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All my books can be read online free at “Freely you have received, freely give” (Mt. 10:8). This booklet is one section out of my book "Physical and Spiritual Salvation: Justification, Sanctification, Glorification, the Messianic Kingdom, & Ezekiel’s Temple in Ezekiel 40-48, Matthew, Romans, & 1 John." Matthew Henry says, “Here is a vision beginning at chapter 40 which is justly looked upon to be one of the most difficult portions in all the book of God.” Yes, these nine chapters are painful for Matthew Henry and all interpreters who try to use a ‘spiritual’ instead of a literal interpretation to give symbolic meaning to all these cubits. Therefore, it’s one of the best passages in scripture to demonstrate that the approach Reformed theologians and others derive their doctrines from are invalid. We must be careful not to confuse individual, spiritual salvation with the national, physical salvation of Israel.In Ezekiel 40-48, God has provided an in-depth, video-like tour of the future Messianic Kingdom temple, and the surrounding city and nation. Foreknowledge of this building gives us a sure hope to all the promises of the Messianic Kingdom found in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and throughout the Bible; and to our own personal physical resurrection and glorification, that will help us endure sufferings and labor more diligently during this present time. The pictures in this booklet were taken from a video tour of a computer-generated model of the future Messianic Kingdom temple. The video tour, the computer model, and the software to view and ‘walk’ through it, are available from links at "The glory of Jehovah came into the temple, ... and He said, ... ‘This is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel forever,’” Ezekiel 43:4-7. “Except a man be born again, he can’t see the kingdom of God,” John 3:3.
One of the Old Testament’s most enigmatic prophecies is Ezekiel’s vision of a new, restored temple in Jerusalem. What would a restored temple be like? How would it operate? And when might it be built? These and many other intriguing questions are addressed in this newly updated and expanded work based on extensive research and discussions with leading Jewish leaders and rabbis in the United States and Israel. Messiah’s Coming Temple provides a thorough vision of this future center of worship during the coming messianic kingdom. Along with biblical interpretation of the key prophecies of Ezekiel regarding Messiah’s coming temple, the work includes photos and descriptions based on a unique and detailed model of the future temple constructed by author John Schmitt.
THE MESSIANIC TEMPLE: THE LORD IS HERE is written by divine instruction and direction concerning the Millennial reign of Christ on Earth; when He will dwell with His people and reign upon Mount Zion with His Jewish Prince on the throne of David. He will execute the righteousness and judgments of God upon the nations of the world with His Rod of Iron. This Temple is established in the Heart of God, and physically on Earth. It is the Restoration of the Garden of Eden on Earth and His total consummation of His eternal purpose of the creation of man in His image to be one with Him through our LORD Jesus Christ. In the book therefore, you will learn: *The relevance of the LORD's covenant with Abraham to the Millennial Reign of Christ *His unfailing covenant with David and the Levitical Priesthood *Salvation and the Restoration of the Jews to their Promised Land fulfilling the LORD's covenant with Abraham that his descendants will possess the land of promise forever. *The laws and ordinances of the Temple of the LORD upon His Holy Mountain The true sons of Jacob - not the present Jews *You will understand from the message in the book that there shall be no secret rapture or people left behind to face tribulation. *Finally, why the land of Palestine is not the LORD'S choice for the rebuilding the Third Temple. . The redemption and restoration of the house of Israel and Judah which shall became one nation in the Hands of the LORD, shall be by the spirit of burning and judgment. According to the word of God: For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness (Isaiah 10:22). Only one third of the people of Israel and Judah (the Jews) shall be saved and brought into the Promised land, two third shall be cut off and perish as prophesied by Zachariah that: ... it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God (Zechariah 13:8-9). It shall correspond with the judgement of God upon upon the whole Earth when the LORD Jesus will execute the judgement of God upon the enemies of God and Israel, purge the land of all iniquities and idol worship and settle to rule the nations of the world upon His Holy Mountain (The Messianic Temple). The LORD God will restore His marriage covenant with Israel and dwell with is people forever. His resting place shall be glorious and the whole Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of His Glory. We thank God for fulfilling this prophecy in our generation because Abraham and the prophets of desired to see what is coming in our generations. They saw it afar off and embraced it by faith. We are seeing the fulfillment. To God alone be the glory forever and ever, amen!
Ezekiel's temple, described in the last nine chapters of the book, has been a mystery to Jews and Christians for over two and a half millennia. The vision was given during the captivity of the Jews in Babylon. At this time the walls of Jerusalem were broken and the city lay in ruins. Solomon's magnificent temple was rubble and ash and the nation's future was dark. But God had not forgotten Israel and in their distress he sent a vision of hope to his people and indeed to us. Ezekiel's temple, an allegory, foretells and illustrates the restoration of the kingdom to all of God's people, Jew and gentile alike. In the second chapter of Daniel, that kingdom is depicted at the close of human history as a rock, cut out without hands, that breaks in pieces all former and existing kingdoms, then fills the world, reestablishing the dominion of righteousness lost by Adam. Ezekiel's temple, its structure and its services, are a revelation of how that is accomplished under the outpouring of the Spirit. The purpose of the latter rain is to ripen the harvest, sealing the covenant in us and fitting us as citizens of this kingdom. Dan 10:13, 21; 11:22, 12:1. In the tenth chapter of Revelation, John, a symbol of God's end-time people, who has just recovered from eating a bitter little book, is given his final commission: He is told to "rise and prophesy again". To assist him, he's given a rod or staff. Rev 10:11, 11:1. Like the powerful staff in the hand of Moses, this rod has power to measure the temple of God. Ezekiel's temple vision describes in detail this measuring, cleansing process. Although modern Christians and Jews have not co-operated with God in fulfilling their commission, the scriptures indicate that at the end there will be a remnant who will. When God's people obey their commission to "prophesy again" and publish the word the Lord will empower and unify them in the truth. "The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it." Psa 68:11. This global, grass roots movement of the word is also depicted in Revelation 14 as a three-fold message given powerfully by angel messengers. In the pages that follow the relationship between Ezekiel's temple and these powerful messages will be explored. This book is written for the public. The author of the book, Mark Shipowick, is a Seventh-day Adventist. For non-Adventist readers, one unique feature of the book is its references to the dreams and visions of Ellen White1 who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and is regarded by many Adventists as having had the gift of prophecy. He asks readers to approach these references with an open mind. The modern prophetic gift is never a substitute for scripture but, if it is genuine, it is always complimentary, a lesser light pointing to the greater light of the Word. One final note: This edition was written with Jewish readers in mind. I ask my Jewish friends to reserve judgment until they've read enough of the book to see my reverence for the Torah. In the book, I argue from scripture that Ezekiel's temple is 1) the temple of the prince of the covenant, and is 2) situated on Mt. Zion and not on the Temple Mount. I ask them to look candidly at the evidence and consider the implications: As the temple of Zion, Ezekiel's temple sheds a flood of light on the law and the ancient sanctuary ritual, illuminating their deep spiritual and practical meaning. Before dismissing that claim out of hand, I request, even implore, my Jewish audience to read Chapter 7 on Mt. Zion vs. The Temple Mount and Appendix F, on the Mosaic code, before reading the rest of the book. Shabbat Shalom. Mark Shipowick 5-30-2022
Ezekiel's design of the Third Temple, as told in the last nine chapters of the Book of Ezekiel, explained in detail with original Hebrew verses and a new English translation and commentary, accompanied by more than 200 high resolution color photographs and 3D diagrams. Written to appeal to both scholar and lay person, the author bases his ...
The interpretation of the Seventy Weeks passage of Daniel 9 has been the center of many discussions between Jews and Christians as to its meaning. These controversies have generally revolved around three areas of dispute: • The division of the weeks • The starting date of the Seventy Weeks • The number of “anointed” individuals mentioned in the text and/or his/their identification. In agreement with the Masoretic accents and textual indicators (e.g. verse 26), Jewish commentators divide the time period into three periods: seven weeks, sixty-two weeks, and one week. The last week culminates with the destruction of the Temple, but with an addendum giving hope for the future. Christian renderings of Daniel generally follow the present-day King James Version’s division into two periods of weeks (sixty-nine weeks consisting of seven weeks plus sixty-two weeks and one week). This is also the position maintained by most Christian commentators in explaining this passage. What is the overall purpose of the Seventy Weeks passage? Is this passage messianic? Who are the two anointed individuals mentioned in this passage? How does its description of things to come and eventual fulfillment centuries later give proof of the eventual fulfillment of all God’s promises to Israel? What message does it hold for Jewish history past and future? Does it refer to Christian eschatological beliefs? Does this passage refer in any way to Jesus? To investigate these questions is the purpose of this volume.
"A prominent American religious leader and renowned Hebrew scholar traces seventeen centuries of Messianic dreams and pretenders among the Jewish people. A new preface to the Beacon edition brings up to date his views since the original publication of the book, and includes his comments on the creation of the state of Israel, seen by many as the fulfillment of the Messianic dream."-Publisher.
Daniel 9:24-27 is a crux interpretum with as many problems as there are cells in a honeycomb. Charles Spurgeon was fond of saying about difficult Bible passages, "The harder the shell, the sweeter the kernel," and that is true of this passage. Dr. Desmond Ford has studied Daniel for 60 years and has written thousands of pages about this Scripture book. Nonscholars, as well as the erudite lay-researcher, will benefit from this book, and will find many solutions to perplexing questions. Dr. Ford considers interpretations advocated by dispensationalists and groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as the traditional view of the last two millenniums. The book's main emphases are upon "Messiah the Prince" and his "atonement for iniquity" as applicable to both inaugurated (the Cross) and consummated (the Second Coming) eschatology.
The last nine chapters of the prophecy of Ezekiel present some interesting challenges to the Bible student. Whilst there is general agreement that the temple described in detail by the prophet has never been built, there is disagreement amongst expositors about when it will be constructed, if ever. The author of this book believes there is no doubt that Ezekiel sees in vision a representation of the temple and its services that will form the basis of the future Kingdom of God. He explains how an understanding of Ezekiel's visions depends upon an acceptance that the Kingdom of God will be a restoration of the Kingdom of Israel. The laws that will be instituted will be based upon the Law of Moses, with certain amendments and additions. The temple ritual will serve to educate the subjects of the Kingdom in Divine ways, and lead them to an acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Messiah, and an appreciation of the work that he has already accomplished in laying down his life as a sacrifice for sin.