theology at the University of the Free State and in South Africa and give expression to fundamental shifts that have taken place in theological disciplines, and also of future tasks. This research project aims to stimulate reflection on responsible and innovative disciplinary practices of theology in South Africa, which, we envisage, will contribute to social justice and human flourishing. -Rian Venter, University of the Free State
Many people may wonder about the current state of minjung theology that started in the 1970s in resistance to the military dictatorship in Korea. They ask: "Is minjung theology still alive?" or "Can the concept of minjung, a Korean term for poor and oppressed people, still offer a significant contribution to the reshaping of society closer to the Kingdom of God?" The essays in this volume attempt to answer such questions directly and indirectly. The authors are from Korea, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and the United States. They deal with minjung theology from their own contexts. The essays were written to commemorate the late minjung theologian Suh Nam-Dong (1918-1984) on the 30th anniversary of his passing. [Minjung-Theologie heute. Kontextuelle und interkulturelle Perspektiven] Viele werden sich wundern, was der aktuelle Status der Minjung-Theologie ist, die in den 1970ern im Widerstand gegen die koreanische Militärdiktatur entstand. Sie fragen: "Lebt die Minjung-Theologie noch?" oder "Kann das Konzept minjung, ein koreanischer Begriff, für die Armen und Unterdrückten, noch eine sinnvolle Perspektive bieten, wenn wir über die Veränderung unserer Gesellschaft nachdenken, um dem Reich Gottes näherzukommen?" Die Autoren kommen aus Korea, Deutschland, Hong Kong, Indonesien, Taiwan, den Philippinen und den USA. Sie setzen sich mit der Minjung-Theologie vor dem Hintergrund ihrer eigenen Kontexte auseinander, um den vor 30 Jahren verstorbenen Minjung-Theologen Suh Nam-Dong zu ehren.
Allan Boesak was one of the foremost leaders in the struggle against apartheid. His role in the church in South Africa, internationally and in the United Democratic Front, contributed significantly to the demise of apartheid. He championed the rights of the oppressed and became the representative voice of the poor and disadvantaged. Allan is a gifted preacher, teacher, theologian, writer and an orator blessed with poetic tendencies and a flourishing vocabulary. He has the natural ability to inspire, motivate and stimulate critical and analytical thinking and responses) where globalisation threatens to be a new form of colonisation. He has eloquently championed the cause of economic justice, justice for the earth, gender justice and the struggle against homophobia in the church. His voice is a voice we urgently need to hear again in this era.