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We present the global analysis of a recent survey of the H-mode power threshold in DIII-D using D{sup o} --> D NBI after boronization of the vacuum vessel. Single parameter scans of B{sub T}, I{sub p}, density, and plasma shape have been carried out on the DIII-D tokamak for neutral beam heated single-null and double-null diverted plasmas. In single-null discharges, the power threshold is found to increase approximately linearly with B{sub T} and n{sub e} but remains independent of I{sub p}. In double-null discharges, the power threshold is found to be approximately independent of both B{sub T} and n{sub e}. Various shape parameters such as plasma-wall gaps had only a weak effect on the power threshold. Imbalancing the double null configuration resulted in a large increase in the threshold power.
The tokamak is the principal tool in controlled fusion research. This book acts as an introduction to the subject and a basic reference for theory, definitions, equations, and experimental results. The fourth edition has been completely revised, describing their development of tokamaks to the point of producing significant fusion power.
A survey of the boundary physics research on the DIII-D tokamak and an outline of the DIII-D Advanced Divertor Program (ADP) is presented. We will present results of experiments on impurity control, impurity transport, neutral particle transport, and particle effects on core confinement over a wide range of plasma parameters, I{sub p}{approx lt} 3 MA, [beta]{sub T} {approx lt} 10.7%, P(auxiliary) {approx lt} 20 MW. Based on the understanding gained in these studies, we in collaboration with a number of other laboratories have devised a series of experiments (ADP) to modify the core plasma conditions through changes in the edge electric field, neutral recycling, and plasma surface interactions. 41 refs., 8 figs., 1 tab.
Market: Scientists and students involved in thermonuclear fusion research. Thermonuclear fusion research using the confinement device tokamak represents one of the most prominent science projects in the second half of the 20th century. International Tokamak Community is now committing significant effort and funds to experiments with burning plasma, hot and dense enough to produce significant nuclear fusion reactions. The methods used to enhance tokamak performance have a profound and immediate effect on machine design. This book provides an up-to-date account of research in tokamak fusion and puts forward innovative ideas in confinement physics.
The L-H transition has been intensively investigated since it was discovered in the ASDEX tokamak in 1982. Considerable experimental evidence shows that the formation of the transport barrier at the plasma edge, during which the edge density and temperature gradients suddenly increase, is a common feature in the L-H transition discharge in all devices. Formation of the transport barrier is indicated by a sharp reduction in the D[alpha] radiation at the periphery of the plasma despite a simultaneous increase in the plasma density. A new heterodyne electron cyclotron emission radiometer, which had been built for the ATF device at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has been installed on DIII-D. The instrument features 32 channels with high temporal and spatial resolution and covers the outer half of DIII-D plasma at full magnetic field. Initial measurements with the instrument at the time of the L-H transition show that there is no T[sub e], precursor to the transition and this is further supported by observations during dithering L-H transition where the transport barrier is immediately destroyed when the plasma briefly returns to the L-mode during process of the transition. Other applications of the new instrument have included T[sub e], profile measurements during edge localized modes and during Ohmic and beam-heated sawteeth, which highlight the magnetic reconnection process. The instrument will be described and some of these results win be presented.