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The Fuel-Performance Test Facility (FPTF) is the latest in a series of special EBR-II instrumented in-core test facilities. A flow control valve in the facility is programmed to vary the coolant flow, and thus the temperature, in an experimental-irradiation subassembly beneath it and coupled to it. In this way, thermal transients can be simulated in that subassembly without changing the temperatures in surrounding subassemblies. The FPTF also monitors sodium flow and temperature, and detects delayed neutrons in the sodium effluent from the experimental-irradiation subassembly beneath it. This facility also has an acoustical detector (high-temperature microphone) for detecting sodium boiling.
Koch, former manager of the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II), offers a first-hand account of the development, design, construction, and initial operation of this facility, which has contributed to the foundation of knowledge for all fast reactors. He explains why certain design choices were made while others were rejected. He also outlines how he thinks that future sodium cooled fast reactors should be designed, based on the experience gained with EBR-II. An appendix traces the lineage of EBR-II, including original memos and meeting notes, beginning with Enrico Fermi and Walter Zinn and progressing to the formation of the EBR-II project. B&w photos and illustrations are included. The book is of interest to designers of future fast reactors. There is no subject index.
The off-normal performance of EBR-II Mark-II driver fuel has been more than satisfactory as demonstrated by robust reliability under repeated transient overpower and undercooled loss-of-flow tests, by benign run-beyond-cladding-breach behavior, and by forgiving response to fabrication defects including lack of bond. Test results have verified that the metallic driver fuel is very tolerant of off-normal events. This behavior has allowed EBR-II to operate in a combined steady-state and transient mode to provide test capability without limitation from the metallic driver fuel.
The exceptional performance of Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) metallic driver fuel has been demonstrated by the irradiation of a large number of elements under steady-state, transient overpower, and loss-of-flow conditions. High burnup with high reliability has been achieved by a close coupling of element design and materials selection. Quantification of reliability has allowed full utilization of element lifetime. Improved design and duct materials currently under test are expected to increase the burnup from 8 to 14 at.%.
The initial "Hazard Summary Report - Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II)" was published as ANL-5719 in May, 1957. At the time of preparation of ANL-5719 (early 1957), the design of the EBR-II Facility was in progress - construction had not started. This Addendum is limited, for the most part, to changes which have been made in the EBR-II Facility, and to supporting experimental data developed, since the publication of ANL-5719.
The Experimental Breeder Reactor-2 (EBR-2) is a sodium cooled power reactor supplying about 20 MWe to the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) grid and, in addition, is the key component in the development of the Integral Fast Reactor (IFR). EBR-2's testing capability is extensive and has seen four major phases: (1) demonstration of LMFBR power plant feasibility, (2) irradiation testing for fuel and material development, (3) testing the off-normal performance of fuel and plant systems and (4) operation as the IFR prototype, developing and demonstrating the IFR technology associated with fuel and plant design. Specific programs being carried out in support of the IFR include advanced fuels and materials development, advanced control system development, plant diagnostics development and component testing. This paper discusses EBR-2 as the IFR prototype and the associated testing programs. 29 refs.
The mission of the Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II) has evolved from that of a small LMFBR demonstration plant to a major irradiation-test facility. Because of that evolution, many operational-safety issues have been encountered. The paper describes the EBR-II operational-safety experience in four areas: protection-system design, safety-document preparation, tests of off-normal reactor conditions, and tests of elements with breached cladding.
Operations may be described in general terms as including disassembly of reactor subassemblies and their constituent fuel elements, fuel purification, refabrication of fuel elements, and reassembly of the reactor core subassemblies for reloading into the reactor.
These experiments are preoperational zero-power nuclear investigations in the Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II) prior to insertion of sodium coolant. The experiments were performed with the power reactor instruments, fuel and mechanical components installed. The measured dry critical size, reactivity worth of control mechanisms and isothermal temperature coefficient of reactivity are in good agreement with predicted values. Additional measurements include neutron flux distributions in the uranium reflector and outside the reactor neutron shield.